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Robert0380 08-12-2003 04:34 AM

ip address REGEX
could someone give a regex that detects a VALID ip address:

note: is valid in my book

i cant seem to write one.

i'm trying to parse a file of valid and invalid IP's and print the good ones, it's using egrep and there is 1 ip per line.

i had to do this in school once before but never got the answer.

tjm 08-12-2003 09:03 AM

dunno, in perl maybe something like this;

#IP is in $ip
@ip_bits = split(/\./,$ip);

die if(scalar(@ip_bits)<4);

$_ =~ s/\D//g;
die if($_ > 255 || $_ < 0);

Again, I am not too great with perl, but I think that does it... though it isn't a one-off regexp

Robert0380 08-12-2003 10:40 PM cryptic looking, i dont know any perl but thanks.

Robert0380 08-12-2003 10:42 PM

wait, i can tell what that does.

im guessing split splits the ip with a "." delimitor and then tests each part to see if it is greater than 255. took a minute but i get it now.

Strike 08-12-2003 11:17 PM



def isIP(s):
    octets = s.split(".")
    for octet in octets:
        if not (int(octet) >= 0 and int(octet) <= 255):
            return False
    return True

Hko 08-13-2003 03:41 PM

If you really want to use egrep:

egrep '^ *(([01]?[0-9][0-9]?|2[0-4][0-9]|25[0-5])\.){3}([01]?[0-9][0-9]?|2[0-4][0-9]|25[0-5]) *$' your_file.txt

# Taken (modified) from the O'Reilly book "Mastering regular expressions" .

This assumes there only an IP-address on each line, nothing else, except leading and trailing spaces.

Also note that it accepts zero-padding, i.e. will be valid. but this actually is a valid IP-address.

devoyage 08-13-2003 06:58 PM

I just did this the other day, try it out (perl):

1) Make some variables for the regex pattern (let me know if it breaks ;)

# Common strings:
$ips = 'IP Address:';
$ip  = '\d{1,3}\.\d{1,3}\.\d{1,3}\.\d{1,3}';
$mcs = 'MAC Address:';
$mc  = '\w{2}-\w{2}-\w{2}-\w{2}-\w{2}-\w{2}';

2) use whatever you like for matching, maybe something like:

if(grep(/$ip/,$some_string)){print 'you get the point';}

Strike 08-14-2003 02:51 AM


Originally posted by devoyage
I just did this the other day, try it out (perl):

1) Make some variables for the regex pattern (let me know if it breaks ;)

# Common strings:
$ips = 'IP Address:';
$ip  = '\d{1,3}\.\d{1,3}\.\d{1,3}\.\d{1,3}';
$mcs = 'MAC Address:';
$mc  = '\w{2}-\w{2}-\w{2}-\w{2}-\w{2}-\w{2}';

The problem is that that matches 999.999.999.999 as a valid IP, which it isn't :)

Robert0380 08-14-2003 06:41 PM

thanks guys. the egrep example is the one i really needed.

im not using perl or python so i needed just a plain ole regex, but i will save all of the example becuase you never know. i will have to use python later on tho....have to learn it to teach it to my girlfriend because she has to take a class that uses it. i get to learn it for the sake of helping her out in the class (arent i a good boyfriend).

sk8guitar 08-14-2003 08:54 PM

perl will do it great. the example posted was correct

Robert0380 08-14-2003 10:45 PM

the egrep one works also by the that's atleast 2 that have been tested.

kev82 08-15-2003 04:23 AM

does the python example work? wouldnt pass? i cant see where it checks for the number of octets.
<edit>also, how does int() treat characters, if someone entered, what would int(abc) evaluate to? hopefully not 0 because if it did then it would pass.

but i have to say, not knowing python/perl and not being very good at regex, the python example was the only one i could read, and i wouldnt want to have to maintain the others.

Strike 08-15-2003 09:52 AM


Originally posted by kev82
does the python example work? wouldnt pass? i cant see where it checks for the number of octets.
Yeah, it would. You can add a check for that, of course.


<edit>also, how does int() treat characters, if someone entered, what would int(abc) evaluate to? hopefully not 0 because if it did then it would pass.
It would raise an exception, as it should.


but i have to say, not knowing python/perl and not being very good at regex, the python example was the only one i could read, and i wouldnt want to have to maintain the others.

Here's the modified version to check for number of octets as well.


def isIP(s):
    octets = s.split(".")
    if len(octets) != 4: return False

    for octet in octets:
        if not (int(octet) >= 0 and int(octet) <= 255):
            return False
    return True

esben 08-15-2003 11:54 AM

Re: ip address REGEX
The answers above are all very well, but doesn't fully solve the problem :p


Originally posted by Robert0380
i'm trying to parse a file of valid and invalid IP's and print the good ones, it's using egrep and there is 1 ip per line.
All fails to read in the file and to print out the result :D (Well, except maybe the egrep thing). Here's a solution in perl that includes a novel thing: indentation ;-) I wasn't sure if the ip-addresses were printed on the line without any noise except maybe whitespace. If this was the case, the 3rd line could be simply
@ipbits = split(/\./);

#!/usr/bin/perl -w
main: while(<>) {
@ipbits = /(\d{1,3})\.(\d{1,3})\.(\d{1,3})\.(\d{1,3})?/; # pick out ip addresses
next unless (@ipbits); # verify pattern match
for (@ipbits) {
next main if ($_ <0 || $_>255); # verify ranges
print join('.',@ipbits)."\n"; # print valid numbers

The important things to know in order to read perl is:
1) Scalar variables are prefixed with $, arrays with @ and hashes with #
2) Many perl functions work implicitly on $_ if nothing else is stated.
3) one-line if are written in reverse. E.g.:
die if ($shot);

kev82 08-15-2003 12:19 PM


The answers above are all very well, but doesn't fully solve the problem
All fails to read in the file and to print out the result
but he asked

could someone give a regex that detects a VALID ip address:
so your post doesnt answer the question either. dont try to be a smart ass, you normally just end up being an ass.

thanks for the perl hints though.

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