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yasasvi srikanth 06-29-2013 04:24 AM

Cannot connect to internet on open suse 12.3 after a recent update.
HI ,

I have connected opensuse 12.3 and downloaded and installed updates from suse kde update manager.
After the update something has happened and I cannot connect to internet.

My details as present in windows 7 where internet works:

I.P Address :
subnet mask :
default gateway :

preffered dns:
alternate DNS server:

My command line info :

srikanth@linux-jte0:~> netstat -r
Kernel IP routing table
Destination Gateway Genmask Flags MSS Window irtt Iface
default UG 0 0 0 eth0 * UH 0 0 0 eth0 * U 0 0 0 eth0

srikanth@linux-jte0:~> /sbin/ifconfig -a
eth0 Link encap:Ethernet HWaddr 18:03:73:8B:8F:DA
inet addr: Bcast: Mask:
inet6 addr: fe80::1a03:73ff:fe8b:8fda/64 Scope:Link
RX packets:176 errors:0 dropped:15 overruns:0 frame:0
TX packets:495 errors:0 dropped:0 overruns:0 carrier:0
collisions:0 txqueuelen:1000
RX bytes:25111 (24.5 Kb) TX bytes:50706 (49.5 Kb)

lo Link encap:Local Loopback
inet addr: Mask:
inet6 addr: ::1/128 Scope:Host
RX packets:112 errors:0 dropped:0 overruns:0 frame:0
TX packets:112 errors:0 dropped:0 overruns:0 carrier:0
collisions:0 txqueuelen:0
RX bytes:9087 (8.8 Kb) TX bytes:9087 (8.8 Kb)

wlan0 Link encap:Ethernet HWaddr CC:AF:78:A8:31:13
RX packets:0 errors:0 dropped:0 overruns:0 frame:0
TX packets:0 errors:0 dropped:0 overruns:0 carrier:0
collisions:0 txqueuelen:1000
RX bytes:0 (0.0 b) TX bytes:0 (0.0 b)

ajohn 06-29-2013 09:08 AM

Can't help but if I were you I would most definitely only use YAST to update from the official OpenSuse repo's. Using KDE update is very likely to break something. Been there and done that on 11.4. Launching rpm's is ok as kde fires up YAST to do that. Hopefully that still happens on 12.3.

I just installed 12.3 on a new machine that I am not using yet and all went ok but it didn't fully configure my network connection. I needed to use YAST to set the protocol to IPV4 or 6. Some might find just IPV4 preferable. I then updated using YAST without any problems at all.


yasasvi srikanth 06-29-2013 10:52 PM

Is there any way I can solve this problem?
I am new to open suse and I don't know much about Yast.

John VV 06-30-2013 01:00 AM

as a normal ( non root) user
in kde

Click on the Gecko icon in the lower left ( the same place the windows "start" would be )

then under the " computer" section click on "yast"
-- type in the root password in the pop-up--

-- OpenSUSE is VERY VERY GUI centric !!
-- this is why is is very bloated , yast runs a ton of scripts to set the system

in the yast selection window click on "Network Settings"

for a "cable" connection highlight the entry for "eth0"
and click " edit" under it

you might NEED to disable IPV6 and set the ipv4 settings to dhcp only
and set DNS to use google

some ISP's royally mess up the network settings on non Microsoft OS's .

ajohn 06-30-2013 06:08 PM

Glad some one can help but do remember it's very easy to use YAST to update the software too. Just click on the update section and do it. Software management will find applications for you as well. If the one you want isn't there google opensuse 12.3 or what ever and the apps name. This will usually bring up a link to the opensuse build service. Find the rpm for your version, download it, right click and select open with YAST. Or just click launch the rpm. One 11.4 KDE passes the rpm to YAST after a fashion. I suspect it will do the same thing on 12.3.

Using the KDE update will update KDE and there is no guarantee that it wont break your system.

:cool: Out of interest YAST is Yet Another System Tool. A good one too. Most things can be done from it fairly easily compared with using the console or an editor.


John VV 06-30-2013 06:44 PM

or the terminal
one of the things that is easier
is to use the terminal over the gui for a normal everyday update

su -
-- root password asked for
zypper update

or if you are using sudo ( not great for a single user install )

sudo zypper update
mind you i DO use a root account and it is NOT the first "non root" user ( uid 501 )
and it dose NOT use the first non root users password

ajohn 07-01-2013 05:38 AM

Out of interest John I didn't have the dreaded ipv6 problem installing 12.3 but had no web as it left me to decide if it would use ipv6. No warning either. Out of curiosity I selected use either and it started working. I'm also using one of the free dns services as got fed up with my isp's and googles. The google problems - slow - may be down to being in the UK. Most of the time the free one is fine. There are several of them about.

