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-   -   In ScientificLinux- 6.4, I get too many popups warning of "DNS Spoofing"..? (

lindav 12-10-2013 11:22 AM

In ScientificLinux- 6.4, I get too many popups warning of "DNS Spoofing"..?
(I hope this post isn't too honest, and too strong, and too much reality for the meeker forum members.. I've often been accused of being too honest, and it often gets me into a lot of doodoo)..

I get way too many "DNS Spoofing warning popups" after clicking on various pix, websites, and on about a quarter of the youtube videos that I view.. Plus there's a secondary phone number set in the house's optical cable box, that I can't get removed, that crazy people in authority had set into it, to double proxy my Internet, and to mess with my phone service, because four years ago I publicly demanded "that all authorities and politicians need be coke tested, to determine just how many mindless brainless soulless loveless high-strung zombie-class druggie junkies are running and ruining our nations and our lives.."

So the mindless parasitic bullish narcissistic psychopathic psychotics in authority are now terrorizing and torturing me for demanding honesty fairness righteousness and truth from this sick putrid vile hell-based demonic so-called pretend "democratic" government.. That pretty much says it like it is.. I'm sure Gore and Greenpeace, and thousands of other good folks, and good folk peace-activists would all agree 100%.. Why must we have to live in their goofy hateful childish hell..? We live on this planet too.. It's our time and home too.. Is what most of the activists are on about.. We want some of the good life too.. We aren't here to be kookoo-peoples meals.. This is our lifetime.. Why is it so "wrong", and "bad", and "illegal" to say it like it really is..? Isn't democracy supposed to be based on truth and love and reality..? Why is it such a mess..?

All of my email work is done exclusively with outside freebie Yahoo and Fastmail email accounts.. Nothing is ever set in the OS for processing emails, except to write posts in gedit and focuswriter, to copy & paste into and from forums.. Befor I shut-down the computer, I always disconnect from the Net, Clamscan the day's new files, copy them to the external HD, erase everything from the desktop and home-files, but for a couple theme pix and a few good tunes, then shut 'er down.. This way when the OS shows something strange, as tiny as it may be, that I don't understand, In goes the DBAN CD immediately.. Let autonuke run its full cycle, disable the battery a few minutes, reinstall the OS, and that's the end of yet another xfbh bully-bug... They'll get all their black back in their most horrid Karmas, I'm sure.. They are essentially really writing their own nightmare future.. Karma is the meanest nastiest thing in all of life.. Itjjust is....

Will "Scientific Linux 6.4" be more secure if I remove "dnsmasq-2.48-13.el6" (cashing DNS server)..? I notice when I'm running on the Net, acquiring pix for my art editing and art creation hobby, too often a popup comes up warning about "DNS spoofing".. Do I need this vulnerable DNS software in the OS to work with Internet email accounts and Google searches, given that I never receive nor send emails in the OS..?

Which default programs should I uninstall to make this RedHat based OS more Net-secure, given the present conditions..?

unSpawn 12-10-2013 12:52 PM


Originally Posted by lindav (Post 5078480)
Will "Scientific Linux 6.4" be more secure if I remove "dnsmasq-2.48-13.el6" (cashing DNS server)..? I notice when I'm running on the Net, (..) too often a popup comes up warning about "DNS spoofing"..

Dnsmasq is a daemon without a graphical interface so I doubt the popups about "DNS spoofing" you see originate there. Posting a picture of such a popup may help.


Originally Posted by lindav (Post 5078480)
Which default programs should I uninstall to make this RedHat based OS more Net-secure, given the present conditions..?

Which ones do you have installed right now?

*BTW please leave out the non-technical stuff. Ranting is for the General forum only and distracts from solving this problem.

lindav 12-10-2013 01:57 PM

oops! I just saw your anti-rant request after I hit post.. I fixed my "rant".. sorry, but I thought that adding this type of rant would provide the reader with the same feelings and understanding I get from it all.. I been a baaad boy...

I'm running a fresh basic Scientific Linux 6.4, fully updated..
Added: Focuswriter, Rythmbox, Gimp, Office, Inkscape, Wireshark, and Firstaidkit..

I'll take a screenshot of the popup next time it happens, but usually when I mention something like this on the Net, suddenly it stops for a few days, or for a week, and something else takes its place..

Three days ago, just after boot, the Internet refused to connect without popups asking for all my passwords.. I got several popups asking for my wireless passwords and various other passwords.. so instantly in went the DBAN disk.. The popups even came-up after I clicked "shutdown".. And I thought SCL 6.4 was a secure distro..? Seems nothing is secure from the baddies...

unSpawn 12-11-2013 01:53 AM


Originally Posted by lindav (Post 5078552)
I'm running a fresh basic Scientific Linux 6.4, fully updated..
Added: Focuswriter, Rythmbox, Gimp, Office, Inkscape, Wireshark, and Firstaidkit..

Fully updated OS is one of the basic requirements but no application you mention is directly related to security...


