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Old 11-12-2008, 12:18 PM   #1
Registered: Jul 2003
Posts: 34

Rep: Reputation: 15
ASP w/ Apache2 on Ubuntu 8.10

I'm trying to get ASP support on Linux working. Using Ubuntu Intrepid 8.10 and Apache2.

This is the asp script that I'm trying to use:


dim thisDate

If Request.Querystring("EventDate") = "" then
    thisDate = FormatDateTime(now(),2)
    thisDate = Request.Querystring("EventDate")
end if
CurrentMonth = Month(thisDate)
CurrentMonthName = MonthName(CurrentMonth)
CurrentYear = Year(thisDate)

FirstDayDate = DateSerial(CurrentYear, CurrentMonth, 1)
FirstDay = WeekDay(FirstDayDate, 0)
CurrentDay = FirstDayDate
testCurrentDay = date
CurrentWeek = DatePart("ww",Request.querystring("EventDate"))

usDateFormat = ""& CurrentYear &"-"& CurrentMonth &"-"& Day(thisDate) &""

if not Request.Querystring("week") = "" then
    firstDayWeek = (dateadd( "d",(2-datepart("w",thisDate)),thisDate)-7)
    lastDayWeek = firstDayWeek + 6

    if Day(lastDayWeek) <  Day(firstDayWeek) then
        myMonth = CurrentMonth - 1
        myYear = CurrentYear
        if myMonth = 0 then
            myMonth = 12
            myYear = CurrentYear - 1
        end if
        myMonth = CurrentMonth
        myYear = CurrentYear
    end if

    firsUsDateFormat = ""& myYear &"-"& myMonth &"-"& Day(firstDayWeek) &""
    endUsDateFormat = ""& CurrentYear &"-"& CurrentMonth &"-"& Day(lastDayWeek) &""
end if

if not Request.Querystring("month") = "" then

end if
    <table cols="7" border="0" cellpadding="0" cellspacing="1">

        <td align="center" bgcolor="Teal" style="background: #3f7dcd;">
            <A Href="default.asp?EventDate=<%= Server.URLEncode(DateAdd("m",-1, thisDate))%><%=linkString%>"><</A>
        <td colspan="5" align="center" bgcolor="Teal" style="background: #3f7dcd; color: white;">
            <b><%= CurrentYear %> - <%= CurrentMonthName %></b>
        <td align="center" bgcolor="Teal" style="background: #3f7dcd;">
            <A Href="default.asp?EventDate=<%= Server.URLEncode(DateAdd("m",1,thisDate))%><%=linkString%>">></A>
        <% For DayLoop = 1 to 5%>
            <td style="background: yellow; width: 30px;" align="center"><%= WeekDayName(Dayloop, True, 0)%></td>
        <% Next%>
        <td style="width: 30px; border: 0px;" align="center">&nbsp;</td>
        <td style="background: yellow; width: 30px;" align="center">W</td>
        If FirstDay <> 1 Then
            if FirstDay = 7 then%>
                <td Colspan="6" style="border: 0px solid Black; background: #999999;">&nbsp;</td><%
                <td Colspan="<%=FirstDay -1%>" style="border: 0px solid Black; background: #999999;">&nbsp;</td><%
            End if
        End if
        DayCounter = FirstDay
        CorrectMonth = True
        dim holderName, todayDate

        holderName = ""
        todayDate = "" 

        Do While CorrectMonth = True

            todayDate = ""& Day(CurrentDay) &"/"& CurrentMonth &"/"& CurrentYear &""            
            holderName = WeekdayName(Weekday(todayDate))

            'If CurrentDay = EventDate Then
            If testCurrentDay = CurrentDay AND NOT holderName = "Sunday" AND NOT holderName = "Saturday" then%>
                <td align="Center" style="background: red;"><A Href="default.asp?EventDate=<%= Server.URLEncode(CurrentDay)%><%=linkString%>"><%=Day(CurrentDay)%></A></td><%
            ElseIf holderName = "Saturday" then%>
                <td align="Center" style="border: 0px;">&nbsp;</td><%
            ElseIf holderName = "Sunday" then%>
                <td align="Center" style="background: #eaeaea;">
                        <A Href="default.asp?EventDate=<%= Server.URLEncode(CurrentDay)%><%=linkString%>&week=<%=DatePart("ww",todayDate)-1%>"><%=DatePart("ww",todayDate)-1%></A>
                <td align="Center" style="background: #eaeaea;"><A Href="default.asp?EventDate=<%= Server.URLEncode(CurrentDay)%><%=linkString%>"><%=Day(CurrentDay)%></A></td>
            <% End if%>            

