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dauphinfay 07-13-2005 05:56 PM

dwl-g630 ANY DISTRO!?!?!?
Hi folks. let me start by saying that i had this wireless card (dlink dwl-g630) working for a while under knoppix 3.8 hd install. i am beyond ticked off at the fact that it failed after a reboot a few days ago and i have not been able to recover it since. knoppix using ndiswrapper on the live cd states that the driver is invalid....what crap. i have since dl'd knoppix 3.9 and guess what....same friggin result. invalid driver. i even downloaded the driver again to see if it might have been corrupted. no dice. i tried mepis yet again and it says that it was properly installed. however, i can't get mepis to work wirelessly to save my life. i need the config tools under knoppix. that was the only way i got it to work before.

under ANY distro other than knoppix, i can't see a wlan0. mepis has only a sit0....whatever. i can follow ndiswrapper wikis to the letter but not get this thing to work. ideally, if i could figure out what i need and how to setup the 802.11g via the cli, i would go back to gentoo or mepis i think. however, i have no clue where to go from here. google isn't bringing me much since i'm running out of ideas for search strings and i have yet to see anyone address the no wlan0. now i know i can't be the only one suffering from this issue. nonetheless, any help would be greatly appreciated. TIA

darkleaf 07-14-2005 04:55 AM

So at what point do you get stuck? During the installation or is it afterwards with configuring your settings? Can you also tell which steps you did before?

dauphinfay 07-14-2005 07:49 AM

since knoppix is the only distro so far that has wlan0 listed when i do a iwconfig i have been sticking with it. although, the 3.9 that just came out actually lists it as ath0. regardless, i follow the wiki for ndiswrapper but when i type 'ndiswrapper -l' it tells me that the driver is invalid. at this point i stop becuase going any further yields nothing to fix it.

darkleaf 07-14-2005 08:22 AM

Can you check which driver knoppix uses and is it the same one? If you go to the ndiswrapper supported cards list do you have the driver that's listed there?

darkleaf 07-14-2005 08:23 AM

You can find the drivers in /etc/ndiswrapper/drivername btw. Maybe it works copying them from knoppix there and moving them to your new distro.

seanr 07-14-2005 09:24 AM

For what it's worth, I've gotten that card working under MEPIS, but it was a pain in the ass (don't even remember how I finally got it working now), and I still have problems getting and staying connected. Its latest bad habit seems to be that it will successfully connect but then I can't ping anything, then after a while of fiddling with it it'll just start working all on its own.

Run - don't walk - to the nearest computer store and get anything other than a D-Link! ;-)

dauphinfay 07-14-2005 11:38 AM

i seem to recall that it was supported but even still, I had it working for three weeks! I'm contemplating getting a netgear wg511t since i hear that it has support OOTB. I think it might be worth the money and save on headaches.

crw128 07-16-2005 01:47 AM

Try using a d-link dwl-g520 wireless card on knoppix 3.9. I spent less than five minutes setting it up to get on the internet after installing knoppix(hard disk install). It uses a atheros chipset which is a driver that is included in knoppix.

AaronPeterson 07-13-2006 11:02 PM

No talking about other cards here!
There are 3 distinct versions of this card.

I have revision B.

My firmware revision!!! doesn't work well apperantly.

check your dmesg when in doubt.

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