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iotc247 04-11-2004 09:55 AM

How to upgrade to kde 3.2.1
If someone could please give step by step instructions on how to install the binaries at (the pre compiled ones for slack) that would be a big help..

XavierP 04-11-2004 09:59 AM

The way I did it was to use Swaret. I amended the version in swaret.conf to 'current' and removed the 'exclude' lines. I then ran 'swaret --upgrade -a' and it did it all for me.

iotc247 04-11-2004 10:11 AM

Im new to slack and swaret so could you be more specific how to do that.. Also can anyone tell me how to detect my kernel version..

iotc247 04-11-2004 10:14 AM

O and will swaret always take care of the dependencies or do I have to myself.

XavierP 04-11-2004 10:56 AM

Go to the swaret page and download the .tgz file. In a console (as root) type in installpkg <swaretname.tgz>, then (still in a console) type in cp /etc/ /etc/swaret.con to make the .conf file.

Still as root, open a text editor and edit the swaret.conf file. Put a # sign in front of the exclude lines (so kde and the kernel will update), save it.

Back to the console and type in:
swaret --update
swaret --upgrade -a

This will take a while. It will resolve dependencies.

I would also suggest running updatedb as root both before and after the upgrade.

iotc247 04-11-2004 04:44 PM

But the thing is when i do the swaret --upgrade -a i only update the kernel.. nothing about kde is updated.

iotc247 04-11-2004 04:45 PM

Then if I try again it says everything is up to date.

XavierP 04-11-2004 05:07 PM

Did you make sure all of your Exclude lines have a # in front of them? There are 3 (from memory).

iotc247 04-11-2004 05:09 PM

If someone wants to make this a sticky go ahead.. Here is the really long but easy version.. Go to then go ahead and click stable version at the left.. Then click the slackware link (the one right next to slackware 9.1). Click on the go to the ftp selection thing or whatever it says.. Then click on an ftp server. Download all of the tgz files.. Once you have that done here comes the treturous part.. You must manually install all of the file.. So open up a konsole as root... and then type in installpkg packge_name.tgz for every package you downloaded.. (i downloaded into the /root/kde directory that i made..) Anyways once thats all done reboot your system. And kde 3.2.1 is installed.. At least I think it works as this is how im typing this all in.. Not sure if all the packages were installed and all properly but I think they are... Anyways gl have fun..

iotc247 04-11-2004 05:15 PM

Yeah I had done that.. But it didnt work for me..

ringwraith 04-11-2004 07:01 PM

YOu can install the packages that way but that leaves the old KDE packages on your system. You can always use pkgtool and remove the duplicate packages (removing the older version of course).

Alan Lakin 04-12-2004 11:32 AM

As far as using swaret goes, the "swaret --update" will only look at the packages available at listed sites in the /etc/swaret.conf file. I cannot recall what the default is but I think it only has official slackware packages. You will need to edit the file as root and remove the # from the linuxpackages ftp site and then run "swaret --update" again. You will then see swaret looking at both sites and making all of the packages available.

Having said all of that I have just run "swaret --search kde" and found that only 3.1.4 is available from the ftp sites I have listed in my /etc/swaret.conf. However, I think that this confirms the reason why you are not getting version 3.2.1.

iotc247 04-12-2004 11:47 AM

Alan you are wrong.. You need to change your version in /etc/swaret.conf to current and comment out all the excludes.. I finally got that to work.

frandalla 04-12-2004 11:55 AM

Don't use installpkg to upgrade kde.... why nobody knows about upgradepkg?
why to uninstall and install everything? why to install over the old one? just do the same you usually do for installpkg but instead use upgradepkg...

Alan Lakin 04-13-2004 06:08 AM


Originally posted by iotc247
Alan you are wrong.. You need to change your version in /etc/swaret.conf to current and comment out all the excludes.. I finally got that to work.
Thanks for pointing this out. Sometimes it is difficult to see the wood for the trees :)

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