            <%DayCounter = DayCounter + 1
            If DayCounter > 7 then
                DayCounter = 1%>
            <%End if

            CurrentDay = DateAdd("d", 1, CurrentDay)

            If Month(CurrentDay) <> CurrentMonth then
                CorrectMonth = False
            End if
            holder = ""

        IF DayCounter <> 1 Then%>
            <td Colspan="<%=8-DayCounter%>" style="border: 0px solid Black; background: #999999;"> </td>
        <% End if%>

 <Directory /home/kenneth/www/ >
    Options FollowSymLinks
    AllowOverride All
AddHandler cgi-script .pl

# kenneth idc
ScriptAlias /cgi-bin/ /usr/lib/cgi-bin/
<Directory "/home/kenneth/www/cgi-bin/">
    AllowOverride None
    Options ExecCGI -MultiViews +SymLinksIfOwnerMatch
    Order allow,deny
     Allow from all
Alias /idc /home/kenneth/www

<Directory /home/kenneth/www>
        Options Indexes FollowSymLinks
        DirectoryIndex default.asp default.aspx index.php index.html index.htm
                AllowOverride All
                Order allow,deny
                Allow from all
#                SetHandler mono

        # Authorize for setup
        <IfModule mod_php4.c>
                AddType application/x-httpd-php .php

                php_flag magic_quotes_gpc Off
                php_flag track_vars On
                php_flag register_globals Off
                php_value include_path .
        <IfModule mod_php5.c>
                AddType application/x-httpd-php .php

                php_flag magic_quotes_gpc Off
                php_flag track_vars On
                php_flag register_globals Off
                php_value include_path .

<Files ~ "\.pl$">
Options +ExecCGI
<Files ~ "\.asp$">
Options +ExecCGI
kenneth@asdf:/etc/apache2$ perl -v

This is perl, v5.10.0 built for i486-linux-gnu-thread-multi

Code: - - [12/Nov/2008:17:55:09 +0000] "GET /idc/calendar.asp HTTP/1.1" 200 18005 "-" "Mozilla/5.0 (Windows; U; Windows NT 5.1; sv-SE; rv: Gecko/2008092417 Firefox/3.0.3"

