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Vixxx 09-20-2010 10:21 PM

Error on example simulation on ns2 using add-on for directional antenna

I installed ns-2.33 and it is working fine. After this I installed the patches for directional antenna from :

When I am trying to run a sample script, I have this error:

invalid command name "Channel/Channel_802_11"
while executing
"Channel/Channel_802_11 create _o11 "
invoked from within
"catch "$className create $o $args" msg"
invoked from within
"if [catch "$className create $o $args" msg] {
if [string match "__FAILED_SHADOW_OBJECT_" $msg] {
delete $o
return ""
global errorInfo
error "class $..."
(procedure "new" line 3)
invoked from within
"new $val(chan)"
invoked from within
"$ns_ node-config -adhocRouting $val(rp) \
-llType $val(ll) \
-macType $val(mac) \
-ifqType $val(ifq) \
-ifqLen $val(ifqlen) \
(file "../../../sample_long.tcl" line 51)

I have also this error whenever I start a terminal and enter sudo:

bash: export: `/home/victor/Desktop/ns2.33/ns-allinone-2.33/lib,': not a valid identifier

but i dnt think the problem is because of this.

Anyone has an idea of what is happenning?
Thank you

knudfl 09-26-2010 02:24 PM

Did you do the steps, mentioned in your link ?

"" cd $NS2
patch -p1 < dir-antenna.patch
patch -p1 < multi-if.patch
./configure --with-otcl=../otcl-1.13 --with-tclcl=../tclcl-1.19
export NS_ANTENNA_FILE=$NS2/mobile/antenna.txt ""

The last command is to be used, when you try out the new files, like
export NS_ANTENNA_FILE=$NS2/mobile/antenna.txt && ns test.tcl

Why do you use : /home/victor/Desktop/ns2.33/ns-allinone-2.33/lib ?
Looks wrong. Would normally look this way :
export /home/victor/Desktop/ns-allinone-2.33/ns-2.33/lib
.... And you do not have to write this : Use bash completion ..
export /h<TAB>/v<TAB>/De<TAB>/ns<TAB> ,,,, etc. etc.
Or even simpler 1) use a script for this and other export commands.
Or aternatively install ns, nam to /usr/local/.
And otcl, tclcl to /usr/. Also : sudo apt-get install tcl8.4 tk8.4
.... Then all standard ns233 libraries are in a system path.
No more path considerations !

Vixxx 09-26-2010 04:45 PM

yes I did the above step, also i have it like this because I installed everything in a directory ns2.33. and I am changing path in bashrc. But everytime i run the terminal in sudo i have this error.

Anyway I think that there is something caused by the upgrade from Tens to ns 2.33, so when we patch it we don't have the same as in Tens.

The question is anyone had the sample.tcl working correctly with him ?

knudfl 09-26-2010 05:12 PM

Forgot one thing : nothing in ns2 is should be run with sudo.
( You will probably change the file permissions to something unusable
by using sudo.)

Just like any other files in your home/ or on your Desktop :
No sudo is to be used.
'sudo' is for administrative tasks, like installing a package.deb,
and editing a file outside home/.


.. the upgrade from Tens to ns 2.33,
so when we patch it we don't have the same as in Tens.
What is Tens ?

munivenkateshk 02-03-2012 02:21 AM

Directional Antenna
Hello Vixxx,

I'm also trying directional antenna patch in ns2. And even i got the same error in executing sample_long.tcl file. Did u find any solution for that? if so, kindly share with me. Please drop me a mail. My mail id is


munivenkateshk 02-03-2012 10:37 AM

Directional Antenna solution
Hello friends,
the updated code is given here u try this. I got the output, hope u will also get it....all the best
(it will work only if you have set the environmental path in .bashrc i.e., export NS_ANTENNA_FILE=/home/ns-allinone-2.33/ns-2.33/mobile/antenna.txt)


