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-   -   How to patch GPSR routing protocol to ns-2.34 (

Chakraborty 04-17-2014 12:08 PM



we search a good papers about the perfomance comparison of LEACH,LEACHC and GPSR.

->LEACH works in Hierarchical, GPSR works as flat.
->And comparison is always with some common constant network parameters.So, I doudt, if there could be any.
->To be exact that would be a comparison of hierarchical Vs flat, in broad sense, with these two as instances of each, respectively.
->Besides, each has its own advantages and disadvantages with respect to applications.

->Anyway,if you get then please let me know.

Chakraborty 04-17-2014 12:14 PM

Dear knudfl,

With reference to #221 & #222 Please reply.

With Thanks.

knudfl 04-17-2014 12:30 PM

# 227 .

#221 : "Couldn't schedule timer" : Buggy ? Or make up a new `wireless-gpsr.tcl'.

#222 : Please rephrase. Not clear what you mean.

Chakraborty 04-17-2014 01:41 PM


# 228 .

Buggy ? Or make up a new `wireless-gpsr.tcl'.

Please rephrase. Not clear what you mean.


Please rephrase. Not clear what you mean.
w.r.t "I mean to say, is there any software/procedure that will give a view of a tcl script having
node coordinates to a graphical grig based manner,
with respect to node coordinates."

Can we take 'grid-deploy10x10.tcl' script(which is passed to the `wireless-gpsr.tcl'as an argument), to a visual window, with node coordinates, without using `wireless-gpsr.tcl'.
i.e the application will take scenario file as input and display it in a graphical manner.
Is there any application for this.

I am trying with nam.

Anything else from your's side.

knudfl 04-18-2014 01:49 AM

# 221 .

The errors are caused by the changes you have made with <files>.cc , I guess.

# 229 :
... is a "configuration file". Not a simulation.
You can of course use the 100 times coordinates X Y Z from "grid-deploy10x10.tcl",
to make a file that is usable in a graphical application. (Don't ask me how to do it.)
... And the "graphical plot" may not show anything interesting ?


muthana 04-29-2014 03:45 AM

Dear Sir
please can you send to me the TCL scripts for AODV and OLSR protocols as example

best regard

muthana 04-29-2014 03:50 AM

please same this script but for AODV and OLSR protocol
# author: Thomas Ogilvie
# sample tcl script showing the use of GPSR and HLS (hierarchical location service)

## GPSR Options
Agent/GPSR set bdesync_ 0.5 ;# beacon desync random component
Agent/GPSR set bexp_ [expr 3*([Agent/GPSR set bint_]+[Agent/GPSR set bdesync_]*[Agent/GPSR set bint_])] ;# beacon timeout interval
Agent/GPSR set pint_ 1.5 ;# peri probe interval
Agent/GPSR set pdesync_ 0.5 ;# peri probe desync random component
Agent/GPSR set lpexp_ 8.0 ;# peris unused timeout interval
Agent/GPSR set drop_debug_ 1 ;#
Agent/GPSR set peri_proact_ 1 ;# proactively generate peri probes
Agent/GPSR set use_implicit_beacon_ 1 ;# all packets act as beacons; promisc.
Agent/GPSR set use_timed_plnrz_ 0 ;# replanarize periodically
Agent/GPSR set use_congestion_control_ 0
Agent/GPSR set use_reactive_beacon_ 0 ;# only use reactive beaconing

set val(bint) 0.5 ;# beacon interval
set val(use_mac) 1 ;# use link breakage feedback from MAC
set val(use_peri) 1 ;# probe and use perimeters
set val(use_planar) 1 ;# planarize graph
set val(verbose) 1 ;#
set val(use_beacon) 1 ;# use beacons at all
set val(use_reactive) 0 ;# use reactive beaconing
set val(locs) 0 ;# default to OmniLS
set val(use_loop) 0 ;# look for unexpected loops in peris

set val(agg_mac) 1 ;# Aggregate MAC Traces
set val(agg_rtr) 0 ;# Aggregate RTR Traces
set val(agg_trc) 0 ;# Shorten Trace File

