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dodger666 02-13-2019 04:41 AM

Why you need to install Slackware

The year was 1994 and I was learning how to reverse engineer windoze username/password dialogue boxes etc(read Phrack, Fravia(R.I.P.)), and wanted something more...then I discovered Slackware. Still only in it's infancy, it was everything I was looking for...I fell in love...


I have no computer qualifications whatsoever(which is the way I like it...). I still use Slackware(14.2) and I don't use windoze unless absolutely necessary.

The Point is...

1. Slackware is secure as it can be
2. Don't use windoze
3. Always question why
4. Don't use windoze
5. Use Slackware if you don't want to be spoon fed
6. Don't use windoze
7. Any Linux flavor is good, just not as good as Slackware (IMHO)
8. Don't use windoze
9. It ain't hard to everything
10. Don't use windoze

Need more...look it it up...

sevendogsbsd 02-13-2019 07:36 AM

No thank you, been there, got a headache, lost hair. I do applaud Patrick's efforts though, especially stemming the tide of systemd. Yes, i have donated to them, because I appreciate what they are doing and there is a lot of history there.

Just to clarify my "no thank you": my failures in working with Slackware were not due to technical skill: built many a stage 1 Gentoo box, used Crux, Arch and finally dumped Linux for FreeBSD. Slackware, for whatever reason, hates me...I could literally never get xorg working with my old hardware. This is probably due to my stubbornness in not wanting to create an xorg.conf, because in this day and age, it has not been required for a very long time.

'Nuff said, I am not bashing Slackware, just expressing my frustration with it!

dodger666 02-15-2019 03:26 AM

Fair enough...never had a problem ...(main point is...use anything but windoze...;-))

Dunno why still a newbie(maybe need to post more...)

Samsonite2010 02-15-2019 04:05 AM

I literally only use my work Windoze machine for entering my timesheets each week. The software is a bit tricky to install and I don't want to even try getting it working on my nice Linux machines! Of course, the issue I face is that I fire up the Windoze machine and it has a week's worth of updates and reboots a few times...

fatmac 02-15-2019 05:45 AM

I started out with Slack, but found a better distro for me a long time ago, & I've been with it in various forms ever since.

It's a personal choice, we are lucky to have - I ditched MS back in 1999. :)

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