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mfduqued 04-02-2010 03:32 PM

Postscript with Gnuplot

I have some graphics with gnuplot 4.4. At my file I change lw to 0.18. But
when I obtain a file eps, my changes are lost.

Why?. What do I do?
Which is terminal that accept the option linewidth?

I only like to change the curves' linewidth, and do not change axes'

Thank you.

codedr 04-02-2010 11:12 PM

According to the gnuplot help documentation
> set terminal postscript eps lw 0.18

I don't see any note that would imply that linewidth is ignored by
the eps parameter.

Are you implying that the lw param works without eps specified ?

mfduqued 04-03-2010 12:13 AM


Thanks for your comment.

But when I do your suggestion I have a problem.

This changes all linewidth. I only need to change some plot's data.

Is this possible at postscript?

Vrajgh 04-03-2010 04:35 AM

I wonder if there is a minimum width that can be drawn with postscript.


gnuplot> set terminal postscript eps mono
Terminal type set to 'postscript'
Options are 'eps noenhanced defaultplex \
  leveldefault monochrome colortext \
  solid dashlength 1.0 linewidth 1.0 butt \
  palfuncparam 2000,0.003 \
  "Helvetica" 14 '
gnuplot> set output "out.eps"
gnuplot> plot sin(x) lw 5, cos(x) lw 1, sin(2*x) lw 0.18

In this code the sin(x) line is very thick, the cos(x) is thinner but I agree that the sin(2*x) doesn't look a lot thinner than the cos(x) line (when viewed with gv). Have you tried printing it, as for postscript the printer output is probably the most definitive test.

Other than that, do you really need a line that thin? On the wxt terminal I can hardly see it!

codedr 04-03-2010 05:27 AM

eps mode is for generating a single plot file for embedding in another document.

Not sure what you mean by 'only some plot's data'.
Maybe you want to change something in the plot command you are doing for your

I've usually found what I've needed with 'help plot' command inside gnuplot.
If you need more help, post a short example on what you are trying to do if
you cannot find it in the documentation.

mfduqued 04-03-2010 10:33 AM

I use gnuplot as
set style line 10 linetype -1 lw 0.125
set terminal postscript eps enhanced colour lw 0.125
set output 'grafica1.eps'
set view 60,25,,
gm(x,y)= t*sqrt(3+f(x,y))
splot gm(x,y) with lines ls 10 notitle, y*sin(x) with lines notitle

I only like to change the curves' linewidth, and do not change axes' linewidth.

codedr 04-08-2010 09:03 AM

help in gnuplot
in gnuplot
> help splot with
with <style> ... linewidth


You may also scale the line width and point size for a plot by using
<line_width> and <point_size>, which are specified relative to the default
values for each terminal.

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