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frankbell 03-02-2017 01:25 PM

"Save as Draft" LQ Blog Post
I'm probably overlooking something obvious, but I wrote a long blog post over the course of a couple of days, saving is as a draft when I was about half-way through.

Now I can't seem to publish it. I logged out and visited the LQ Blogs and it did not seem to be visible to the Big Wide World.

I can see it, save it, and edit it, but the only there doesn't seem to be a "Publish" selection. Would someone be so kind as to tell me what I'm missing?

When I paste and go to the link when I'm not logged in, I get this:

Quote: Message
Invalid Blog specified. If you followed a valid link, please notify the administrator.
Here's the link in case it will help:


hydrurga 03-02-2017 03:06 PM

See if this works Frank:

Navigate to your blogs page.

In the "Options" section in the left-hand column, select "View Drafts".

Click on the little selection box at the bottom left-hand side of the blog entry listing.

At the bottom right-hand side, in the "Moderation" drop-down, select "Approve Blog Entry" and click on "Go".

frankbell 03-02-2017 08:51 PM

Thanks for the suggestion.

I got this:


You did not select any valid entries
But this did work, and I wouldn't have found it without your suggestion:

Select Edit-->Go Advanced-->Miscellaneous Options-->Publish Status-->Publish Now.

I must say that that seems to me somewhat convoluted.

rtmistler 03-03-2017 06:59 AM

Yes, the interface is convoluted and I have to re-learn it every time I use it.

frankbell 03-03-2017 09:11 PM

A nice "Publish Now" button next to the "Save Button" when you're editing a draft would be appreciated, but it's certainly a low priority. Perhaps Jeremy could add it to the wish-list for when he gets a round tuit.

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