[Wed Nov 12 17:55:10 2008] [error] [asp] [21509] [debug] [1226512510.0100;0.0011] undefing sub Apache::ASP::__ASP__home_kenneth_www_calendar_aspx399322a5d013d9a909ebc17350480fc5xINC code CODE(0xb9994120)
[Wed Nov 12 17:55:10 2008] [error] [asp] [21509] [error] error compiling calendar.asp: maybe use strict error: Bareword found where operator expected at /home/kenneth/www/calendar.asp line 4, near "If Request" <--> , /usr/local/share/perl/5.10.0/Apache/ line 1466
[Wed Nov 12 17:55:10 2008] [error] [asp] [21509] [debug] [1226512510.0107;0.0007] ASP Done Processing Apache::ASP=HASH(0xb95b7a08) - Application: Apache::ASP::Application=HASH(0xb99595e0); GlobalASA: Apache::ASP::GlobalASA=HASH(0xb95b77e8); Internal: Apache::ASP::State=HASH(0xb96fc318); Request: Apache::ASP::Request=HASH(0xb95d0f48); Response: Apache::ASP::Response=HASH(0xb998ccf8); Server: Apache::ASP::Server=HASH(0xb92ed370); Session: Apache::ASP::Session=HASH(0xb9948020); app_state: 1; basename: calendar.asp; cleanup: ARRAY(0xb92ed2d0); compile_checksum: 399322a5d013d9a909ebc17350480fc5; compile_error: 1; compile_eval: SCALAR(0xb96383a0); compile_includes: 1; compile_perl_count: 1; cookie_domain: ; cookie_path: /; dbg: 4; debugs_output: ARRAY(0xb92ed2e0); destroy: 1; dir_config: APR::Table=HASH(0xb92ed150); dirname: /home/kenneth/www/; errors_output: ARRAY(0xb998f920); errs: 1; filename: /home/kenneth/www/calendar.asp; global: /home/kenneth/www//.; global_package: Apache::ASP; group_refresh: 30; headers_in: APR::Table=HASH(0xb92ed170); includes_dir: ARRAY(0xb95b7a48); init_packages: ARRAY(0xb99946d0); inode_names: ; lang_comment: #; lang_language: PerlScript; lang_module: Apache::ASP::Lang::PerlScript; lang_object: Apache::ASP::Lang::PerlScript=HASH(0xb94c0348); last_time: 1226512510.0100; no_cache: ; package: Apache::ASP; paranoid_session: ; parse_config: 1; parse_file_count: 1; pod_comments: 1; r: Apache2::RequestRec=SCALAR(0xb92ed120); remote_ip:; request_binary_read: 1; search_dirs_cache: HASH(0xb92ed260); secure_session: ; session_cookie: 1; session_count: 1; session_id: 08de1e4b9722a63891db90effabd9efb; session_serialize: ; session_state: 1; session_timeout: 300; session_url: 1; session_url_force: ; session_url_match: ; session_url_parse: 0; session_url_parse_match: ; start_time: 1226512509.98789; stat_inc: 0; stat_inc_match: 0; stat_scripts: 1; state_db: ; state_dir: /tmp/asp; state_manager: 10; state_serialize: ; state_serializer: ; ua: Mozilla/5.0 (Windows; U; Windows NT 5.1; sv-SE; rv: Gecko/2008092417 Firefox/3.0.3; use_strict: 1; win32: 0; xml_subs_match: my:\\w+; xml_subs_perl_args: 1; xml_subs_strict: ; xslt: ;
[Wed Nov 12 17:55:10 2008] [error] [asp] [21509] [debug] [1226512510.0111;0.0004] errors out  <--> <li> error compiling calendar.asp: maybe use strict error: Bareword found where operator expected at /home/kenneth/www/calendar.asp line 4, near &quot;If Request&quot; <--> , /usr/local/share/perl/5.10.0/Apache/ line 1466
[Wed Nov 12 17:55:10 2008] [error] [asp] [21509] [debug] [1226512510.0199;0.0088] building headers
[Wed Nov 12 17:55:10 2008] [error] [asp] [21509] [debug] [1226512510.0201;0.0002] sending cgi headers
[Wed Nov 12 17:55:10 2008] [error] [asp] [21509] [debug] [1226512510.0208;0.0007] destroying ASP object Apache::ASP=HASH(0xb95b7a08)
[Wed Nov 12 17:55:10 2008] [error] [asp] [21509] [debug] [1226512510.0210;0.0002] testing internal time for cleanup groups
[Wed Nov 12 17:55:10 2008] [error] [asp] [21509] [debug] [1226512510.0217;0.0007] current_master - Checked: 1226512493; PID: 21159; ServerID: 919e63567bde4ffe;  - is_master - 0
[Wed Nov 12 17:55:10 2008] [error] [asp] [21509] [debug] [1226512510.0219;0.0002] 1226512510 time is fresh, is_master 0 - Checked: 1226512493; PID: 21159; ServerID: 919e63567bde4ffe;

PerlSetVar Global  .		
PerlSetVar GlobalPackage Apache::ASP
PerlSetVar StateDir  /tmp/asp
PerlSetVar StatINC 0
PerlSetVar StatINCMatch 0
PerlSetVar Clean 0
PerlSetVar DynamicIncludes 1
PerlSetVar FileUploadMax 50000
PerlSetVar FileUploadTemp 1
PerlSetVar SessionQueryParse 0
PerlSetVar SessionQuery 1
#PerlSetVar Debug 2
PerlSetVar Debug -4
PerlSetVar StateCache 0
PerlSetVar SessionCount 1
PerlSetVar TimeHiRes 1
PerlSetVar CompressGzip 0
PerlSetVar UseStrict 1
#PerlSetVar CacheDB DB_File
PerlSetVar CacheDB MLDBM::Sync::SDBM_File

