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camorri 10-10-2018 04:48 PM

Blackberry - bluetooth - 14.2 - Audio fails to connect.
This only fails on my Blackberry smart phone. I have it paired with Slackware 14.2, 64 bit. I can get audio streaming to work right after I pair the phone. Once I shut the system down, and restart the next day, I can no longer connect the phone as an audio source. I get the following message in bluetooth-manager.


DBusFailedError: Resource temporarily unavailable...
I also have a Samsung tablet, it works normally as an audio streaming device.

I have tried this on current, the Blackberry works as expected on current.

FWIW, the bluetooth works all day in my car.

The system is up to date, and is a full install.

I have seen several posts with similar problems with various devices, so I know I'm not alone.

I saw a post suggesting the user runs the following command.


# pactl load-module module-bluetooth-discover
No protocol specified
xcb_connection_has_error() returned true
No protocol specified
Failure: Module initialization failed
As you can see, I need to specify a protocol. Fine, where do I find out what protocols to specify? I looked at pactl man page, no help.

module-bluetooth-discover is a .so file, so I tried

'modinfo' ; no dice, nothing.

Modinfo states there is no such module, there is. I tried with the full path, did not work.

I also have looked at the bluetooth packages, between current and 14.2. Bluez is 5.47 on 14.2 and 5.50 on current.

I was wondering if I could upgrade 5.47 to 5.50. Is this possible, or would other packages need re-compiling? I have no idea.

Any other thoughts on how to fix this, or a work around?

Richard Cranium 10-12-2018 12:39 AM

Hmm. I'm seeing the same thing.

EDIT: To be more precise, I'm seeing this behavior with an H800 Logitech Headset. That worked fine with earlier versions of the bluetooth stack. I don't know if I'll have the time in the next week to track down what is going on.

The_Dark_Passenger 10-12-2018 05:49 AM

Which model BlackBerry are you using? Also, what is the version of BlackBerry OS, BlackBerry 10, or Android is it running?

camorri 10-12-2018 05:54 AM

The phone is a Blackberry passport, the system is Blackberry 10 OS, release

Just check to see if there are updates, no, this is the latest release.

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