set val(chan) Channel/WirelessChannel
set val(prop) Propagation/TwoRayGround
set val(netif) Phy/WirelessPhy
set val(mac) Mac/802_11
set val(ifq) Queue/DropTail/PriQueue
set val(ll) LL
set val(ant) Antenna/OmniAntenna
set val(x) 2000 ;# X dimension of the topography
set val(y) 2000 ;# Y dimension of the topography
set val(ifqlen) 512 ;# max packet in ifq
set val(seed) 1.0
set val(adhocRouting) GPSR ;# AdHoc Routing Protocol
set val(nn) 40 ;# how many nodes are simulated
set val(stop) 40.0 ;# simulation time
set val(use_gk) 0 ;# > 0: use GridKeeper with this radius
set val(zip) 0 ;# should trace files be zipped

set val(agttrc) ON ;# Trace Agent
set val(rtrtrc) ON ;# Trace Routing Agent
set val(mactrc) ON ;# Trace MAC Layer
set val(movtrc) ON ;# Trace Movement

set val(lt) ""
set val(cp) "cp-n40-a40-t40-c4-m0"
set val(sc) "sc-x2000-y2000-n40-s25-t40"

set val(out) ""

Agent/GPSR set locservice_type_ 3

add-packet-header Common Flags IP LL Mac Message GPSR LOCS SR RTP Ping HLS

Agent/GPSR set bint_ $val(bint)
# Recalculating bexp_ here
Agent/GPSR set bexp_ [expr 3*([Agent/GPSR set bint_]+[Agent/GPSR set bdesync_]*[Agent/GPSR set bint_])] ;# beacon timeout interval
Agent/GPSR set use_peri_ $val(use_peri)
Agent/GPSR set use_planar_ $val(use_planar)
Agent/GPSR set use_mac_ $val(use_mac)
Agent/GPSR set use_beacon_ $val(use_beacon)
Agent/GPSR set verbose_ $val(verbose)
Agent/GPSR set use_reactive_beacon_ $val(use_reactive)
Agent/GPSR set use_loop_detect_ $val(use_loop)

CMUTrace set aggregate_mac_ $val(agg_mac)
CMUTrace set aggregate_rtr_ $val(agg_rtr)

# seeding RNG
ns-random $val(seed)

# create simulator instance
set ns_ [new Simulator]

set loadTrace $val(lt)

set topo [new Topography]
$topo load_flatgrid $val(x) $val(y)

set tracefd [open $val(out) w]

$ns_ trace-all $tracefd

set chanl [new $val(chan)]

# Create God
set god_ [create-god $val(nn)]

# Attach Trace to God
set T [new Trace/Generic]
$T attach $tracefd
$T set src_ -5
$god_ tracetarget $T

# Define Nodes
puts "Configuring Nodes ($val(nn))"
$ns_ node-config -adhocRouting $val(adhocRouting) \
-llType $val(ll) \
-macType $val(mac) \
-ifqType $val(ifq) \
-ifqLen $val(ifqlen) \
-antType $val(ant) \
-propType $val(prop) \
-phyType $val(netif) \
-channel $chanl \
-topoInstance $topo \
-wiredRouting OFF \
-mobileIP OFF \
-agentTrace $val(agttrc) \
-routerTrace $val(rtrtrc) \
-macTrace $val(mactrc) \
-movementTrace $val(movtrc)

# Create the specified number of nodes [$val(nn)] and "attach" them
# to the channel.
for {set i 0} {$i < $val(nn) } {incr i} {
set node_($i) [$ns_ node]
$node_($i) random-motion 0 ;# disable random motion
set ragent [$node_($i) set ragent_]
$ragent install-tap [$node_($i) set mac_(0)]

if { $val(mac) == "Mac/802_11" } {
# bind MAC load trace file
[$node_($i) set mac_(0)] load-trace $loadTrace

# Bring Nodes to God's Attention
$god_ new_node $node_($i)

source $val(sc)

source $val(cp)

# Tell nodes when the simulation ends
for {set i 0} {$i < $val(nn) } {incr i} {
$ns_ at $val(stop).0 "$node_($i) reset";

$ns_ at $val(stop).0002 "puts \"NS EXITING... $val(out)\" ; $ns_ halt"

puts "Starting Simulation..."
$ns_ run

knudfl 04-29-2014 08:41 AM

#232, @muthana.

