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eternal64 04-01-2006 10:06 AM

Setting up mouse


 None, Up,  Alt_L|Left
 None, Down, Alt_L|Right

...the next two lines instruct imwheel on what to do when the buttons are pressed.[/INSTR]

When what buttons are pressed? The instructions talk about xmodmap and mousebuttons referd to by numbers and suddenly they talk about up and down.

[INSTR]Create a file called ~/.imwheelrc and put this into it:[/INSTR]

With "this" they are refering to the code above. There is a file called imwheelrc in the imwheel programfolder ,can i put the code in that? If i create a file somwhere else do i have to link it in anyway to the program?

eternal64 04-01-2006 10:20 PM


By this they mean "Left ALT + Left Arrow" ?

Please offer some assistance to this issue ,i've searched both this forum and google and nowhere they explaine the code how to SET the buttons ,just how to find them. Like ,whats the syntax for the code above? Using the code above is like using a function without knowing what variables going where.


kg4ysy 04-02-2006 01:11 AM

Go to your mouse section of xorg.conf. Change protocol to ExplorerPS/2 and if your mouse has 2 extra buttons, change ZAxis to 6 7...buttons to 7.

32 Section "InputDevice"
33 Identifier "Mouse0"
34 Driver "mouse"
35 Option "Protocol" "ExplorerPS/2"
36 Option "Device" "/dev/input/mice"
37 Option "ZAxisMapping" "6 7"
38 Option "Buttons" "7"
39 Option "Emulate3Buttons" "yes"
40 EndSection

After you set this up, restart your xserver and type the following in a terminal...

xmodmap -e "pointer = 1 2 3 6 7 4 5"

this will allow 6 and 7 to be scroll otherwise the side buttons will act as a scrollwheel. In order to keep from running this command everytime you start the xserver, put it in the alias portion of ~/.bashrc

Let us know if this works


eternal64 04-02-2006 06:35 AM

Thanx for the answer kg4ysy but that part i've managed. I have read the forum here where i found the instructions how to make linux find all the buttons on my mouse.
The problem is after that i want to SET the buttons to do what i want. The help i got so far is that i should use imwheel (which i now have installed) but neither here or the imwheel officalsite seems to explaine how to set the buttons. The code posted first is an example from the imwheels offical site but i cant make it work an also i would like to see the syntax for it so i can understand and make my own.

kg4ysy 04-02-2006 09:36 AM

using the default example you listed above, hitting those buttons in firefox should activate back/forward. Does this work. Depending on this, we can come up with a solution

eternal64 04-02-2006 09:56 AM


Originally Posted by eternal64
The code posted first is an example from the imwheels offical site but i cant make it work

No, like i said it doesnt work. On a site i read that i should replace Up with Left and Down with Right because i have a MX700 mouse. Still wont work neither with the original (Up and Down) or (Left and Right).

Seems a little strange that i write Up,Down,Left,Right in the script when linux (xmodmapp -pp) descibe the button as numbers (1-10). But i've tried replacing Up ,Down in the script with numbers instead but with no luck.

kg4ysy 04-02-2006 10:11 AM

What function do you want the extra buttons to do?

eternal64 04-02-2006 10:19 AM

If i understand it correctly i can make the extrabuttons do diffrent things in diffrent programs. Im about to use them in a game and the best way for them to work there is to define them as keyboard buttons. So that means i want my two thumb buttons on the mouse react as keypress O and keypress P.

Thats the main thing ,but i would realy like some understanding what the parts of the above code does so i can make more settings after this initial.

eternal64 04-02-2006 10:24 AM

Like i wrote in the beginning ,after i have installed imwheel the instructions tell me to create a file called ~imwheelrc and put the code there. But there are no instructions WHERE i should create this file. Does imwheel automaticly find this file or do i have to put in in a specific place? What i found is a file called imwheelrc inside the imwheel-programfolder on my Desktop ,this is where i now put the code .. is that wrong.

Figured this could be a good place to start finding out whats wrong.

kg4ysy 04-02-2006 11:02 AM

the file should go in ~/.imwheelrc (~ meaning your home directory)

eternal64 04-03-2006 02:09 PM

Alright ,now the file is in place. In my homedirectory a file named imwheelrc in which the code is placed.
Still i got no functions working from the code.

All buttons respond in xev ,the mousewheel works, but the code doesnt.

Is there a way that i can make sure that the file "imwheelrc" is beeing read?

kg4ysy 04-03-2006 02:42 PM

Make sure imwheel is running by typing imwheel in a terminal. If it is already running, then I am running out of ideas. I haven't really played with imwheel much.

eternal64 04-03-2006 02:46 PM

Yeah ,im running imwheel through the terminal. Have confirmed it with ps -e too.

You dont have any idea how to confirm that the imwheelrc file is beeing read? Putting a echo or something in it ... i dont know, im not that good at things like that.

eternal64 04-03-2006 02:50 PM

Another thing i havnt been able to understand is in the instructions for running imwheel they sometimes talk about uting the -b option with buttonnumbers.


imwheel -k -b "67"
(The -k kills already running imwheel process(es) before starting the new)

But the -b "67" ... i dont know what it does. Or more important if it has a practical matter in my case.

kg4ysy 04-03-2006 02:50 PM

From here on out I'm not really sure. I haven't really used this program, as I just use the buttons for their defaults of back/forward in firefox. Sorry...

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