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mrmuds 06-23-2009 02:45 AM

which binary should I use to crosscompile binaries in /bin for arm
I am working on PXA255 board which has ARM architecture.
I compiled the kernel(2.4.18) for the board to support bluetooth.
I guess modules for bluetooth are installed because when i coonect
bluetooth dongle it shows following message

cy7c67200_300_hcd.c:Device inserted on PORT2
hub.c: USB new device connect on bus3/1, assigned device number 6
bluetooth.c: found interrupt in
bluetooth.c: found bulk in
bluetooth.c: found bulk out
bluetooth.c: USB Bluetooth converter detected
bluetooth.c: Bluetooth converter now attached to ttyUB0 (or usb/ttub/0 for devfs)
bluetooth.c: usb_bluetooth_probe - improper number of endpoints. Bluetooth driver not bound.
bluetooth.c: usb_bluetooth_probe - improper number of endpoints. Bluetooth driver not bound.
bluetooth.c: usb_bluetooth_probe - improper number of endpoints. Bluetooth driver not bound.

Also there are only limited commands which i can execute in the board.
The commands in the /bin directory are
ash chmod dialog fgrep login nedit rm sync uname
aterm chown dir grep ls netstat rmdir tar vi
bash cp dmesg gunzip mkdir ping sed tinylogin
busybox date echo gzip mknod ps sh touch
cat dd egrep hostname mount pwd sleep true
chgrp df false ln mv rbash stty umount

And commands in /usr/bin are
[ comm env id lastb nl split tty vimtutor
awk cut gawk idesk ldd rview sum uniq which
basename dirname groups ipkg less rvim sz users who
chattr du hcitool ipkg-cl md5sum rz tail view whoami
cksum editor head last nice sort test vim

The command such as 'hcitool' which is used for bluetooth are not available. So I need to crosscompile this binary file for the board. How do I do it.

knudfl 06-23-2009 07:44 AM

'hcitool' is provided by "bluez-utils" ( bluez.)

Example package 'bluez-utils' for arm
[etch] [lenny] [squeeze] [sid]
[Source: bluez-utils] > "Links for bluez-utils"
> > [bluez-utils_3.7.orig.tar.gz] ..... [bluez_4.40.orig.tar.gz]

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