If the code.tcl is a copy of "hls.tcl", please delete the code.
No reason to show a well known file.

If it is your own code, please edit post #232 to use `code tags´ :
I.e. type [/code] at code end, and [code] at code start.
Or use the ` # ´ button in the 'Advanced Editor'.


elaheyazdanimiar 05-06-2014 08:05 AM

I have successfully install the Ke Liu's GPSR implementation in to NS-2.34 and the
example which he has given for 100 stationary nodes are working fine and the packet delivery
ration is 100%.
When I tried this code for 100 mobile nodes then it does not work properly. The sources keep dropping packets.

Any one knows how to make this properly! I have spent lot of time
on this please help me if you can!

muthana 05-07-2014 04:56 AM

please can anyone send to me the scripts for the AODV and OLSR


knudfl 05-07-2014 05:14 AM

Post #235, @muthana.

You will have to respond to post #233 before you can get any answers.
Editing : That's the "Edit" button.

And : This thread is GPSR only. Only gpsr questions can be answered.
Please read
* For OLSR, AODV questions, start a new Thread.


Chakraborty 05-09-2014 07:53 AM

Dear knudfl,
Could you please suggest sites having any analysis of GPSR code.

With Thanks.

Chakraborty 05-09-2014 08:02 AM


Originally Posted by elaheyazdanimiar (Post 5165612)

When I tried this code for 100 mobile nodes then it does not work properly. The sources keep dropping packets.

Packet drop may be due to transmision range and speed of the nodes.
May be the nodes while sending are not getting the neighbors which it has taken as for greedy or perimeter mode within their transmission range.
Please recheck the node deployment and tcl scripts, with respect to transmission ranges and movement.
And also GPSR was implemented for non-mobile wireless networks.

The very backbone of GPSR is beconing technique(used for selecting the node for greeedy or perimeter), which changes, with mobility of nodes within the transmission ranges.

muthana 05-21-2014 02:46 AM

Dear sir knudfl
I try to install ns2.33 that include GPSR but I have this problem can you help me to solve this problem, Thanks

DUSE_SINGLE_ADDRESS_SPACE –DRNG_test –I. –I. –I/home/ht/ns-allione-2.33/
Tclcl-1.19 –I/home/ht/ns-allione-2.33//otcl-1.13 –I/home/ht/ns-allione-2.33/
Include –I/home/ht/ns-allione-2.33//include –I/usr.include/pcap –Iltcp –I./
Sctp –I./common –I./link –I./queue –I./adc –I./apps –I./mac –I./mobile –I/
Trace –I./routing –I./tools –I./classifier –I./mcast –I./diffusion3/lib/main –
–I./diffusion3/lib –I./diffusion3/LIB/NR –I./diffusion3/NS –I./diffusion3
FILTER_CORE - I./asim/ -I./qs –I./diffserv –I./statellite –I./wpan -0gen/
Version.o gen/version.c
Make:*** No rule to make target ‘tcl/rtp/seeion-rtp.tcl’, needed by ‘gen/’ . stop.
Ns make failed!
See for problems

Chakraborty 05-24-2014 10:10 AM

Dear Knudfl,
Could you please provide the steps to install gpsr-hls in ns-2.33.
Please provide the sequence of steps.
KeLiu-GPSR is not fulfilling my purpose, as it is not precisely implementing GPSR.
It(KeLiu-GPSR) has done that in different way.

Please provide the exact seq. of steps, for it to coexist with KeLiu-GPSR.
I am using Ubuntu 12.04.

With Thanks.

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