# .asp files for Session state enabled
<Files ~ (\.asp)>
	SetHandler perl-script
	PerlHandler Apache::ASP
	PerlSetVar CookiePath  /	
	PerlSetVar SessionTimeout  5
	PerlSetVar RegisterIncludes 1
	PerlSetVar XMLSubsMatch my:\w+
	PerlSetVar AllowApplicationState 1
	PerlSetVar AllowSessionState 1
#	PerlSetVar StateSerializer Storable
#	PerlSetVar StateDB DB_File
#	PerlSetVar StatScripts 0

# .htm files for the ASP parsing, but not the $Session object
# NoState turns off $Session & $Application
<Files ~ (\.htm)>
	SetHandler perl-script
	PerlHandler Apache::ASP
	PerlSetVar NoState 0 
	PerlSetVar BufferingOn 1
	PerlSetVar NoCache 0
	PerlSetVar DebugBufferLength 500

<Files ~ (\.xml)>
	SetHandler perl-script
	PerlHandler Apache::ASP
	PerlSetVar NoState 1 
	PerlSetVar XSLT template.xsl
	PerlSetVar XSLTCache 1

<Files ~ (\.inc|\.htaccess)>
	ForceType text/plain

# .ssi for full ssi support, with Apache::Filter
<Files ~ (\.ssi)>
	SetHandler perl-script
	PerlHandler Apache::ASP Apache::SSI
	PerlSetVar Global .
	PerlSetVar Filter On

<Files ~ (\filter.filter)>
       SetHandler perl-script
       PerlHandler Apache::ASP Apache::ASP
       PerlSetVar Global .
       PerlSetVar Filter On

<Files ~ (xml_subs_strict\.asp)>
	SetHandler perl-script
	PerlHandler Apache::ASP
	PerlSetVar CookiePath  /	
	PerlSetVar SessionTimeout  5
	PerlSetVar RegisterIncludes 1
	PerlSetVar XMLSubsMatch my:\w+
	PerlSetVar XMLSubsStrict 1

# .html files for the ASP parsing, but not the $Session object
# NoState turns off $Session & $Application
<Files ~ (\.html)>
        SetHandler perl-script
        PerlHandler Apache::ASP
        PerlSetVar NoState 0
        PerlSetVar BufferingOn 1
        PerlSetVar NoCache 0
        PerlSetVar DebugBufferLength 500

And I get this when I try to view the page:

Errors Output

   1. error compiling calendar.asp: maybe use strict error: Bareword found where operator expected at /home/kenneth/www/calendar.asp line 4, near "If Request" , /usr/local/share/perl/5.10.0/Apache/ line 1466 

