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zarathaz 07-07-2004 10:28 PM

Cable modem help
I'm using Comcast as an internet provider. My Windows XP has a cable going into my Linux Machine and it gets internet fine. My Linux machine has the Cable modem hooked up to it. I just installed Mandrake Linux on my Linux Machine and I can't seem to get internet to work on it(Even though it works on the windows) Do I need to go to the Control Panel and "Set up a new internet connection" ? And if so, Could someone be nice enough to tell me what options to choose? Real newbie here.

frelihm 07-08-2004 12:17 AM

is it usb cable modem or is it connected via ethernet card?

jarib 07-08-2004 12:18 AM

Hi, Open a terminal in your Linux machine and type ifconfig
Copy and paste the output here

zarathaz 07-08-2004 02:11 AM

Here they are. Any help is much appreiated.

eth0 Link encap:Ethernet HWaddr 00:80:C6:EB:33:34
inet6 addr: fe80::280:c6ff:feeb:3334/64 Scope:Link
RX packets:1028988 errors:0 dropped:0 overruns:0 frame:0
TX packets:48 errors:0 dropped:0 overruns:0 carrier:0
collisions:0 txqueuelen:1000
RX bytes:63563463 (60.6 Mb) TX bytes:11088 (10.8 Kb)
Interrupt:9 Base address:0x3000

lo Link encap:Local Loopback
inet addr: Mask:
inet6 addr: ::1/128 Scope:Host
RX packets:1928 errors:0 dropped:0 overruns:0 frame:0
TX packets:1928 errors:0 dropped:0 overruns:0 carrier:0
collisions:0 txqueuelen:0
RX bytes:89232 (87.1 Kb) TX bytes:89232 (87.1 Kb)

zarathaz 07-08-2004 02:33 AM

I tried going through the guide at:

I was almost finished. I was going to add the DNS IPs from the internet provider. Except my /etc/resolv.conf file was empty :( Could this be because eth0 isn't loading when I turn my computer on/off or?

frelihm 07-08-2004 02:42 AM

get udhcp daemon from, install it and then run it. It should work then

jschiwal 07-08-2004 05:29 AM


Do I need to go to the Control Panel and "Set up a new internet connection" ?
Yes, that would probably work best. If you are going straight into the cable modem, and you don't have a permanent IP address assigned, you will want to select DHCP. Mandrake will set up the start-up scripts. The DNS address and gateway address do not need to be filled in because that is what the DHCP does. The linux box will be running a DHCP client, while the Cable Modem supplies the DHCP server.

If the network setup is screwed up, you could remove the network connection and add it in again. (New Connection). Are you dual booting, or do you have two computers. If you have two computers and you are not using a cable router, you need two network interfaces and you need to run the Sharing Network Connection setup in the Network setup page. The interface to the Windows XP will be static, and the Linux IP address for this interface will be used as the gateway address in the Windows XP setup.

Good Luck.

felix 07-08-2004 06:58 AM


i'm connected on the net with a arris CM450 cable modem. I am dual Booted (win 2000 and Mandrake 10). I've installed my modem when i was on Win (giving login and passwd to my ISP), and everything work fine.
When i boot on Mandrake, etho is mounted correctly, i can surf but it's painfully slow (less than 4KB/sec). Why is it so so slow? Is it because i'm dual booting and that i didn't enter my IPS login and passwd for Linux? And if so, how can i setup thoses informations? Do i have to setup a "share internet connection" in Win?


I can't copy/paste my ifconfig now, because i'm at the office, but i'll do it this afternoon.

jamuz 07-08-2004 09:00 AM

A quick & dependable & reasonably inexpensive way to finesse this problem
is to install a dedicated internet gateway between the cable modem & the
LAN. I use a D-Link DI-614+ which gives me a firewall, router, DHCP, NAT &
a choice of wireless or wired connectivity to my Comcast-supplied cable
modem. And all this functionality is in a small low-power package which does
not require that any particular computer be on at any particular time.

Setup of the local hosts is nearly trivial & is described in exquisite detail in
the gateway's installation guide.

zarathaz 07-08-2004 09:22 AM

I just have two computers, turn them on independently, they have a cable connecting them ( I use to get internet on both when they were both Windows )

I downloaded the udhcp, but then what do I do? Theres a whole bunch of different files in it and I can't find which one to click.

zarathaz 07-08-2004 09:49 AM

I tried setting up a new connection, It lists about six things


I picked cable(That's the one I want, right? :confused: )
Then it asks me for the network interface, I chose Eth0 Macronx

Then it asks me if I want Automatic Bootp/Dhcp, Do I want this or do I want it on Manual Configuration?

Then a screen comes up like this

+Assign Host Name From DHCP Address
DHCP Host name = (left it blank?)
-Trace Network Card
+Network Hotplugging
-Start at boot

(The ones I put +'s next to are checked)

zarathaz 07-08-2004 12:52 PM

Is it possible to disconnect my Windows XP from internet and have the Linux only have internet? If Comcast won't let me have two computers have internet?

zarathaz 07-08-2004 07:25 PM


Might just buy a router, connecting it should clear up the problem with my linux machine right? even though it's the host?

jarib 07-08-2004 07:50 PM

Do you have 2 ethernet cards in the Linux machine? Only 1 is showing up in ifconfig. And it does not have an ip address. You could disconnect xp and plug the modem into Linux. Don't forget to power cycle the modem (unplug it from hydro and plug it back in. Wait for it to go online and then start Linux) After Linux starts run ifconfig to see if you have an ip address

ehawk 07-08-2004 07:55 PM

DHCP, start on booting
You can aske your ISP, but I would think you would be using DHCP instead of manual configuration (which is probably for a static IP address). I would think you would want to check the option for "start at boot" and have the cable modem hooked up at boot time.

Check the search feature here for your problem (cable modem). There were some recent, related posts. One person using Red Hat simply had to disable kudzu (automatic hardware detection, I think). I think you should leave DHCP host name blank and let it get that from the connection. I wouldn't think you would need to give your hardware address.

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