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LXer 10-21-2018 12:26 PM

LXer: To BeOS or not to BeOS, that is the Haiku
Published at LXer:

Back in 2001, a new operating system arrived that promised to change the way users worked with their computers. That platform was BeOS and I remember it well. What I remember most about it was the desktop, and how much it looked and felt like my favorite window manager (at the time) AfterStep.


fatmac 10-21-2018 01:02 PM

I used to keep tabs on this O/S, but gave up in the end as it didn't work on many computers, owing to a lack of drivers, etc.

It could be a useful O/S for web browsing, & listening to music - but there isn't any video app.

If you like trying things out, take a look, but as stated, it's not going to be your daily driver. :)

Jeebizz 10-22-2018 12:34 PM

Haiku is as useful as ReactOS and GNU Hurd , not very. Also reminder that BeOS was never a multi-user system - so neither is Haiku - which could be a security issue for some. Give Haiku another half a decade or so - and it might reach non-beta, :p.

Also this is relevant:

Bryan Lunduke - Haiku OS Beta - Visual Tour and Impressions

Published on Sep 30, 2018

A quick look at the first -- and long awaited -- Beta release of Haiku (the Open Source reimagining of BeOS).

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