Originally Posted by lindav (Post 5078552)
Three days ago, just after boot, the Internet refused to connect without popups asking for all my passwords.. I got several popups asking for my wireless passwords and various other passwords.. so instantly in went the DBAN disk.. The popups even came-up after I clicked "shutdown".. And I thought SCL 6.4 was a secure distro..? Seems nothing is secure from the baddies...

"Feeling" or "worrying" or interpreting is what humans do to try and make sense of things. Doesn't necessarily mean that's always the right approach. The one thing that makes computer diagnostics relatively easy is that it most of the time is binary in the sense that about everything can be checked: something either works or it doesn't. Remember Hanlon's razor: "Do not attribute to malice that which can be explained by stupidity." (Not saying you're stupid BTW.)

So when you encounter errors then you (should) investigate, not destroy evidence without good reason.

berndbausch 12-11-2013 04:37 AM


Originally Posted by lindav (Post 5078480)
I get way too many "DNS Spoofing warning popups" after clicking on various pix, websites, and on about a quarter of the youtube videos that I view

Brute force suggestion: Grep all log files for the word "spoof", or another prominent word from that popup window. Or why not, grep all files.

lindav 12-11-2013 06:00 AM

Does anyone know RedHat stuff. namely Scientific Linux 6.4, enough to know which Net programs and servers and such come with it default, that I can safely erase to simply close potential holes, to run the OS without the network programs that the OS doesn't need to still run the Net for only Google and the freebie email accounts only..? I'd like to strip off all unnecessary programs related to the Net...

My life really is being attacked by crazy people in authority who are above the laws of the nation.. They do what ever they wants to to whom ever they wants to.. Generally it's done to those who are poor, wise, honest activists, and can't defend themselves.. I suspect it's a libido thing for them.. If I told you it all, there's no way you could even begin to fathom most of it.. You just don't know there's this kind of stuff going on and happening in North America and the world, so you try to find softer alternative reasons and solutions.. I'm just trying to do and be my life, in-spite of their incessant abuses and tortures.. I'm trying to make this computer be reasonably safe from their childish demonic attacks and vandalism's.. I don't need to save evidence.. I already have enough of that to sink a battleship.. I just want to eliminate the unnecessary networking programs.. What are the unnecessary networking programs in SCL 6.4..?

berndbausch 12-11-2013 06:21 AM


Originally Posted by lindav (Post 5078896)
Does anyone know RedHat stuff. namely Scientific Linux 6.4, enough to know which Net programs and servers and such come with it default, that I can safely erase to simply close potential holes, to run the OS without the network programs that the OS doesn't need to still run the Net for only Google and the freebie email accounts only..? I'd like to strip off all unnecessary programs related to the Net...

Your Redhat/Centos/Scientific Linux computer has a firewall. By default, all ports except SSH (port #22) are closed, i.e. nobody can access them from outside. Check which ports are open and close them.

Use the chkconfig tool to find out what services you have and whether they are started by default. The same tool can also be used to ensure they are not started when booting the system.
To switch off services on a running system, use the service command, for example service named stop to stop the DNS server.

Now, a superficial web search indicates that SSL is a candidate for a DNS spoofing message. The keys you have on your system might not correspond to the keys on the remote system(s). In this case, it could be sufficient to clear the keys you have stored locally, perhaps in ~/.ssh/known_hosts?

Finally, what about the log files? Probably /var/log/secure* or the /var/log/audit/ files.

lindav 12-11-2013 12:41 PM

-bash: /var/log/secure: Permission denied

-bash: /var/log/audit/: is a directory

My mate just started her living-room computer, that's hooked up to a surround sound unit for general music.. She clicked up FireFox, and it opened with the browser services page loaded.. Never saw that before..? Can a hacker use any of the data on that page to infiltrate an OS..? Maybe Mozilla should default-config all such user accessed internal pages in FireFox to password secured.. might stop a lot of the successful hacking..? I'd like to see a "power browser" that has all phases of the browser password secured, for when the world gets so crazy that the crazies are attacking everyone's computer the ways they are mine.. All I'm doing is trying to get a little funding so I can build the basic technologies to stop humanity's water-problem, by refreezing the Arctic with "hammer beam" technology.. And all they're doing is trying to stop me.. I don't get it..? Why would the crazies want to stop what can prevent the extinction of life on this planet..? I'm supposing it's because of their mass-delusion of a group heaven, in that "they need and want everyone to die all at once, so they all rush into their group heaven all together"..? Sorry about the rant, but it was necessary.. I'm just trying to give you a feel for what's happening here, and there, and everywhere.. Feels like hell itself is stopping me from restoring the planet's life-support systems.. I really do know how to restore this planet back to pristine condition.. and they really are stopping me.. When the water is up to your ankles, the world's food-crops will all be submerged and dead.. What will you eat, besides each other..? If this rant is a no no, just say so, and I'll delete it, but please do not have to be bullying me over it, like I gets from everyone in this crazy global asylum hell on earth, for telling too much truth to people who can't handle truth.. It's only the truth.. It's actually humanity's present reality, path, and trajectory.. I don't know why I bother to try to do anything to fix humanity's great mess.. having to sustain all this personal terrorizing and torture to try to help humanity survive.. I should just forget refreezing the Arctic, and just let you all drown.. [How long can you tread water..?] Just say "delete the rant", and I'll delete the rant.. You won't need to rip me to shreds, and bash and slash my feelings, to get me to delete it.. I already know this Species can't handle any truth...