Debug Output

   1. RUN ASP (v2.61) for /home/kenneth/www/calendar.asp
   2. GlobalASA package Apache::ASP
   3. creating dbm for file /tmp/asp/server/internal, db SDBM_File, serializer: Data::Dumper
   4. creating dbm for file /tmp/asp/server/application, db SDBM_File, serializer: Data::Dumper
   5. session id from cookie: 0663a5407f7c802ee16b2fcd77757a27
   6. refreshing 0663a5407f7c802ee16b2fcd77757a27 with timeout 1226513772
   7. creating dbm for file /tmp/asp/06/0663a5407f7c802ee16b2fcd77757a27, db SDBM_File, serializer: Data::Dumper
   8. session not expired - time: 1226513472; timeout: 1226513765;
   9. tieing session 0663a5407f7c802ee16b2fcd77757a27
  10. parse file /home/kenneth/www/calendar.asp
  11. parsing /home/kenneth/www/calendar.asp
  12. start parse of data - 3846
  13. undefing sub Apache::ASP::__ASP__home_kenneth_www_calendar_aspx399322a5d013d9a909ebc17350480fc5xINC code CODE(0xb92e0f40)
  14. compiling into package Apache::ASP subid [Apache::ASP::__ASP__home_kenneth_www_calendar_aspx399322a5d013d9a909ebc17350480fc5xINC]
  15. undefing sub Apache::ASP::__ASP__home_kenneth_www_calendar_aspx399322a5d013d9a909ebc17350480fc5xINC code CODE(0xb92e0f40)
  16. error compiling calendar.asp: maybe use strict error: Bareword found where operator expected at /home/kenneth/www/calendar.asp line 4, near "If Request" , /usr/local/share/perl/5.10.0/Apache/ line 1466
  17. ASP Done Processing Apache::ASP=HASH(0xb9994a58) - Application: Apache::ASP::Application=HASH(0xb95c4038); GlobalASA: Apache::ASP::GlobalASA=HASH(0xb92e1a40); Internal: Apache::ASP::State=HASH(0xb998ced8); Request: Apache::ASP::Request=HASH(0xb998f700); Response: Apache::ASP::Response=HASH(0xb92ed3c0); Server: Apache::ASP::Server=HASH(0xb95df9a0); Session: Apache::ASP::Session=HASH(0xb99948b8); app_state: 1; basename: calendar.asp; cleanup: ARRAY(0xb99946d8); compile_checksum: 399322a5d013d9a909ebc17350480fc5; compile_error: 1; compile_eval: SCALAR(0xb9994a48); compile_includes: 1; compile_perl_count: 1; cookie_domain: ; cookie_path: /; dbg: 4; debugs_output: ARRAY(0xb9994b38); destroy: 1; dir_config: APR::Table=HASH(0xb96df8e8); dirname: /home/kenneth/www/; errors_output: ARRAY(0xb99595f0); errs: 1; filename: /home/kenneth/www/calendar.asp; global: /home/kenneth/www//.; global_package: Apache::ASP; group_refresh: 30; headers_in: APR::Table=HASH(0xb99949a8); includes_dir: ARRAY(0xb998cd68); init_packages: ARRAY(0xb998f4e0); inode_names: ; lang_comment: #; lang_language: PerlScript; lang_module: Apache::ASP::Lang::PerlScript; lang_object: Apache::ASP::Lang::PerlScript=HASH(0xb998f790); last_time: 1226513472.5566; no_cache: ; package: Apache::ASP; paranoid_session: ; parse_config: 1; parse_file_count: 1; pod_comments: 1; r: Apache2::RequestRec=SCALAR(0xb92ed2e0); remote_ip:; request_binary_read: 1; search_dirs_cache: HASH(0xb95d0e60); secure_session: ; session_cookie: 1; session_count: 1; session_id: 0663a5407f7c802ee16b2fcd77757a27; session_serialize: ; session_state: 1; session_timeout: 300; session_url: 1; session_url_force: ; session_url_match: ; session_url_parse: 0; session_url_parse_match: ; start_time: 1226513472.54544; stat_inc: 0; stat_inc_match: 0; stat_scripts: 1; state_db: ; state_dir: /tmp/asp; state_manager: 10; state_serialize: ; state_serializer: ; ua: Mozilla/5.0 (Windows; U; Windows NT 5.1; en-GB; rv: Gecko/2008092417 Firefox/3.0.3; use_strict: 1; win32: 0; xml_subs_match: my:\w+; xml_subs_perl_args: 1; xml_subs_strict: ; xslt: ;
  18. errors out
  19. error compiling calendar.asp: maybe use strict error: Bareword found where operator expected at /home/kenneth/www/calendar.asp line 4, near "If Request" , /usr/local/share/perl/5.10.0/Apache/ line 1466 

