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linuxlover.chaitanya 04-21-2008 08:24 AM

problems in installing GAdminSquid
hi all

i was to install gadminsquid for managing squid server for managing bandwidth usage in the network.
but there are certain issues with the dependencies
for installation it requires gtk+2 to be installed and this package in turn requires cairo, pango, glib2, and atk.
everything goes fine till atk. atk also needs glib2 to be there and i am installing it from the tar ball downloaded. the glib2 installed is also a new version and greater than what is needed by atk. but still atk can not get the glib installation. where does this installation reside?
it also asks to check the variables LD_LIBRARY_PATH and PKG_CONFIG_PATH.
i have installed it using default paths and so i am assuming that pkg-config should recognize it.
what can be the issue in this if it is not getting installed. i tried reinstalling glib2 but all in vain. atk does not proceed with installation. i need it badly and as early as possible. unless atk is installed, gtk+ will not proceed with installation and in turn my gadmibnsquid will remain uninstalled. i have tried to install all the dependencies that are shown during the compilation and atk stops at glib2 which is already there.i am using RHEL4 ws and by default the glib2 that gets installed is 2.4.something. atk needs glib2>=2.13. i ahve installed glib2.14. but still atk says that older version was found. what possibly the problem could be?

Simon Bridge 04-21-2008 09:56 AM

Welcome to dependency hell. Most distros have package managers to avoid this sort of thing.

Which distro are you using?
State package names and where you got them.
When you get errors - eg. in ./config - post the errors.

Check where the atk install is looking for glib2, and make sure glib2 is there. It's usually someplace like /usr/lib - but, like the notice says, check the PKG_CONFIG_PATH.

linuxlover.chaitanya 04-22-2008 01:58 AM

as stated i am using RHEL4. and atk needs glib2 which i have already installed. i have encountered dependency issues even before but the thing is that after installing the dependency packages the problem has been solved.
but this time i have tried installing the glib2 more than once but the problem persists. there seems to be no end to this. i have checked the PKG_CONFIG_PATH and LD_LIBRARY_PATH variables but they are not defined. i checked /usr/lib and /usr/bin to no solution. it seems that even if the glib2 is getting installed the path is not what pkg-config is checking for. i guess the default path for installation is different from where the package is getting installed.
if you can help me on that it will be great.

Simon Bridge 04-22-2008 04:00 AM


as stated i am using RHEL4.
If you edit your profile to include this, I won't miss it in the body of the message.
It would also help if you used English grammar and syntax and paid some attention to your layout.

New sentences start with an upper case character.
The personal pronoun is upper case.
Leave a blank line between paragraphs (saves indenting, which is more proper).

It helps if you provide information requested - vis:

Originally Posted by me
State package names and where you got them.
When you get errors - eg. in ./config - post the errors.


i have tried installing the glib2 more than once
How did you try installing this? Show me the instructions, and the result.


i have checked the PKG_CONFIG_PATH and LD_LIBRARY_PATH variables but they are not defined.
How did you check? (Copy the instruction with the result to your reply.)


i checked /usr/lib and /usr/bin to no solution.
How did you check? (Copy the instruction with the result to your reply.)


by default the glib2 that gets installed is 2.4.something. atk needs glib2>=2.13. i ahve installed glib2.14. but still atk says that older version was found. what possibly the problem could be?
Possibly the update was installed without using up2date? This could have left two different versions of glib2 on your system, in different places. The old one is in the default location. The new one will have been installed according to the documentation which came with the install method.

You realize that most squid proxy installations are not actually all that hard to configure anyway? eg.

linuxlover.chaitanya 04-22-2008 06:48 AM

Sorry for all the mistakes and the efforts that you took to look into all this.
I installed the atk package from source. That went ok.

Now i am trying to install the GadminSquid package from the tarball that i downloaded from the website. I dont remember the website but i guess it was the official gadmin tools website.

It went well with ./configure command and no errors were reported then. Hereafter i used make. But there is some problem with it and this is the output of the make command and the errors that occurred with the make command.
/usr/local/lib/ undefined reference to `pango_layout_get_lines_readonly'
/usr/local/lib/ undefined reference to `g_type_register_static_simple'
/usr/local/lib/ undefined reference to `g_intern_static_string'
/usr/local/lib/ undefined reference to `g_once_init_leave'
/usr/local/lib/ undefined reference to `pango_font_description_set_gravity'
/usr/local/lib/ undefined reference to `pango_renderer_get_type'
/usr/local/lib/ undefined reference to `pango_matrix_get_font_scale_factor'
/usr/local/lib/ undefined reference to `pango_font_description_set_absolute_size'
/usr/local/lib/ undefined reference to `pango_version'
/usr/local/lib/ undefined reference to `pango_quantize_line_geometry'
/usr/local/lib/ undefined reference to `pango_renderer_set_matrix'
/usr/local/lib/ undefined reference to `g_slice_alloc'
/usr/local/lib/ undefined reference to `pango_renderer_draw_glyphs'
/usr/local/lib/ undefined reference to `pango_renderer_draw_layout'
/usr/local/lib/ undefined reference to `g_slice_alloc0'
/usr/local/lib/ undefined reference to `pango_gravity_get_type'
/usr/local/lib/ undefined reference to `pango_renderer_draw_layout_line'
/usr/local/lib/ undefined reference to `g_assertion_message_expr'
/usr/local/lib/ undefined reference to `g_slice_free1'
/usr/local/lib/ undefined reference to `g_once_init_enter_impl'
/usr/local/lib/ undefined reference to `pango_font_describe_with_absolute_size'
/usr/local/lib/ undefined reference to `pango_font_description_get_size_is_absolute'
/usr/local/lib/ undefined reference to `g_return_if_fail_warning'
collect2: ld returned 1 exit status
make[2]: *** [gadmin-squid] Error 1
make[2]: Leaving directory `/root/gadmin-squid-0.1.0/src'
make[1]: *** [all-recursive] Error 1
make[1]: Leaving directory `/root/gadmin-squid-0.1.0'
make: *** [all] Error 2

I hope this much of information is enough. But then i cant help as this the output that has some problems.

