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cursor101 04-12-2004 05:25 PM

configuring enlightenment
Afer seeing different screenshots I've decicided that I wanted to use Enlightenment. I've installed and compiled it, but I'm having a lot of trouble configuring it.

Access to "KDE support" is denied to me. Its not that I don't have permissions, its just that it seems to not exists. I click on the tab in the configuration menu, but it seems to just not work.

Many applications and utilites that I use in KDE don't appear in Enlightenment. They don't appear on the Desktop itself and the don't appear in the applications menu. I assume this is linked to poor KDE support.

I'm sure that Enlightenment doesn't support Icons and such on the desktop and requires that an outside file manager be used. I remember failing to understand the installation and compiling process behind ROX, and I'm sure I compiled and installed Evidence correctly, but it appears to not work.

I'm sure many of these problems can be fixed if I knew how to configure my xinit or .xinitrc manually so any suggestions would be helpful.

Brain Drop 04-12-2004 08:17 PM

As far as enlightenment configuration goes the man section always seems to have the info if you look long enough. I know this because I used to go to their irc channel(where they are very good about answering any questions you have though you might catch a couple RTFM's) and many questions I had were pointed out in the manual to me when they answered.
I haven't used it in awhile since I've been on my laptop mostly and usually don't have my mouse and I don't like enlightenment without a scroll wheel. Anyway, I almost remember something you have to do. Your best bet is to ask on the irc as I don't get the impression that many here use enlightenment even though it is the best.

cursor101 04-13-2004 09:16 AM

yeah unfortunately I'm not a big fan of irc. Not that I don't like it, but I never go tthe hand of actually using it. I remember trying to connect to their irc server before with noluck and I'm sure I had the right path and everything. I certainly hope you can remember what this "something" is that I have to do.

Aside from KDE though there are a lot of things that I still feel that I'm not clear on. Does Enlightenment support icons and such on the desktop out of the box. Why doesn't it show all of my gnome applications when I know full well that its is supporting them. Thanks alot for your help.

Brain Drop 04-13-2004 10:25 AM

Al right I'llhave some time a touch later today to refresh my memory but as far as icons go - no. Enlightenment usses a different approach. If you are looking to have a convenient way to launch apps then there are a couple epplets out there that give you a little box with some quick launch buttons in it for different apps. Your applications not being there is likely just a matter of configuring your menus. It tries to do it at install I think but it doesn't always get it right. I think there is a file to configure for it. Take a look in your ~/.enlightenment directory- you will find that the config files are easy to understand and give nice control over configurations. Or just start the program you want from the command line and assign a button for it in one of the previous mentioned epplets.

cursor101 04-13-2004 10:38 AM

I've tried compiling and installing epplets but they don't appear to work. That is there is nothing under epplets menu in the left click menu. As far as menus that launch apps from icons I don't know if your are talking about something I don't have or if you are just reffering to the icon box. Also as far as key strokes are concerned I did downlaod and "make" a utility for enlightenment that says that it configures them, but the directions appear to be somewhat half done. It merely says that I should just copy one file after compiling into enenlightenment binaries directory. Also if I have to know the paths for utilities to make menus or icons for them under enlightenment I may have a problem. I'm still working on the concept of where all compilied and installed utilities actually go. THough I'm sure I'll figure that out soon enough.

I'm not home now and I kinda fragged that one install of slack while replacing it with Debian, but I have another install of Slack on the same machine. Although its gnome based (can't remember why I had it gnome based). I'll just go and reconfigure that one install of slack for KDE redownload and recompile Enlightenment and await any more suggestions you have.


Brain Drop 04-13-2004 11:01 AM

I'll look in a bit then about the epplets to, think its again just a matter of properly configuring the menu's. The epplets I'm talking about work well because you can set it to start at a given spot each time on boot and it has enough buttons on it to give fast access to a bunch of programs.
Programs under linux like to go somewhere under /usr usually like/usr/bin or /usr/local/bin or somesuch or sometimes maybe /opt, to find them go to a terminal and use the find command with some wildcards like: find / -name *yourapp* -print

just replace the yourapp with several of the letters you know are in the name of the program you are looking for(leave the *'s)

cursor101 04-13-2004 11:21 AM

Most of what I've said probably comes of as noobish and well they probably are, but I'm not THAT new to linux. I know how to use find and whereis to locate apps and such. Its just that I get back some many returns that I don't really know which is used for what. They way I see it is that while linux is great what with being all powerful and flexible, the fact that its open source and powered by the community makes for little standards. Its just that it feels that there is little consistency between the placement and usage of files packages and what not.

Now that I'm done rambling.

So you're saying that normally the binaries used for the execution of apps are usually found under /usr. Really I would've guessed they were under /sbin.

Brain Drop 04-13-2004 12:34 PM

/sbin is more like for system type executables. whenever you see a regular /bin then it will probably have more of the applications. They should be there but you can see from the color when you do ls what is executable.
/lib directories hold you libraries and sometimes there will be one in a non standard place and you will get an error when you compile untill you tell the configure file the paths to all your libraries.
~/ holds you personal file and configuration files so when you log on it knows how to set itself up.

cursor101 04-13-2004 02:07 PM

That helped clear things up. Should make some things easier now.
Thanks again.

cursor101 04-15-2004 10:11 AM

Recently my drvie that had my linux partitions on it took a dive. I had a NTFS partition on it and when Windows crashed one day it got corrupted. This also made a lot of errors in my Linux partitions. I'm busy with school right now and between various projects and studying I don't have much time for linux as it is so it may be a while before I get around to reinstalling all my linux distros and redownload enlightenment.

Help would still be appreciated, its just that it may be a while before I can try out anyone's suggestions.

crm 05-14-2004 04:29 AM

help me im anoob

i installed enlightenment... yes.... I INSTALLED ENLIGHTENMENT... i used the make command and all *prowd grin*

how do i actually start using it?

a long long long time ago (suse 2 had just come out) when i was young and trying to learn linux unsecusfully i just typed 'enlightenment' at the command line and it started....
cource i did have a linux guru to help set things up!

im using fedora core 1, 'enlightenment' dosent appear in the windowmanager selecter or in thew startup session thingie...
typing enlightenment at command (even as root) returns the 'bash command not found'

any suggestions? (apart from RTFM, becasue in this case 'TFM' is contained within enlightenment which i cant start! :P )

drengur 11-22-2004 09:27 PM

try regenerating menus

Originally posted by cursor101
I've tried compiling and installing epplets but they don't appear to work. That is there is nothing under epplets menu in the left click menu.

try regenerating menus after you compile epplets...should be under the maintenence menu.
Also, you can add your fave progs to the menu by either editing the menu files in ~/.enlightenment/ or get e16menuedit which edits them in a nice GTK gui.

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