Compiled Data with Error 

  -: package Apache::ASP; ;; sub Apache::ASP::__ASP__home_kenneth_www_calendar_aspx399322a5d013d9a909ebc17350480fc5xINC {  ;; package Apache::ASP; ;; use strict;;;use vars qw($Application $Session $Response $Server $Request);;
  -: #line 1 /home/kenneth/www/calendar.asp
  1: ;;
  2: dim thisDate
  4: If Request.Querystring("EventDate") = "" then
  5: 	thisDate = FormatDateTime(now(),2)
  6: else
  7: 	thisDate = Request.Querystring("EventDate")
  8: end if
 10: CurrentMonth = Month(thisDate)
 11: CurrentMonthName = MonthName(CurrentMonth)
 12: CurrentYear = Year(thisDate)
 14: FirstDayDate = DateSerial(CurrentYear, CurrentMonth, 1)
 15: FirstDay = WeekDay(FirstDayDate, 0)
 16: CurrentDay = FirstDayDate
 17: testCurrentDay = date
 18: CurrentWeek = DatePart("ww",Request.querystring("EventDate"))
 20: usDateFormat = ""& CurrentYear &"-"& CurrentMonth &"-"& Day(thisDate) &""
 22: if not Request.Querystring("week") = "" then
 23: 	firstDayWeek = (dateadd( "d",(2-datepart("w",thisDate)),thisDate)-7)
 24: 	lastDayWeek = firstDayWeek + 6
 26: 	if Day(lastDayWeek) <  Day(firstDayWeek) then
 27: 		myMonth = CurrentMonth - 1
 28: 		myYear = CurrentYear
 29: 		if myMonth = 0 then
 30: 			myMonth = 12
 31: 			myYear = CurrentYear - 1
 32: 		end if
 33: 	else
 34: 		myMonth = CurrentMonth
 35: 		myYear = CurrentYear
 36: 	end if
 38: 	firsUsDateFormat = ""& myYear &"-"& myMonth &"-"& Day(firstDayWeek) &""
 39: 	endUsDateFormat = ""& CurrentYear &"-"& CurrentMonth &"-"& Day(lastDayWeek) &""
 40: end if
 42: if not Request.Querystring("month") = "" then
 44: end if
 45: ; &Apache::ASP::WriteRef($main::Response, \('
 46: 	<table cols="7" border="0" cellpadding="0" cellspacing="1">
 48: 	<tr>
 49: 		<td align="center" bgcolor="Teal" style="background: #3f7dcd;">
 50: 			<A Href="default.asp?EventDate='.( Server.URLEncode(DateAdd("m",-1, thisDate))).(linkString).'"><</A>
 51: 		</td>
 52: 		<td colspan="5" align="center" bgcolor="Teal" style="background: #3f7dcd; color: white;">
 53: 			<b>'.( CurrentYear ).' - '.( CurrentMonthName ).'</b>
 54: 		</td>
 55: 		<td align="center" bgcolor="Teal" style="background: #3f7dcd;">
 56: 			<A Href="default.asp?EventDate='.( Server.URLEncode(DateAdd("m",1,thisDate))).(linkString).'">></A>
 57: 		</td>
 58: 	</tr>
 59: 	<tr>
 60: 		')); For DayLoop = 1 to 5; &Apache::ASP::WriteRef($main::Response, \('
 61: 			<td style="background: yellow; width: 30px;" align="center">'.( WeekDayName(Dayloop, True, 0)).'</td>
 62: 		')); Next; &Apache::ASP::WriteRef($main::Response, \('
 63: 		<td style="width: 30px; border: 0px;" align="center">&nbsp;</td>
 64: 		<td style="background: yellow; width: 30px;" align="center">W</td>
 65: 	</tr>
 66: 	<tr>'));
 67: 		If FirstDay <> 1 Then
 68: 			if FirstDay = 7 then; &Apache::ASP::WriteRef($main::Response, \('
 69: 				<td Colspan="6" style="border: 0px solid Black; background: #999999;">&nbsp;</td>'));
 70: 			else; &Apache::ASP::WriteRef($main::Response, \('
 71: 				<td Colspan="'.(FirstDay -1).'" style="border: 0px solid Black; background: #999999;">&nbsp;</td>'));
 72: 			End if
 73: 		End if
 74: 		DayCounter = FirstDay
 75: 		CorrectMonth = True
 76: 		dim holderName, todayDate
 78: 		holderName = ""
 79: 		todayDate = "" 
 81: 		Do While CorrectMonth = True
 83: 			todayDate = ""& Day(CurrentDay) &"/"& CurrentMonth &"/"& CurrentYear &""			
 84: 			holderName = WeekdayName(Weekday(todayDate))
 86: 			'If CurrentDay = EventDate Then
 87: 			If testCurrentDay = CurrentDay AND NOT holderName = "Sunday" AND NOT holderName = "Saturday" then; &Apache::ASP::WriteRef($main::Response, \('
 88: 				<td align="Center" style="background: red;"><A Href="default.asp?EventDate='.( Server.URLEncode(CurrentDay)).(linkString).'">'.(Day(CurrentDay)).'</A></td>'));
 89: 			ElseIf holderName = "Saturday" then; &Apache::ASP::WriteRef($main::Response, \('
 90: 				<td align="Center" style="border: 0px;">&nbsp;</td>'));
 91: 			ElseIf holderName = "Sunday" then; &Apache::ASP::WriteRef($main::Response, \('
 92: 				<td align="Center" style="background: #eaeaea;">
 93: 						<A Href="default.asp?EventDate='.( Server.URLEncode(CurrentDay)).(linkString).'&week='.(DatePart("ww",todayDate)-1).'">'.(DatePart("ww",todayDate)-1).'</A>
 94: 				</td>'));
 95: 			Else; &Apache::ASP::WriteRef($main::Response, \('
 96: 				<td align="Center" style="background: #eaeaea;"><A Href="default.asp?EventDate='.( Server.URLEncode(CurrentDay)).(linkString).'">'.(Day(CurrentDay)).'</A></td>
 97: 			')); End if; &Apache::ASP::WriteRef($main::Response, \('			
 99: 			'));DayCounter = DayCounter + 1
100: 			If DayCounter > 7 then
101: 				DayCounter = 1; &Apache::ASP::WriteRef($main::Response, \('
102: 				</tr>
103: 				<tr>
104: 			'));End if
106: 			CurrentDay = DateAdd("d", 1, CurrentDay)
108: 			If Month(CurrentDay) <> CurrentMonth then
109: 				CorrectMonth = False
110: 			End if
111: 			holder = ""
112: 		Loop
114: 		IF DayCounter <> 1 Then; &Apache::ASP::WriteRef($main::Response, \('
115: 			<td Colspan="'.(8-DayCounter).'" style="border: 0px solid Black; background: #999999;"> </td>
116: 		')); End if; &Apache::ASP::WriteRef($main::Response, \('
117: 	</tr>
118: 	</table>')); ;; }

