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jmr0311 12-19-2005 11:38 PM

Installing 3 Button Mouse
Hello guys, I really need your help. This problems are consumming my existency and I can't get them fixed. I doesn't matter how much I read about the matter it doesn't seem that I'm understanding the right way to do it.

1) My first problem is with my mouse. For some strange reason when I'm in "Konqueror" and I right click my mouse is sending me back to the previous page or folder I was browsing.

2) I have a "3 Button + wheel" Cordless Mouseman Logitech mouse that I can't get the Thumb button to work properly. What I want to do is make the mouse work like in the windows environment. I want that when I'm browsing the internet and I press that "Thumb button",I want to go back to the previous page I was browsing. seems to me that what I want my "Thumb Button" to do is done by button 3 "right click" in my mouse and button 8 which is the "Thumb button" doesn't do anything.

I did the "xev" of my mouse to see if all the buttons generated some information and this is what I can gather from it;

Button 1 = Physical Left Click
Button 2 = Physical Wheel Click
Button 3 = Physical Right Click
Button 4 = Scroll Wheel UP
Button 5 = Scroll Wheel Down
Button 8 = Thumb Button.


birdseye 12-20-2005 04:33 AM

Hi Jose,

There is a utility called xmodmap. This utility swaps what the button does. So, if you want to swap button 3 for button 8, the command would look like:

xmodmap -e "pointer - 1 2 8 4 5 3"
This is only a guess, and may well make things worse. The best you can do is search for your mouse, and see how other people have got it working. I had problems with the M$ optical explorer 5-button mouse, and searching got it working no problems.

You may also want to check if "Full HID support" is enabled in your kernel, as this supports many 'complicated' mice.

Hope that helps,


birdseye 12-20-2005 04:34 AM

Argh, that should be

xmodmap -e "pointer = 1 2 8 4 5 3"

jmr0311 12-20-2005 06:23 AM

Thank you birdseye for your reply. I've done tons of search and found around 5 different links with info on this matter. But I was hoping that maybe somebody knows something that hasn't being covered yet and that maybe what I'm lacking in my system. I have played with the xmodmap utility to remap my buttons but with no success what so ever.


birdseye 12-20-2005 06:28 AM

Sorry I can't help any further. My solution was also to change to ubuntu, as it picks up my mouse with no setup whatsoever!

Good luck.

jmr0311 12-23-2005 04:19 PM

Hi Guys,

I really need your help an after countless hours of searching my problem I haven't being able to find a solution to my problem.

I'm another one of those that still fighting the mouse configuration problem. Trying to set my mouse to work in Linux like the way it works under windows. So far I've being able to have all the buttons in my mouse working with exception of the "Left Thumb button" capabilities of making my browser to go "BACK".

This are the things that I've done so far,

I place a file name (.xintrc) in my home directory with this information:


imwheel -k -p -f -b "89"
xbindkeys &
and another file called (.xbindkeysrc) with this information:


"xvkbd -xsendevent -text "\[Alt_L]\[Left]""
m:0x10 + b:8
"xvkbd -xsendevent -text "\[Alt_L]\[Right]""
m:0x10 + b:9

Also inside this directory ~/.kde/Autostart/ I place the same two files I describe above. The other locations where I have some codes place in my intent to solve this problem are in this directory (/etc/X11/);



Section "InputDevice"
Identifier "Mouse1"
Driver "mouse"
Option "Protocol" "ExplorerPS/2"
Option "Device" "/dev/mouse"
Option "Buttons" "9"
Option "ZAxisMapping" "6 7"
Option "Emulate3Buttons" "no"

and in this folder (/etc/X11/xinit.d/) there is a file called "mouse_buttons" and I place this codes inside there;


xmodmap -e 'pointer = 1 2 3 6 7 4 5 8 9 10'
imwheel -f -k -b "89"
xbindkeys &

I did some trial and error in re-mapping the buttons in X and I came to the conclusion that I have to keep this part of the configuration at least like this, ("pointer=1 2 3 6 7 4 5) in order for my other buttons of my mouse to work correctly. I ran "xev" in my system with the intention of knowing which button code was trigger when I pressed the "Thumb button" and this is the code that is generate everytime ( button code = 8). So I know that number 8 correspond to this button in the eyes of X environment when you pressed it on your mouse.

I also install this program (xvkbd in an another attempt to solve my problem but with not much luck. The strange thing is that some times my "Thumb Button" like I wanted to which is "back" on the internet but sometimes all it does is scroll the page up one line everytime I press the button. This is very strange and it puzzles me incredibly and here is where I need your expertice in helping understand and fix my problem. Thank you in advance for all your help GUYS. I'm going to be eternally grateful.


XavierP 12-23-2005 07:16 PM

I have renamed this thread to give it a more meaningful title.

jmr0311 12-24-2005 10:52 AM


What's going on Guy's? Nobody using KDE has any problem with the mouse in this forum. I can't beleive I'm the only one having all this trouble setting my mouse. Please, if anyone has any inputs about what they did, please share it with me.

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