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OregonJohn 08-30-2005 05:54 PM

Update of SUSE 9.2 worked!
I got so frustrated that I thought I'd try a reinstall of SUSE 9.2 on a fresh HDD and then do a SUSE update....that worked like a charm. I don't know what update did the trick but one of them did. Something got fixed lately is my guess.


mr. why 09-04-2005 04:09 PM

Just fixed my issue thanks to this thread. Here's how I did it, for posterity:

I run Fedora Core 3, so I made the change following tubbinator's post. I changed my resolv.conf and deleted the actiontec's IP. Reset. Nothing. Resolv.conf was still incorrect.

So I decided to investigate the script that is mentioned in my resolv.conf, /sbin/dhclient-script. A few searches and I found a function called make_resolv_conf(). I could plainly see that it checks for the setting that tubbs mentioned, but for some reason is wasn't detecting the variable.

I fixed it by adding a 'return' right at the beginning of the function, so it exits no matter what. Probably not the best solution, but hey, it works.

Here's the first few lines for you non-programmers:

make_resolv_conf() {
if [ "${PEERDNS}" == "no" ]; then

And that's how I fixed it.

Daniel49 09-11-2005 04:15 PM

hi, found your post after a couple of days of pulling my hair out with this modem.
the first name server was my ip in resolv.conf changed it to what appears to be the gateways ip and then I could browse. left the primary dns # that was there alone. (this is ubuntu)
when I do the actiontec setup I don't see any non windows option. It has basic, advanced, and alternative.
set basic up as pppoa since thats what qwest uses.

Made a resolv2.conf as the other fellow suggested for rebooting and keeping resolv.conf with proper settings since I could not find rc.d or rc.inet1 on my system to do it the way you suggested, and that approach worked as well.

so I can browse fine but when you click on a bookmark its like it sits there and thinks for 20-30 seconds then bam loads where as in windows its just bam as soon as you click on it.

are there any reasons or tweaks you have found that might explain that?

thanks for your imput.

SlowMindThinkin 09-22-2005 09:13 AM

Daniel, I would guess it is searching through your nameservers until it finds the the bookmarks in the last one. Try removing some, or putting what you have last, first.

Daniel49 09-23-2005 02:18 AM

I got it working now, still had the wrong number in there...pulled out the isp# and added both dns #'s to resolv.conf

then had to add a line to local.rc where I copied resolv2.conf over resolv.conf so it retains the proper settings on reboot.

thanks for the help
sure is wierd since qwest uses linux for the gateway that qwests modem can't assign the proper numbers

SlowMindThinkin 09-23-2005 09:17 AM

It does make it easier to understand why QWest is struggling.

akniss 11-12-2005 02:06 PM


Originally posted by Daniel49
hi, found your post after a couple of days of pulling my hair out with this modem.
the first name server was my ip in resolv.conf changed it to what appears to be the gateways ip and then I could browse. left the primary dns # that was there alone. (this is ubuntu)

Daniel: I noticed that you are using ubuntu. I've recently set up my dell laptop to dual boot with XP/Ubuntu(breezy). I'm currently 'borrowing' a neighbors wireless connection in Ubuntu to post this, because I cannot get my own Qwest Actiontec gateway to let me browse. It looks like several folks have made it work. Is there any possibility that you could lead me slowly through what you've done in Ubuntu to get things working? As I said I'm pretty new, and some of the things mentioned in this thread sound foreign to me. I am comfortable at the terminal, just don't know many of the commands yet, especially for finding the files you mention that need to be edited. i would greatly appreciate it if you could post a step by step account of how I get to the files that need edited, and specific lines that need added.
Thank you, Thank you, Thank you! (In advance)

Daniel49 11-13-2005 09:50 AM

sure first of all a couple things may be different because A) your using wireless and B) Your on a laptop.

But here is all I did.

First I needed to find out what my dns #'s were

Probably easier for you to find in windows.
Once I knew what my primary and secondary dns numbers were I went into ubuntu and
typed " sudo gedit /etc/resolv.conf" where I found that using the dhcp config the first number it had assigned appeared to be wrong and the second number was one of the dns numbers I had gotten from windows.
I changed the first number that was wrong to the other dns number, and copied all of that file onto my clipboard.

I then opened a second terminal and typed "sudo gedit /etc/resolv2.conf" and pasted the contents from my clipboard into it. Saved it and closed that terminal.

went back to the first terminal were resolv.conf was saved it and exited it.

I created the resolv2.conf file because when you restart it assigns the wrong value again.

now reopen the terminal if you need to and type "sudo gedit /etc/init.d/"
go down to the very last line and type

"cp /etc/resolv2.conf /etc/resolv.conf"

the quotes around the commands are to help seperate do not use them in your typing.
this will make sure that when you reboot resolv2.conf overwrites the resolv.conf that will have the wrong value assigned to it when you rebooted.

And that was pretty much all I had to do, hope it works for you..had to use something similar with a little twist in it for fedora as well.

akniss 11-26-2005 10:48 AM

Thanks Daniel. I've now got everything working when I plug my laptop into the gateway via ethernet. I can access the gateway and change settings, and browse any site that I've tried. However, I cannot get my wireless to connect at all!! Does anybody have any ideas on how why everything works flawlessly by ethernet, but not even close by wireless? Any ideas would be appreciated. the wireless card seems to see my gateway, but won't let me ping, browse or access the gateway to see settings. Below is the result from <iwlist eth1 scan> and <iwconfig eth1>. I have 64bit WEP enabled. I know its not a problem with anything on my machine, as I can connect flawlessly to a neighbors unprotected AP and any hotel I've stayed in with wireless access seems to work fine.

akniss@ubuntu:~$ iwlist eth1 scan
eth1 Scan completed :
Cell 01 - Address: 00:20:E0:22:C3:4B
Protocol:IEEE 802.11bg
Encryption key:on
Bit Rate:54 Mb/s
Extra: Rates (Mb/s): 1 2 5.5 6 9 11 12 18 22 24 36 48 54
Quality=95/100 Signal level=-32 dBm
Extra: Last beacon: 2605ms ago

akniss@ubuntu:~$ iwconfig eth1
eth1 IEEE 802.11g ESSID:"KNISS_370"
Mode:Managed Frequency:2.422 GHz Access Point: 00:20:E0:22:C3:4B
Bit Rate=54 Mb/s Tx-Power=20 dBm
Retry limit:7 RTS thr:off Fragment thr:off
Power Management:off
Link Quality=96/100 Signal level=-30 dBm Noise level=-85 dBm
Rx invalid nwid:0 Rx invalid crypt:0 Rx invalid frag:0
Tx excessive retries:0 Invalid misc:0 Missed beacon:0

sadsac 12-15-2005 02:34 AM

I found this thread because I'm having the same problem with the Actiontec GT-701WG. I'm running Ubuntu Breezy 5.10.

The Actiontec was putting the LAN IP ( as the first DNS entry in /etc/resolv.conf, and one of the correct DNS addresses as the second entry.

I ran the Actiontec config to get the two actual DNS addresses.

I then edited /etc/resolv.conf, removing and putting in the two DNS addresses.

Then I just set the permissions on /etc/resolv.conf to read only. Now the DNS sticks and doesn't get set back to on the next DHCP.

If you change between other wireless access points, you'll probably need to enable write permissions on /etc/resolv.conf before doing so.

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