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gurfrip 10-21-2004 01:40 AM

Greatings Earth Inhabitants

The first one-eyed alien cartoon character to ever grace the Disney Inbox circa 1994, pre-monsters inc. I am the main character in the independent comic KANAGA, which is the first flash animated comic book to be published on the internet. Kanaga is the most widely viewed independent comic of all time. It's domain is

I feel we can build a better world through the use of free speech and free technology, therefore I am a big supporter of LINUX and LINUX users.

My objectives here are as follows:

1. To find willing and capable code writers to assist in making a unique grid computing based machine that thinks and grows organically.

2. To bring in new LINUX users of all ages.

3. To see the day when microsoft and other technological oligarchies are cleared away from the future of computer processing to make way for a generation of free-thinking individuals that empower themselves through the LINUX collective for mutual benefit.

4. To hear children say, "Daddy, what's a Windows?"

5. To see the day when the US GOVERNMENT realizes that organizations like MICROSOFT stand in the way of advancing technology by limiting the ability of the ordinary user to fully realize their machines potential.

It is my objective to learn all that I can from and it's contributors and to give back the support I have received when I am capable of contributing meaningful assistance to new LINUX users like myself.

Your assistance is greatly appreciated.

Yours truly,


Mara 10-21-2004 03:08 PM

Welcome to LQ!
Ambitious goals, I must say.

gurfrip 10-22-2004 04:33 PM

Thank you for the compliment, I am an ambitious person.

I just retired from commercial real estate in Manhattan after completing the largest lease in the city in 2004. I never liked commercial real estate, though I made a small fortune doing it. If you knew me better, you wouldn't be surprised at my ambitious goals. I won't bore you with the balance of my life story, let's just say, it's not average. I've done some big things in life.

I think I have found a new home with Linux, I can quickly recognize where this system can enable us to assemble a massive grid network around the globe. The purpose is fulfilling a life long dream of creating a thinking machine from simple code.

Huge goals can take a lifetime to fulfill but they start with stating them.

We are here with a direct purpose.

We are looking to assemble a Team of individuals to create the worlds first thinking machine using Linux.

If we can assemble a team, we have the capacity to get the funding to start building it. Ie: PAY PEOPLE. This appears to be the right place to find a team.

Artificial Intelligence can be created and it will not take a team of MIT doctorates to do it. A team of Hackers would be much more effective.

If you know anyone who's interested in developing the project, have them contact me at

Everyone here talks about tearing down the established walls of computing, let's see if their is anyone ready to put their code where their text is.........

See that sybase ad blinking next to your screen. Go to and see who started the cyclops cartoon in 1978. Never, Never, Never submit an idea to Disney. That one's made them over a billion so far.

Computer sub culture revolution?

Hell yes. It is high time we do something about the extreme wrongs in the technology and media world. Releasing a thinking machine kernal through linux is the biggest promotional bomb that could be set off in the computing world.


Only with a little help from some extremely tallented individuals that are ready to change the computer world with a piece of simple useful code that turns every individual into a Linux user.

and I think, that is both of our goal.



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