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rampire 09-23-2007 01:36 PM

Wacom Graphire3 Setup With Slack 12
---------{{{ SOLVED! SEE PAGE 2 }}}---------

Hi all,

I recently switched from Kubuntu to Slackware on my desktop after running Slackware on my laptop for a couple of months. I've got an older Wacom tablet, and need some help getting things set up.

I've looked over things on the linux wacom project website, though have gotten a bit mixed-up when trying to look over their steps. A lot of stuff seems to referr to older methods of getting things configured, and I'm not sure what support Slackware 12 has built in for wacom support.

I plugged in my tablet before my install, and at this point I can:

1. Use the stylus as a mouse (without firt button support)

I cannot:

1. Use the included mouse aside from the right button
2. Register any pressure sensitivity in the Gimp with the stylus (also, my tablet doesn't show as a device I can select for configuration in the Gimp)
3. Use any of the expresskeys option (which makes sense, as the driver for the tablet does not support them)

Before installing Slackware, I was trying Sabayon and attempting the same configuration with it for. . . a couple of days, really. I've not touched anything yet with my Slackware install, mostly to ensure I don't mess anything up.

Firstly, I'd like to know how to find what drivers are set-up out-of-the-box. Secondly, I'd like to know the best guide to compiling new modules in the event that I need to do that. All, in all, I don't want the answers spoon-fed to me, but I do want to know how to identify the situation I'm in.

Thanks in advance!

H_TeXMeX_H 09-23-2007 02:46 PM

What is the output of 'lsmod' and perhaps 'lsusb' ? I believe the right module that should be listed is 'wacom', which contains the drivers for wacom tablets.

rampire 09-23-2007 03:50 PM

Thanks. I'm a bit fried at this point because I feel like I've been running in circles on this the past few days.

The output of lsmod shows an entry for wacom, as does lsusb. I checked my /etc/X11/xorg.conf file, and it appears to be set at defaults. I've got a template for a .conf file for a wacom tablet, so I suppose I'd update that, and from there

$rmmod wacom
restart x by logging out or ctrl+alt+del, and

$modprobe wacom
This is the .config file I'm referring to:

# Wacom Intuos 3 stuff

Section "InputDevice"
Driver "wacom"
Identifier "stylus"
Option "Device" "/dev/input/wacom"
Option "Type" "stylus"
Option "Tilt" "on"
Option "USB" "on"

Section "InputDevice"
Driver "wacom"
Identifier "eraser"
Option "Device" "/dev/input/wacom"
Option "Type" "eraser"
Option "Tilt" "on"
Option "USB" "on"

Section "InputDevice"
Driver "wacom"
Identifier "cursor"
Option "Device" "/dev/input/wacom"
Option "Tilt" "on"
Option "Type" "cursor"
Option "USB" "on"

Section "InputDevice"
Driver "wacom"
Identifier "pad"
Option "Device" "/dev/input/wacom"
Option "Type" "pad"
Option "USB" "on"

# ...

Section "ServerLayout"
Identifier "Default Layout"
Screen "CRT"
InputDevice "Generic Keyboard"
InputDevice "Configured Mouse"

InputDevice "cursor" "SendCoreEvents"
InputDevice "stylus" "SendCoreEvents"
InputDevice "eraser" "SendCoreEvents"
InputDevice "pad"

H_TeXMeX_H 09-23-2007 03:57 PM

Hmmmm ... are you sure the device is '/dev/input/wacom' ?

What is the output of

cat /proc/bus/input/devices

rampire 09-23-2007 04:49 PM

Good point. Reads as follows:


I: Bus=0003 Vendor=056a Product=00b0 Version=0102
N: Name="Wacom Intuos3 4x5"
P: Phys=
S: Sysfs=/class/input/input5
H: Handlers=mouse3 event5
B: EV=1f
B: KEY=1cff 0 1f000f 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0
B: REL=100
B: ABS=100 f00016b
B: MSC=1

So, as I'm reading this, it's either going to be "/dev/input/mouse3" (which I'm thinking it is) or "/dev/input/input5." Is that correct? Also, I believe that the "REL=100" needs to be changed in order to enable pressure sensitivity- is that correct, as well?

Thanks again!

rampire 09-23-2007 07:36 PM

Just an update:

I just got done with updating the xorg.conf file with the /dev/input/input5. X works fine, the there's relational pointing between the pad and the monitor, the mouse that came with the pad still doesn't work (which does annoy me- should I put another entry in for the wacom mouse configured like? I've found absoloutely nothing that covers that point), but the biggest thing is that when configuring the use of the device in the Gimp. I click on "Configure Extended Input Devices," and get "No extended input devices."

Any ideas?

H_TeXMeX_H 09-24-2007 02:58 AM

In this case I think the 'H: Handlers=mouse3 event5' are important. The 'S: Sysfs=/class/input/input5' is just a sysfs file with info about the device. (that's in '/sys/class/input/input5').

So, I would try using either 'mouse3' or 'event5'. I've found that the event* are more important than mouse*, so if you've already tried the mouse3, try the event5:


Option "Device" "/dev/input/event5"
Also, here's a good how-to:

and they suggest:


Section "InputDevice"
  Driver        "wacom"
  Identifier    "stylus"
  Option        "Device"        "/dev/input/event0"
  Option        "Type"          "stylus"
  Option        "Mode"          "absolute"
  Option        "USB"          "on"
  Option        "Tilt"          "on"

so instead of event0, put event5.