An error has occured with the Apache::ASP script just run. If you are the developer working on this script, and cannot work through this problem, please try researching it at the Apache::ASP web site, specifically the FAQ section. Failing that, check out your support options, and if necessary include this debug output with any query.
This is the first time I'm trying this out. Does anyone have any idea in which direction I should start troubleshooting? Or is it simply that the current "ASP" implementation I'm using isn't fully.. working/supported/ported?

A basic hello world doesn't work either:


response.write("Hello World!")
error compiling helloworld.html: Bareword "response" not allowed while "strict subs" in use at /home/kenneth/www/helloworld.html line 4. , /usr/local/share/perl/5.10.0/Apache/ line 1466
Old 02-24-2009, 12:17 PM   #2
LQ Newbie
Registered: Feb 2009
Posts: 1

Rep: Reputation: 0
First of all you need to realize Mono is for ASP.NET while Apache::ASP is for simple ASP code.

I've run similar setups on Debian machines trying to get ASP support on Linux working.

ASP.NET through mono works great, as standalone server, combining it to work with apache its a bit tricky but do-able.
Apache:ASP is troublesome due the fact perl glibc classes are compatible to only some apache2 version, i have a lot of compilation errors on Apache 2.2.9 with perl 5.10 and Apache::ASP installed.

The code would run perfectly on a Windows IIS but here its as if it has different classes and it cant compile it. I'm still working to understand it myself, if I find out something i'll let you know.

Last edited by JStormrage; 02-24-2009 at 12:18 PM.
Old 03-05-2009, 07:31 AM   #3
Registered: May 2007
Posts: 72

Rep: Reputation: 16
This is probably silly, but wouldn't the problem be using VB, not ASP?
Old 03-05-2009, 09:00 AM   #4
Registered: Feb 2009
Location: Mayo, Ireland
Distribution: LFS 6.4; Debian 5.4; Mythbuntu & Kubuntu 10.04
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Could you convert your code to either Asp.Net and use Mono, or convert it to PHP using something like



apache, perl

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