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OldSarge 08-26-2003 04:56 PM

gunzip-how to use.
I have a file I downloaded from Mozilla, to upgrade my 1.2 to 1.4. It was saved as a gunzip file, somewhere. I need to know how to find and then the step by step instructions on how to install it to SuSe 8.2. I am definitely a novice when it comes to Linux!:confused:

leonscape 08-26-2003 05:00 PM

You probbably alrady have it.

was the file a tar.gz?


tar -xvzf thefile.tar.gz

if its just gzip then

gzip -d thefile.gz

The follow the instructions on how to install in your new directory.

contrasutra 08-26-2003 05:02 PM

whats the extension of the file?

.gz = gunzip.

But most people make their files into a tarball (.tar) before compressing it with gzip.

A tarball takes a bunch of files and makes it one big file, that keeps directory structure.

If its a tar.gz (which is most likely is), you use this command:

tar -xvzf foo.tar.gz

this will untar and uncompress the file in one go.

For installation, I believe Mozilla comes already compiled, so you just run the "mozilla" binary inside the folder that should have been created when you untarred that tar.gz. The folder is probobly called "mozilla" too.

A tip:

Be sure to be in the directory of the tarball when untarring it.

If you had a tarball called mozilla.tar.gz in /home/user, you would do:

cd /home/user
tar -xvzf mozilla.tar.gz
cd mozilla

and that would "install" and run Mozilla.

DrOzz 08-26-2003 05:04 PM

well i would say you saved it in your home folder...and its kinda hard to find it without a filename or whatever....why don't you just watch where you save it to, and then you'll know where to go :D
now being that plain and simple *.gz files are uncommon i will give you a few examples cause i don't think thats what you got..
but if it is a
*.gz type:
gunzip filename.gz
if it is a
*.tar.gz type:
tar -zxvf filename.tar.gz
if it is a
*.tgz type:
tar -zxvf filename.tgz
if it is a
*.tar.bz2 type:
tar -jxvf filename.tar.bz2

you can maybe type in the terminal :
and then type:
locate mozilla
and you may come across it, but i'll restate like i did above, if this doesn't work, just watch where you are downloading your files again just to see where it points to, and maybe the default folder that opens up you'll possibly see the existing one you already downloaded...

OldSarge 08-27-2003 12:32 PM

gunzip problem
I have tried all the methods mentioned in this string, to no avail. I keep getting "no such command exists" or "no such file or directory exists". I had downloaded the file into the download manager and can go there and find it, but cannot get it to transfer and install. The file as it reads in the download manager is: File:///tmp/mozilla-i686-pc-linux-gnu-1.4-sea.tar.gz. How do I get it from the download manager to install, in plain and simple english, if possible. :confused: :newbie:

Mathieu 08-27-2003 01:28 PM

You need to open a console window (terminal window)... I can't remember what it is called in SuSE :scratch:

At the command line, type the following commands:

cd /tmp
tar -zxvf mozilla-i686-pc-linux-gnu-1.4-sea.tar.gz
cd mozilla-installer

contrasutra 08-27-2003 01:29 PM

just do (as root):

cd /tmp
tar -xvzf mozilla-i686-pc-linux-gnu-1.4-sea.tar.gz

I wouldnt keep it in /tmp though. You want to keep personal files in your home directory, so the permissions dont get screwed up.

OldSarge 08-27-2003 04:13 PM

gunzip install problem
I have tried Mr. Mathieu's method and all I get is "No such file or directory"! As for doing it as root, I am embarrassed to say I cannot seem to be able to get the root desktop up, although I can go into Yast2 as root.:(

Mathieu 08-27-2003 04:45 PM

No such file or directory :eek:
Which command gave you that error message ?

If it is the tar ..., then the file may not be in the /tmp directory.
We can look for it, at the command line, type:

cd /tmp
ls -lsa

Is the file (mozilla-i686-pc-linux-gnu-1.4-sea.tar.gz) present in the directory listing ?

OldSarge 08-27-2003 09:02 PM

To All: tried to locate the file using ls-lsa, to no avail. In fact, the only way I can find the file is to go to the download manager, and there it is! So, I say it again, somehow I have to be able to transfer it and install it. I have tried all the above methods and the only results I get are: NO SUCH FILE OR DIRECTORY!!!

contrasutra 08-27-2003 09:14 PM

You dont need to do a GUI login to get to root. In fact, almost NEVER log into a GUI as root, its very dangerous to be able to point and click your system into destruction.

To become root, open up a terminal (Konsole, Gnome-Terminal, xterm), and type:

[enter root password]

If you didnt make a root password, just press enter. But then be sure to make one. To do that, type the "passwd" command.

try doing (as root):

[database updates]
"locate mozilla-i686-pc-linux-gnu-1.4-sea.tar.gz"

It will tell you where is is.

If its not, try downloading it from another program, I like WGET.

OldSarge 08-28-2003 04:10 PM

using terminal and "SU"
Tried to locate the file through updating the database, all I got was "Command not found" Have decided that upgrading is for the birds and will stick with what I have. I have had the double negative of trying to install NS7 for Linux, to no avail. So, until Suse sends out a integrated upgrade with Mozilla 1.4, I will stay with what I have.:( :mad: :newbie:

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