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daftcat 04-23-2009 01:49 PM

fsck fsck fsck our stupid bullpen and sloppy defense!

Meche is getting the Zito treatment. He puts in an outstanding performance and the rest of the team blows it for him. And this is where I don't agree with the Earned Run accounting. Meche may have left with runners on base but it's not his fault that Mahay can't keep the ball in the park.

Onip 04-24-2009 06:18 AM

ok, r169 fixed mlbdvr for non-premium accounts. Thanks

Takabru 04-24-2009 12:21 PM

A little bit lost...okay really lost!
first thing, I am a complete noob when it comes to linux. I do know some unix code but not much. I have managed to get the alpha of mlbviewer to show me the listings of the games but I get No Media Available for all of them regardless of which day I choose. When I do click on a game to watch it tells me that it could not find the game stream. I am surprised I got that far. What am I doing wrong?

Also, I am trying the beta release too because I am a premium customer. I followed the Requirements and Install readme files and I think I have everything where it is suppose to be. However, when I try to run or it stills tells me the requirements have changed and to read those two files again. Not sure what I did wrong again.

Anyways, any help would be greatly appreciated.


Theophile 04-24-2009 01:49 PM

You must run the version from subversion (SVN). Latest is revision 169. The tarball version from Sourceforge is hopelessly outdated and will not work.

If you run and it gives you the requirements message, that means it is not detecting either one or the other of suds and pyxml. Don't worry about rtmpdump, but you do need to install both suds and pyxml.

You also need the autobahn.jar. Do you have that?

Takabru 04-24-2009 02:28 PM

Hmm ok, I will get rid of the alpha version from Sourceforge for starters. I downloads and installed suds and pyxml I think. I followed the directions in their install readme. I do not, however, have autobahn.jar. Where can I get that from. Also, what is the command for the SVN for mlbviewer and I will install it that way. I am a quick learner, I used SVN to DL and install other packages I needed.

Thanks for the help.

daftcat 04-24-2009 02:34 PM


Originally Posted by Takabru (Post 3519762)
first thing, I am a complete noob when it comes to linux. I do know some unix code but not much. I have managed to get the alpha of mlbviewer to show me the listings of the games but I get No Media Available for all of them regardless of which day I choose. When I do click on a game to watch it tells me that it could not find the game stream. I am surprised I got that far. What am I doing wrong?

Also, I am trying the beta release too because I am a premium customer. I followed the Requirements and Install readme files and I think I have everything where it is suppose to be. However, when I try to run or it stills tells me the requirements have changed and to read those two files again. Not sure what I did wrong again.

Anyways, any help would be greatly appreciated.


If you are seeing the requirements have changed message, you are still missing suds or pyxml.

I'm working on the finishing touches for a sourceforge release that should be easier for beginners like yourself to get going. I've targeted May 1 as the release date.

There's a mini-requirements howto about 20 pages back or click here.

Don't worry about or rtmpdump. You won't need those as a premium user (except if you want gameday audio but you'd be better off waiting for the May 1 release for that.)

You will also need the nexdef plugin here:

And finally, you'll need to download the latest mplayer from SVN and build it for your system.

This procedure works well for me. Your mileage may vary. The nice thing about this procedure is that if you screw up, you can reinstall mplayer from your linux distribution right over it.


$ svn checkout svn:// mplayer
$ cd mplayer
$ sh configure --enable-dynamic-plugins --prefix=/usr
$ make

(You should test your newly built mplayer with ./mplayer and a video file or video url before you run the next command)

$ make install

On my system, this process produces a wall of indecipherable text but takes only about 15 minutes to complete. :D

daftcat 04-24-2009 02:37 PM


Originally Posted by Takabru (Post 3519871)
Hmm ok, I will get rid of the alpha version from Sourceforge for starters. I downloads and installed suds and pyxml I think. I followed the directions in their install readme. I do not, however, have autobahn.jar. Where can I get that from. Also, what is the command for the SVN for mlbviewer and I will install it that way. I am a quick learner, I used SVN to DL and install other packages I needed.

Thanks for the help.

It should be on the sourceforge page and in the readme you just deleted. ;-)


svn co mlbviewer

Takabru 04-24-2009 02:55 PM

Ok, I Downloaded the nexdef jar but what do I do with it? Does it just stay in the home directory or do I need to put it somewhere else? Also, I must be doing something wrong with pyxml and suds because I thought I had downloaded and installed them. I placed them in my home directory and ran the directions in their respective readme files. I think I am close my mlbviewer is the most up-to-date version too so is mplayer.

