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JOHN-FM 08-26-2006 05:31 AM

Creating RHEL4 DVD from 5 CD's
Forgive me if this is a stupid question, but is there a way I can take the files from all 5 RHEL 4 UPD 4 CD's and make one bootable DVD from them?

I wonder why RedHat isn't doing this already?

Thanks in advance.

Lenard 08-26-2006 08:01 AM

You can use this script to build the DVD ISO image, warning some editing may be required but unlikely. If wanted you can create the CD ISO images for whatever reason(s). In either case requires a lot of hard drive space (the size of the 5 CD ISO images times 3 or about 2 times the space of all the files on the 5 CD's)

To build the CD ISO images, insert each CD and do not mount then do something like;

dd if=/dev/cdrom of=cd#.iso ; note: replace # with the number of the CD (1 to 5)



# by Chris Kloiber <>

# A quick hack that will create a bootable DVD iso of a Red Hat Linux
# Distribution. Feed it either a directory containing the downloaded
# iso files of a distribution, or point it at a directory containing
# the "RedHat", "isolinux", and "images" directories.

# This version only works with "isolinux" based Red Hat Linux versions.

# Lots of disk space required to work, 3X the distribution size at least.

# GPL version 2 applies. No warranties, yadda, yadda. Have fun.

if [ $# -lt 2 ]; then
        echo "Usage: `basename $0` source /destination/DVD.iso"
        echo ""
        echo "        The 'source' can be either a directory containing a single"
        echo "        set of isos, or an exploded tree like an ftp site."
        exit 1

cleanup() {
[ ${LOOP:=/tmp/loop} = "/" ] && echo "LOOP mount point = \/, dying!" && exit
[ -d $LOOP ] && rm -rf $LOOP
[ ${DVD:=~/mkrhdvd} = "/" ] && echo "DVD data location is \/, dying!" && exit
[ -d $DVD ] && rm -rf $DVD

mkdir -p $LOOP
mkdir -p $DVD

if [ !`ls $1/*.iso 2>&1>/dev/null ; echo $?` ]; then
        echo "Found ISO CD images..."
        CDS=`expr 0`

        for f in `ls $1/*.iso`; do
                mount -o loop $f $LOOP
                cp -av $LOOP/* $DVD
                if [ -f $LOOP/.discinfo ]; then
                        cp -av $LOOP/.discinfo $DVD
                        CDS=`expr $CDS + 1`
                        if [ $CDS != 1 ] ; then
                                DISKS=`echo ${DISKS},${CDS}`
                umount $LOOP
        if [ -e $DVD/.discinfo ]; then
                awk '{ if ( NR == 4 ) { print disks } else { print ; } }' disks="$DISKS" $DVD/.discinfo > $DVD/
                mv $DVD/ $DVD/.discinfo
        echo "Found FTP-like tree..."
        rsync -avP --exclude SRPMS $1/* $DVD
#        cp -av $1/* $DVD
        [ -e $1/.discinfo ] && cp -av $1/.discinfo $DVD

rm -rf $DVD/isolinux/
find $DVD -name TRANS.TBL | xargs rm -f

# My thanks to Mubashir Cheema for suggesting this fix.
# cd $DVD
mkisofs -J -R -v -T -o $2 -b isolinux/isolinux.bin -c isolinux/ -no-emul-boot -boot-load-size 8 -boot-info-table $DVD

/usr/lib/anaconda-runtime/implantisomd5 --force $2
# Don't like forced mediacheck? Try this instead.
# /usr/lib/anaconda-runtime/implantisomd5 --supported-iso --force $2

echo ""
echo "Process Complete!"
echo ""

vwvr9 08-27-2006 08:47 PM

Hope this helps

agayles 09-26-2006 07:28 AM

Creating RHEL4 DVD from 5 CD's
I used this script to create the dvd. I selected everything in the software menu and it fails on the cyrus package. I was able to successfully install everything but the cyrus package. Is there anyway that i can put in a functional cyrus package?

Lenard 09-26-2006 11:03 AM

Try installing the package directly from the media. From the console or xterm session as root where the rpm files are type something like;

rpm -Uvh the_filename_here

Example; rpm -Uvh foo-1.0.1.i386.rpm

agayles 09-26-2006 03:18 PM

4 Cd -> Dvd
thanks for the info...

Lenard 09-28-2006 11:09 AM

Your welcome, glad to help.

agayles 10-02-2006 09:56 AM

Creating RHEL4 DVD from 5 CD's
I want to place these DVDs in each of our specialized servers. Is there a way to inject the specialized applications into the iso image on the DVD (ie, spam filter applications, etc.)

Lenard 10-02-2006 11:31 AM

Yes, this is possible but it takes some reading and work. To get you started;

And Scientific Linux has info on this also;

pm9448 04-19-2007 08:50 AM

Creating x86_64 DVD from RHEL 4 Distro

I have managed to create a single bootable/customized DVD of RHEL 4. I am trying to do the same thing with the 64-bit version. Is there something unique that I need to do to make this iso?

I noticed in my xander file there are both 64-bit and 32-bit rpms? Are these necessary?


Lenard 04-19-2007 09:13 AM

For the most part yes both the 32bi and 64bit rpm packages are needed.

vitugv 05-02-2007 01:43 PM

O/S upgrade to a level lower than the current Upgrade level
I received a server with RHEL es4u0 already installed in it. The application I need to install on this server is certified for RHEL es4u1 only.

Currently the current upgrade level on the RedHat website is es4u5.

Obviously, I cannot use up2date out of the box on the server because it will upgrade it to an uncertified level.

I have downloaded and burned the es4u1 cds. Short of reinstalling the o/s from scratch with these cds, does anyone know of a way to upgrade only to u1?


Lenard 05-02-2007 02:30 PM

You can use the CD's to upgrade, the installer should provide an upgrade option.

Of yon can create a directory named something like RHEL4u1 for example and copy all the rpms form the CD's into this location. Install both the createrepo and yum packages from Dag's site;

When done do from the directory; createrepo /RHEL4u1

Then create a local yum repo file in /etc/yum.repos.d directory named something like media.repo which looks like;

name=Red Hat-$releasever - Media

Then as root do; yum update

Consider it practice for RHEL5.

vitugv 05-03-2007 05:13 PM

Thanks for the response.

Tried the yum approach but ran into trouble installing the yum rpm.

It required python-sqlite which in turn required I downloaded and installed the python-sqlite-src rpm but it was not there. Would you know where I could get the file or am I barking up the wrong tree?

Thanks again.

Lenard 05-03-2007 05:44 PM

Read this:

And you might as well make Dag's site a repo also:

FYI: for now it is a good idea to disable the CentOS repos or not use yum from CentOS but do install the listed sqlite and python rpm packages, these you should already have or you can get then from either the CentOS vault site(since you want to stay at the u1 level) or Dag's site;

CentOS4.1 == RHEL4u1

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