I don't think my isp supports ipv6. My fearsome d-link router/switch box probably does but it's ppoe over ethernet so I have to use a another cheap d-link box to convert from the phone line.

I did wonder about mentioning zypper but I feel it's best for new users to get used to using yast.

Might add that su username takes one back to being who ever you are. su causes some confusion sometimes. It's switch user not super user.


John VV 07-01-2013 01:24 PM

SUSE defaults to using "sudo" ( but i really dislike it on a single user system )
For new users
the installer dose have an option to set up a root account that does NOT use the first non root users password
and you "can" , but try to avoid doing so, login to KDE as root

( at least in 12.2 )

With using suse , for the most part, it is normally much easier to use the yast GUI tools .
though for somethings the terminal is faster not many things however

setting up the repos is MUCH easier using yast and setting the priorities on them ( 0 to 99)

using the "add and remove software" GUI for changing suse-oss & non-oss repos to use "packman" for multimedia and alowing "vender change "
It is way easier in the GUI to do this

-- as mentioned above --
the KDE " apper" update notification and update
is a royal MESS

it dose NOT install or apply all the updates , only some
and dose NOT fallow the yast locks
-- for example
i use Firefox from the ff website and update ff through the ff auto update
as such i have ff locked out of the system for updates
but "apper" insists on wanting to install an older ff that is in the suse base repo

so over the last few years of using OpenSUSE i have found that for the normal everyday updates using " zipper " is the easiest option

but for rebuilding Grub2
the yast gui IS WAY better than manually running all the different scripts

for turning off the network ( temporally , that is needed sometimes )

ifdown eth0
ifup eth0

is easier than the GUI

after a bit of time everyone will find there OWN things .
sometimes typing is easier , sometimes it is not .
it is what YOU find the easiest for YOU .

ajohn 07-02-2013 06:24 AM

I also always have a root account. It's handy and more secure. Say I am working on system config files. I use kate as a normal user launched from Dolphin so I can't change them without noticing. When I know what I want to do I fire up dolphin for root (file manager super user mode) and use that to launch kate and make the changes.

I also don't think it's a good idea to set up a machine so that it reboots straight into a user account without a password. If it happens when you aren't there you wont know.

YAST is a pretty good intro to linux complexities as well. It presents them fairly clearly and google can sometimes help if some one doesn't know what the terms mean.

Personally I always do as much as I can from the desktop but as pointed out it's a matter of taste really. I do use konsole too but generally only when I have too. Sometimes that's for assembling from source. Easy to do as instructions will usually be in the readme files that can be viewed after the files are decompressed. The needed software is obtained by clicking the development tools options in YAST under the software management rpm group or package group tabs. You may be surprised by just how many applications can be installed from these. I started with Suse as it used to be called, version 7.something or there abouts. So long ago I can't remember. Once some one gets used to these sort of conveniences it's hard to change. Most of the time they have all been fairly stable releases. These days if some one wants to run on the wild side there is Tumbleweed. Yes and after all that time I still don't know my way around in the console really. Something not trivial in that usually means linux doc's on the web and some time with man locally and web searches. A simple change can take me a couple of hours of research.

There are a couple of other sources of help on OpenSuse. They have a doc's page. This details most things but is short on task orientated help. Task orientated help can be out of date as it's a massive task maintaining it all done by volunteers. The web and google is often useful for that but it may still be out of date. Also dare I mention the OpenSuse forum. If there are problems with an official update the solution will usually crop up there rapidly as others will have had it. This forum is a good source of info too.


1kyle 07-14-2013 09:41 AM

Hi there
I had also a mega problem with Wifi -- Card was recognized but I could only get Internet connection by setting in YAST the Manual ifup to work and logging on as ROOT. After a few attempts I finally got Wifi working - and then managed to get it all through Network manager (still as Root). You need to logon as ROOT not merely use SU.

Once it's working (under root) you can then get it OK as a normal user -- I agree you shouldn't have to go through this rigmarole -- but it DOES work eventually.

I then logged out of Root and back on as a normal user -- after a couple of KDE crashes (Network manager) and a prompt for a root password it finally worked OK. Also after the latest batch of 12.3 updates it seems OK now --


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