Simon Bridge 04-22-2008 07:44 AM


i guess it was the official gadmin tools website
Don't guess - check.

All those "undefined reference" messages mean you are missing a library, or the libraries are linked in the wrong order.

I'll bet it's in /usr/local/lib/

$ nm /usr/local/lib/ | grep pango_font_description_get_gravity
T pango_font_description_get_gravity

... check the compile instruction in the makefile. You'll probably see that /usr/local/lib/ is before /usr/local/lib/libpango-1.0? So swap them and it should compile fine.

Note: you should be administering RHEL with up2date - that's what it's for. If you don't want to pay for updates and support, you should consider a non-commercial distribution. Whatever - it is easiest to install from rpm - the CentOS distro is based on RHEL and many of their rpms will work for you. It is even possible to install yum and get your dependancies sorted automagically.

Oh - clarification: the "personal pronoun" in my last post is the "I" when you use it to refer to yourself. Using a lower case "i" for yourself has some subtle additional meanings which you probably don't mean. Like: "i am not worthy of respect", or, "i am too lazy to use the shift key", or, "i am making a statement of youthful rebellion".

You're doing well though - can you see how much easier it is to read what you wrote now?

linuxlover.chaitanya 04-22-2008 08:02 AM

Yes it was the official website for GadminSquid from where i got it.
I again went through it and found that GadminSquid presently does not support the delay pools. This is the thing that actually what I am looking for.
I need delay pools and access control lists to use squid for bandwidth management.
I have tried using webmin as well for the same purpose. The problem with webmin is that there is no option to attach delay pools and access control lists.
I thought GadminSquid was the option but even in this tool, this option is lacking. Though the forthcoming versions may have those options as well.
Is there any other fully functional tool to administer squid for bandwidth management?

linuxlover.chaitanya 04-22-2008 08:08 AM

Yeah and as far as your advice about using goes for using non-commercial distributions, I will be doing it when i get the fully functional internet connection or the installation media.
I presently dont have access to internet connection in my office that can be used to download complete operating system.
But I will be doing it in coming days.

Simon Bridge 04-22-2008 08:25 AM

India has some very good LUGs - you can usually find someone with a spare install CD. Subscribe to the mailing lists.

When I had this problem, I actually used an internet cafe to download and burn the CD. Most won't let you do it - but some are amenable if you offer money. (They'll normally do it for cost.)

As for bandwidth throttling:

linuxlover.chaitanya 04-22-2008 09:07 AM

Thanks for that. That was a good tutorial.
GadminSquid was my option as it gives the front end administration option for squid.
I tried webmin for the same purpose. I dont know why but most of the front end administration tools for squid lack option for delay pools. If they have the option there is no way you can attach them to access control lists.
I was on look out for some front end for squid.
Anyhow, I think, terminal is the option for me now.

And yes, there are very good linux users group around here in India and I am part of one in my area.
I am going to get the media from there itself.

And as far as internet cafe is concerned, they wont allow such a huge download. And I should not be using them in the first place as the speed is so low there that downloading a 3gb dvd for centos will take me ages to complete. I am saying this about the cafes around my place and not in general though.

Simon Bridge 04-22-2008 10:14 AM

The front-ends are not designed for throttling - just setting up common proxy options.
In linux server admin, there is a feeling that guis are for sissies ;)
... packet shaping.

There are commercial products, like packeteer, which provide a gui.

linuxlover.chaitanya 04-23-2008 12:21 AM

Yeah you are true but then front end gives a easy way to configure the squid when I am not around.
I can do it over the terminal but not everyone who is unknown to linux. Hence I thought a front end would be a good option for me to do it once and for all and then had over the server to the person really in charge of it to maintain it.
I guess I will use terminal to configure the squid directly and then put something like webmin or like if needed.

Simon Bridge 04-23-2008 06:05 AM

Well - you have two options: either you train the guy who is really in charge (for a fee) or you set up remote administration over ssh and charge whenever the owners want a change.

Mostly though, you should always document what you do so the next guy isn't stuck guessing.

Perhaps they will decide to pay for the commercial tool - price of ignorance. But how much would that proxy setup have cost if it were built from proprietary products?

linuxlover.chaitanya 04-23-2008 06:25 AM

Yeah I have given up on that and will use the ever charming terminal to configure the squid and its not my problem then once its up and running.
But this has given me an idea to write a module for webmin if I can to attach the delay pools to the access control lists. I dont know what it can take to do that as I have never done that before but I may try to do that if time permits. Also I don't know very well if webmin is completely written in perl only they have used other language modules as well.
May be that will be the option.

nowshining 04-28-2008 07:32 AM

"/usr/local/lib/ is before /usr/local/lib/libpango-1.0"

how would one do that? I'm new to linking - :/ as i'm confused at what to look for and what to do. What should I look for?

I did run ldconfig.

I can't compile jpilot and this might be my problem. No one answered my post and I did a lycos search and came up with this which closely describes what might be my problem.

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