#This is a sample Tcl script file for using with TeNs


set val(chan) Channel/WirelessChannel ;# channel type

set val(prop) Propagation/Shadowing ;# radio-propagation model

set val(netif) Phy/WirelessPhy ;# network interface type

set val(mac) Mac/802_11 ;# MAC type

set val(ifq) Queue/DropTail/PriQueue ;# interface queue type

set val(ll) LL ;# link layer type

set val(ant) Antenna/DirAntenna ;# antenna model

set val(ifqlen) 50 ;# max packet in ifq

set val(nn) 4 ;# number of mobilenodes

#One can use AODV also , all other wireless protocols currently don't work

set val(rp) AODV ;# routing protocol

set val(ni) 1

#This type of modulation is a new addition

set opt(mod) Modulation/BPSK

# ======================================================================

# Main Program

# ======================================================================


# Initialize Global Variables


set ns_ [new Simulator]

set tracefd [open w]

#set par [open w]

$ns_ trace-all $tracefd

$ns_ use-newtrace

# set up topography object

set topo [new Topography]

$topo load_flatgrid 10000 10000



# Create the specified number of mobilenodes [$val(nn)] and "attach" them

# to the channel.

# Here two nodes are created : node(0) and node(1)

# configure node

$ns_ node-config -adhocRouting $val(rp) \

-llType $val(ll) \

-macType $val(mac) \

-ifqType $val(ifq) \

-ifqLen $val(ifqlen) \

-antType $val(ant) \

-propType $val(prop) \

-phyType $val(netif) \

-channel [new $val(chan)] \

-topoInstance $topo \

-agentTrace ON \

-routerTrace ON \

-macTrace ON \

-numif $val(ni) \

create-god 6

proc create_node { x y z } {

global ns_

#Mac/802_11 MAC_RTSThreshold 2000

#Mac/802_11 MAC_FragmentationThreshold 2500

#Mac/802_11 DSSS_AirPropagationTime 0.000003

Mac/802_11 set dataRate_ 2mb

Mac/802_11 set basicRate_ 1mb

# This statement can be used to enable BPSK Modulation scheme

# If one does not want to use this then it can be set to zero.

# By default it is set to zero.

Phy/WirelessPhy set modulationscheme_ 1

set newnode [$ns_ node]

$newnode random-motion 0

$newnode set X_ $x

$newnode set Y_ $y

$newnode set Z_ $z

return $newnode


proc create_cbr_connection { from to startTime interval packetSize } {

global ns_

set udp0 [new Agent/UDP]

set src [new Application/Traffic/CBR]

$udp0 set packetSize_ $packetSize

$src set packetSize_ $packetSize

$src set interval_ $interval

set sink [new Agent/Null]

$ns_ attach-agent $from $udp0

$src attach-agent $udp0

$ns_ attach-agent $to $sink

$ns_ connect $udp0 $sink

$ns_ at $startTime "$src start"

return $udp0


proc create_tcp_connection { from to startTime } {

global ns_ par

set tcp [new Agent/TCP]

$tcp set packetSize_ 1500

$tcp set class_ 2

set sink [new Agent/TCPSink]

$ns_ attach-agent $from $tcp

$ns_ attach-agent $to $sink

$ns_ connect $tcp $sink

set ftp [new Application/FTP]

$ftp set packetSize_ 1500

$ftp attach-agent $tcp

$ns_ at $startTime "$ftp start"

$tcp attach $par

$tcp trace cwnd_

$tcp trace maxseq_

$tcp trace rtt_

$tcp trace dupacks_

$tcp trace ack_

$tcp trace ndatabytes_

$tcp trace ndatapack_

$tcp trace nrexmit_

$tcp trace nrexmitpack_

return $tcp


$ns_ node-config -numif 1

set node_(0) [create_node 10 10 0]

[$node_(0) set netif_(0)] set channel_number_ 1

[$node_(0) set netif_(0)] set Pt_ 0.1

set a [new Antenna/DirAntenna]

$a setType 1

$a setAngle 90

#$a setWidth 10

[$node_(0) set netif_(0)] dir-antenna $a

#This is to set the number of interfaces in one node, in this case the no. of

#interfaces in node is set to 1

$ns_ node-config -numif 2

#This is the way a node is created (situated at 10,60,0)

set node_(1) [create_node 10 60 0]

#This is the method of setting the power at which a particular network interface of a node

# will transmit at. For eg. in this case the interface no.0 of node no 1 will work at 0.005W

[$node_(1) set netif_(0)] set Pt_ 0.1

#This is the method of setting the channel at which a particular network interface of a node

#will work at. For eg. in this case the interface no.0 of node no 1 will work at channel 1

[$node_(1) set netif_(0)] set channel_number_ 1

#This is the method of setting the power at which a particular network interface of a