Also take a look at section 5.10, as I see you have a Wacom Intuos3.

you may need something like:

    Serial 2609917443      # Serial Number of that device
for each different device in order to differentiate devices. And it tells you how to find the serial numbers in that section.

rampire 09-24-2007 05:27 PM

Excellent how-to. I'll try doing what it says, in addition to seeing if mouse3 works better this evening (dinner time). I'll get an update on here after that. Thanks again!

pbhj 09-25-2007 07:10 PM


Can't you just use the xorg.conf file (etc.) from your old Kubuntu install (or from booting with a live CD) as a template for your Slack one?

Just at thought.


rampire 09-25-2007 10:45 PM

pbhj- I bought the tablet not too long ago on clearance, and the only times I used it with Kubuntu were just to see if it had *any* plug-and-play support at all. It was fairly lacking, to be honest, though the mouse was recognised (sometimes). Since I hadn't done anything to configure the xorg.conf file when I was using Kubuntu, I didn't think it would help to back it up before I switched to Slackware. Good idea, otherwise!

H_TexMex_H- I tried changing the con file settings from input5 to mouse3, and there's no discernable difference. I've not yet done much other than that, as a ferret had taken my stylus while I was at work and I just now relocated it (no joke). I'm going to try to follow the pointers in the how-to, and post back with results tommorrow.

rampire 09-26-2007 10:21 PM

Well, I think I've got more info here.

I went through part of the steps in the how-to. When it got to be time for finding my serial numbers there was a bit of a problem.

I started X by

X 2>t
and grepped as per the instructions

grep serial_num t
which displayed no output. I put in

grep -v serial_num t
and recieved the following output

(EE) Failed to load module "wacom" (module does not exsist, 0)
(EE) Failed to load module "wacom" (module does not exsist, 0)
(II) Module already built-in
(EE) AIGLX: DRI module not noted
(EE) No Input driver matching 'wacom'
(EE) No Input driver matching 'wacom'
(EE) No Input driver matching 'wacom'
(EE) No Input driver matching 'wacom'

So, I looked through my /sys/module folder and see an entry for "wacom", found one, and it's showing around 8Kb in size. When I view the properties in KDE it says it's ~54Kb. After sifting through the folders (which circle endlessly), I found no instance of the wacom driver files. I'm guessing these are just folders that were created when I edited my xorg.conf file.

Long short, I'm taking it as the module not being in place on my system, just as X is saying. I don't understand why that would be, as I've read that it has been included in the kernel for quite some time (and it's supposed to be included in Slack, as well, right?).

I'm guessing that this means I'll have to recompile my kernel. I'd like to avoid that as much as possible, really, as every time I've compiled a kernel, I've broken something at the expense of fixing another.

Thanks again for all the help.

I'm following the guidelines for how to get the driver installed here . I getting more problems (surprise).

I got as far as installing the X driver when I get

Installing wacom_drv. . . .
WARNING: Can not install Wacom X driver (wacom_drv)
since the proper directory has not been found

You need to compile and install wacom.(k)o manually if your kernel is out of date.

After adding your Wacom tools to the /etc/X11/xorg.conf, please restart X server or simply reboot your system to run the new Wacom X driver.
wtf? How will I be able to run the new driver if it didn't install? I already compiled and installed the wacom.ko driver. I'm dying here!

rvdboom 09-27-2007 03:54 AM

OK, this is what I do :

- Using the last linuxwacom tarball, I compile the package using just the --enable-wacom flag for configure. Then I run "make", then "make install" will install the package and the binary utilities.
- Then I manually copy the wacom input driver "" for Xorg in the precompiled subdir of the linuxwacom tarball in the correct place (can't remember it right now but that was something like /usr/X11R6/lib/modules/input, it's a symlink to another dir in /usr/lib, I think right now).
- Then I load the kernel module with a "modprobe wacom"
- At this point I use wacdump to check which is the good event device : I try "wacdump /dev/input/event0", "wacdump /dev/input/event1", etc until I see in the output reference to the Wacom tablet (it's pretty obvious in the display).
- I then update /etc/X11/xorg.conf Wacom Devices entries to use this particular event device.

And normally everything works at this point.
In Gimp, I usually have to change the configuration of all three Input Devices to use "Screen" (IRC).
There supposed to be a way to configure udev in order to create a specific device for Wacom, with a specific rule, in order to really have a /dev/input/wacom device, but I've not been able to make it work.

titopoquito 09-27-2007 04:18 AM

Maybe this helps about the udev rule:

rvdboom 09-27-2007 08:17 AM

Mmm, nice. Will look into that tonight.
Thanks a lot.

roint 09-28-2007 02:13 PM

I'm actually having the same problem. I just bought a USB Graphire4 and installed the driver/configured X, even though it worked before I installed the driver. The problem is that xsetwacom and the gimp and every other program won't recognize the device, even though all the buttons work and I can move the cursor with it (when i press down completely).

I don't know how much help I can be about it though. Perhaps slackware 12 is ill-equipped to deal with Wacom tablets somehow? I'll be watching this thread.

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