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psychofurryewok 10-17-2004 10:34 PM

I think I messed sendmail up
So, upon suggestion from someone in #slackware on freenode I went and tried to install MailScanner ( so that I could cut out any spam, etc. Well, I believe it may have messed up a few things being that sendmail isn't working, I'm not receiving e-mail, and logs just keep saying 550 Relaying denied. This is, needless to say, a minor problem. Everything else is working just fine and I'm already hosting some websites of friends and such and don't want to have to reinstall Slack. I'm running Slack 10. I went ahead and did removepkg sendmail and procmail, deleted the configuration files in /etc/mail, reinstall and everything is still going the same way. All I want is for this one last thing to work and it'd be perfect! Thanks in advance for any help. Google has churned up no results that have helped, just explanations of what errors mean but no solutions.

mago 10-17-2004 11:01 PM


550 Relaying denied

Ok, as far I know that error means that the access database inside /etc/mail/ is not being configure to accept comunication from anywhere.

Just edit the access file and add the ip-ips or networks that you want to be able to conenct to your sendmail server, something like this: ACCEPT DENY

With this you are allowing all the machines inside the network to connecto the sendmail server except for the address, just adapt it to your needs.

Then run this command:

makemap hash access< access
, run it from inisde the /etc/mail folder
That should fix the problem you are having.

psychofurryewok 10-18-2004 01:26 AM

Well, I fixed it a few minutes after I posted this post. I set it up so relay-servers file said my.hostname could relay and such. Then it said it was looping, bad MX record or something. So I went ahead and added to my localhostnames file all the possible hostnames and now it works. Is this more insecure than your way? I really don't want to be used as a spam relay or receive spam.

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