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Mazer 07-21-2012 05:36 AM

Android phone as a usb modem
I realise this isn't really a distro specific issue, but I was wondering if you have any ideas about using an android phone as a modem on slackware.
Thank you! :hattip:

markush 07-21-2012 07:37 AM


it's the same thing as an USB-UMTS-device as far as I know. You should search the forums for UMTS-Modem.


ponce 07-21-2012 08:23 AM

it's actually easier: first you connect it by usb, then depending on the phone setup (android version and user preferences) it will ask on connection if you want to activate "usb tethering" (you want this).
if it won't ask it, go in the settings -> wireless connection menu and you should find the usb tethering option: if it's not activated, activate it from here.
then you should have a new unconfigured network interface usb0 in your slackware, you can check it by "ifconfig -a".
fire up the dhcp client for it

dhclient usb0
and this will do. :)

I'm posting this using my phone this way ;) (I'm on holiday)

Mazer 07-22-2012 04:20 AM

Well, everything worked almost as you said. I got the tethering option on, my system saw my phone connection, but when I try to dhclient usb0 I get a weird terminal error, and nothing happens. :(
Do you have any ideas?

Buone Vacanze Ponce!

ponce 07-22-2012 04:38 AM

thanks ;)

which is the weird terminal error? can you paste it here?
are you trying with the slackware kernel or are you using a custom built one? I suggest you to try with the stock one.

EDIT: you need the usb_net and cdc_ether modules enabled in your kernel (under "Device drivers" -> "Network device support" -> "USB Network Adapters" -> "Multi-purpose USB Networking Framework" -> "CDC Ethernet support")

$ zgrep USBNET /proc/config.gz
$ zgrep CDCETHER /proc/config.gz

Mazer 07-23-2012 03:56 PM

Thank you! Now everything works very well! :D

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