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lawadm1 08-11-2004 08:40 AM

Enabling SSI in Apache2.0
I've tried referencing other threads for this problem, but I still seem to be having a problem. Oh. And I've also tried referencing the Apache help online, but to no avail.

I'm running Apache 2.0 on Fedora Core 2, and I'm trying to get a basic counter (perl script) to show up on my webpage.

So far I've made the following changes to the /etc/httpd/conf/http.conf
(I've also stopped and restarted the httpd service)

# Filters allow you to process content before it is sent to the client.
# To parse .shtml files for server-side includes (SSI):
# (You will also need to add "Includes" to the "Options" directive.)
AddType text/html .shtml
AddOutputFilter INCLUDES .shtml

I thought uncommenting the 2 lines would do it, but it didn't. Is there something else that I need to change in the http.conf file?

Does the perl script need to be in a certain directory?


mosherben 08-11-2004 09:11 AM

This is from the Apache SSI Page..

<snip>Telling Apache to Use SSI
By default, the server does not bother looking in HTML files for the SSI commands. This would slow down every access to a HTML file. To use SSI you need to tell Apache which documents contain the SSI commands.

One way to do this is to use a special file extension. .shtml is often used, and this can be configured with this directive:

AddHandler server-parsed .shtml

Try adding that, or uncommenting that line. ;-)

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