Oh btw I am using the most current version of Ubuntu. I think its 9.0.4.

edouble312 04-24-2009 03:02 PM


Originally Posted by Takabru (Post 3519901)
Ok, I Downloaded the nexdef jar but what do I do with it? Does it just stay in the home directory or do I need to put it somewhere else? Also, I must be doing something wrong with pyxml and suds because I thought I had downloaded and installed them. I placed them in my home directory and ran the directions in their respective readme files. I think I am close my mlbviewer is the most up-to-date version too so is mplayer.

Oh btw I am using the most current version of Ubuntu. I think its 9.0.4.

make sure you have latest java installed. In synaptic package manager, install sun-java6-jre

then run autobahn.jar at the command line with

java -jar autobahn.jar
after that, you can watch the games on the website with nextdef, and it's required to get mlbviewer working. so run that before mlbviewer and see where you're at

daftcat 04-24-2009 03:05 PM


Originally Posted by Takabru (Post 3519901)
Ok, I Downloaded the nexdef jar but what do I do with it? Does it just stay in the home directory or do I need to put it somewhere else? Also, I must be doing something wrong with pyxml and suds because I thought I had downloaded and installed them. I placed them in my home directory and ran the directions in their respective readme files. I think I am close my mlbviewer is the most up-to-date version too so is mplayer.

Oh btw I am using the most current version of Ubuntu. I think its 9.0.4.

Suds has a tricky install. I don't remember off-hand. I think it's just a ' install' whereas 'make install' fails if you're not on a fedora system.

Try those commands I posted on that howto link I gave you to see whether it's pyxml or suds that is not installed correctly.

Also, the fix for mplayer for H.264 videos uses was checked into SVN about a week or two ago. It's almost 100% that your newest Ubuntu still doesn't have that patch. You are better off building from svn. You'll save yourself some time and frustration in the long run.

The nexdef needs only be run as:

java -jar autobahn.jar &

You can put it wherever.

Once you have everything working, there's a howto on page 87 (I think) for making autobahn into an ubuntu service. All these howto's will be collected into proper documentation for the May 1 release.

Takabru 04-24-2009 04:05 PM

Ok I got it to work, at least in brings up the games menu and allows me to load the stream. However, it only lasts about 10 seconds before it closes. Any ideas what that issue is?

BTW thanks for all the help would never have got this far without it.

Theophile 04-24-2009 04:13 PM

A couple things you can try. First, if you are on a moderate or slow internet connection, you can lower the bitrate of the stream you request. Do this by editing your ~/.mlb/config file and add this line:

max_bps = 800000

Another thing you can try is, rather than trying to play the stream directly, you can save it to a local file, then play that file. To do that, in your ~/.mlb/config file, change your video player like this:

video_player = mplayer %s -dumpstream -dumpfile %f

This will create a new file in your /mlbviewer directory with a .mp4 extension. Switch to a new terminal and play it back with mplayer.

Takabru 04-24-2009 04:29 PM

So if I save it to a file and play that file through mplayer will that work on live games too? Archives I can see that being useful though. Also, I do have a 15Mbps connection but I will lower the bitrate to see if that works.

Second, how do I actually play a file with mplayer through the command line? Is it just mplayer <filename>?

Thanks again.

JackRubysDog 04-24-2009 04:42 PM

So close . . . I think I actually want to cry :(

I have spent four hours on this and . . . I get audio but no video.

I am getting the ALC ffmpeg 1 byte errors but cannot figure out how to apply the patch.

I have downloaded the updated version of h264.c but whenever I configure and try to make mplayer I get "all: nothing to do". Compare that to the 20 mins it took to build mplayer after downloading it via svn.

Please help. I will love you for ever. Promise.

Takabru 04-24-2009 04:49 PM

I thought I had it working right but now it wont load any streams, I think the error has something to do with SUDS. I ran python on the command prompt and then did

from suds.client import Client

it gave me this error:

/usr/local/lib/python2.6/dist-packages/suds-0.3.4-py2,6.egg/suds/ Dep
recationWarning: the md5 module is deprecated; use hashlib instead

So, how do I use hashlib instead?

Thanks again.

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