#node will transmit at. For eg. in this case the interface no.1 of node no 1 will work at 0.005W

[$node_(1) set netif_(1)] set Pt_ 0.1

#This is the method of setting the channel at which a particular network interface of

#a node will work at. For eg. in this case the interface no.1 of node no 1 will work at channel 1

[$node_(1) set netif_(1)] set channel_number_ 6

#This is the way a new directional antenna is created

set a [new Antenna/DirAntenna]

#The type can be set to zero if you want to use directional antennae in the following form :

#A packet is received if the path between the sender and receiver fall in the

#cone(parallelogram) formed by the directional antennae of the sender and receiver

$a setType 1

#This sets the start angle of the directional antenna

$a setAngle 265

#This sets the angle of cone of the directional antenna

#$a setWidth 10

#Thus the above antenna will cover all area between angle 265 to 275(anticlockwise +x axis)

#with the node as the origin.


#Note: Directional Antennae specification can also be given by setting the type as an integer

#ranging from 1-8. In that case there is no need to give the setWidth command. One only needs to do the following:

#e.g.: $a setType 7

# $a setAngle 30 #This 30 gives the angle in degrees(anticlockwise from +ve x axis) of the direction of maximum gain, with the node at the center.

#This attaches the node to the directional antenna to the interface 0 of node1

[$node_(1) set netif_(0)] dir-antenna $a

set a [new Antenna/DirAntenna]

$a setType 1

$a setAngle 0

$a setWidth 10

#This attaches the node to the directional antenna to the interface 1 of node1

[$node_(1) set netif_(1)] dir-antenna $a

$ns_ node-config -numif 2

set node_(2) [create_node 60 60 0]

[$node_(2) set netif_(0)] set Pt_ 0.1

[$node_(2) set netif_(0)] set channel_number_ 6

[$node_(2) set netif_(1)] set Pt_ 0.1

[$node_(2) set netif_(1)] set channel_number_ 11

set a [new Antenna/DirAntenna]

$a setType 1

$a setAngle 180

$a setWidth 10

[$node_(2) set netif_(0)] dir-antenna $a

set a [new Antenna/DirAntenna]

$a setType 1

$a setAngle 90

#$a setWidth 10

[$node_(2) set netif_(1)] dir-antenna $a

$ns_ node-config -numif 1

set node_(3) [create_node 60 6100 0]

[$node_(3) set netif_(0)] set Pt_ 0.1

[$node_(3) set netif_(0)] set channel_number_ 11

set a [new Antenna/DirAntenna]

$a setType 1

$a setAngle 270

#$a setWidth 10

[$node_(3) set netif_(0)] dir-antenna $a

#These following set of commands manually makes a routing table for "wlstatic"

#the syntax is as follows:

#[$node_(0) set ragent_] addstaticroute <number of hops> <next hop> <destination node> <interface to use>

#[$node_(0) set ragent_] addstaticroute 1 1 1 0

#[$node_(0) set ragent_] addstaticroute 2 1 2 0

#[$node_(0) set ragent_] addstaticroute 3 1 3 0

#[$node_(1) set ragent_] addstaticroute 1 0 0 0

#[$node_(1) set ragent_] addstaticroute 1 2 2 1

#[$node_(1) set ragent_] addstaticroute 2 2 3 1

#[$node_(2) set ragent_] addstaticroute 2 1 0 0

#[$node_(2) set ragent_] addstaticroute 1 1 1 0

#[$node_(2) set ragent_] addstaticroute 1 3 3 1

#[$node_(3) set ragent_] addstaticroute 3 2 0 0

#[$node_(3) set ragent_] addstaticroute 2 2 1 0

#[$node_(3) set ragent_] addstaticroute 1 2 2 0

set tcp0 [create_cbr_connection $node_(0) $node_(3) 1.0 0.005 1500]


# Tell nodes when the simulation ends


for {set i 0} {$i < $val(nn) } {incr i} {

$ns_ at 110.0 "$node_($i) reset";


$ns_ at 110.0 "stop"

$ns_ at 110.01 "puts \"NS EXITING...\" ; $ns_ halt"

proc stop {} {

global ns_ tracefd par

$ns_ flush-trace

close $tracefd

#close $par


puts "Starting Simulation..."

$ns_ run

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