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-   -   msec in MDK 10 makes me lose permissions mid-session (

johngcarlsson 07-18-2004 06:37 PM

msec in MDK 10 makes me lose permissions mid-session
I have MDK 10 running KDE on an Athlon 2500XPM system. My install is a week old. I have three partitions on my hard drive, one NTFS for Windows, one FAT32 for sharing files between Linux and Windows, and one Linux partition with MDK installed. The NTFS and FAT32 drives are located in

/mnt/win_c and

respectively. At first, I noticed that as a non-root user I only had read privileges from these drives. That's fine for NTFS, but I wanted write access to FAT32. So, I went to Control Center > Permissions and added a rule:


My security level is "Standard" according to 'Level and Checks' and 'Permissions' tells me that my current security level is 2. Now, what happens is, when I log in, I can read/write to /mnt/win_d just fine, but then in the middle of my session I lose all privileges relating to this drive and I cannot even read it. My system log is full of messages like this:

Jul 16 22:01:01 localhost msec: changed mode of /mnt/win_d from 777
to 700
Jul 16 22:01:01 localhost msec: chown /mnt/win_d 3: [Errno 1] Operat
ion not permitted: '/mnt/win_d'
Jul 16 22:01:01 localhost msec: chgrp /mnt/win_d 4: [Errno 1] Operat
ion not permitted: '/mnt/win_d'

A nice fellow in the newbie forum told me that this is consistent with set_root_umask for msec 5, but msec is not set to that level. My /etc/fstab has this line:

/dev/hda5 /mnt/win_d vfat umask=022,iocharset=iso8859-1,codepage=850 0 0

does anybody know what is wrong with my msec?

johngcarlsson 07-19-2004 06:29 PM

Hi, it's me again. I was reading some documentation which explains how "Operation not permitted" is different from "permission denied." This webpage here says that an example of this is "changing the permissions on a fat32-filesystem using dma without the appropriate ide kernel module":

and this document here says that "whoever mounted the partition has ownership of those files":

is it possible for me to mount this drive not as root but as a user instead? I think this is my problem.

johngcarlsson 07-19-2004 07:00 PM

Sorry, I meant to post that in the newbie forum, where a nice gentleman is helping me. Sorry!

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