"[Desktop Entry]
Name=System Monitor
Name[ar]=مراقب النّظام
Name[as]=System Monitor
Name[ast]=Monitor del Sistema
Name[az]=Sistem İzləyicisi
(161 lines in all) so you can see that someone has a little access into the workings of FireFox, which is how the childish blackhead-turd enters the OS to make a mess...

berndbausch 12-11-2013 07:34 PM


Originally Posted by lindav (Post 5079049)
-bash: /var/log/secure: Permission denied

-bash: /var/log/audit/: is a directory

Hm. It seems you have to learn about the fundamentals first. You know even less about Linux or UNIX than me.

"Permission denied" because you need to be the superuser to read this log file. You can see that by running ls -l /var/log/secure - the output should be something like

-rw-------. 1 root root 45889 Dec 12 10:04 /var/log/secure
This means that the owner of this file is called "root", and the user group that this file belongs to is also "root". The -rw------- means that only the owner has the right to read and write this file, and neither the group nor anybody else has any rights to access the file.

"is a directory" because /var/log/audit is a directory. In the Windows world, it would be called a folder. This means that it contains files. You need to check the content of the files in /var/log/audit, not /var/log/audit itself. My guess is, though, that you will find the "spoof" message in one of the files whose names start with /var/log/secure. Or perhaps in the system logs, which should be the files starting with /var/log/messages.

The error messages also indicate that you are just typing /var/log/secure. What you need to do is look into this file, for example by becoming root and then typing less -i /var/log/secure. This will show you the file content. Then, search for the string "spoof" by typing "/spoof". That's a slash followed by "spoof".

You can also become root, then type grep -i spool /var/log/secure*, which will print all lines from the files starting with /var/log/secure that contain the word "spoof".

I suggest, though, that you first learn a few fundamentals. You may find good learning resources in this post.

John VV 12-11-2013 09:10 PM

for a new to linux ( and unix) user RHEL or CentOS or Scientific Linux is not the easiest to use

Every Operating system has a target user and use
For RHEL/CentOS/SL it is the headless server , laboratory , office ( come up with a few more then ON THE VERY LAST use add "home use" )
and the VERY experienced linux user

all 3 of these operating systems use the redhat documentation
and that documentation ASSUMES that you are a certified redhat system administrator
( or have the equivalent work experience )
you might want to use the ScientificLinuxForum

it is a VERY difficult OS for a new user to use

one thing is because SL is built on RedHat Enterprise Linux ( RHEL) that the
the #2 rule is "SEE #1 "

redhat uses older and VERY VERY VERY VERY WELL tested code
and it is older and patched WELL TESTED CODE

for this reason
SL6.4 has firefox3 and firefox 13 ESR in the base software repo

Firefox 17.0.9 esr the now current extended life version

and NOT the current Firefox 26
YOU have to manually install the new and current firefox -- manually

the same goes for "the Gimp"
SL6.4 has Gimp 2.6.9
and CAN NOT use the current Gimp 2.8.8

The current Gimp 2.8.8 needs parts of the BASE operating system to be NEWER than the SECURITY PATCHED !!! older versions in sl6
glib is to OLD
gtk is to old
"autotools" is to old

old code

then add to the mix that the ScientificLinux Multimedia repo "linuxtech" and "Rpmforge" are INCOMPATIBLE WITH EVERY OTHER REPO and each other !!!!!!!!!!
and this can VERY VERY quickly royally mess up your system

and i DO MEAN "FUBAR" your install VERY FAST

and this can cause BIG problems for "new to linux " users

John VV 12-11-2013 09:31 PM

A thought

manually install the current Firefox 26
-- the 64 bit version NEEDS THE 64BIT PLUGINS !!!!!!!
and not the 32 bit using the "wrapper"
( see the ScientificLinuxForum " "

-- USA English

or the 32 bit -- not recommended on a 64 bit OS

and install AND CONFIGURE !!!!!
The Firefox plugins

Add Block Plus

lindav 12-12-2013 03:15 AM

Yikers!. This is gonna take some work for me to get through what's behind and inside all your suggestions.. I'm working on it.. I just got me a third notebook this morn, and finally got all 3 notebooks DBAN'ed and loaded with fresh SCL 6.4 32 bit, today..

Please don't take me wrong.. I ain't stupid.. It's just that I'm very full.. I have 1400 untapped technologies all swirling in my head all at once, and I can only pull up one at a time to figure how it works, when they all want life all at once.. Feels like I'm pregnant with 1400 babies.. I learned how to read the molecular memory in DNA, which is all the science humans will ever know and do...
In this swirl there are several never before seen computer OS's, totally unlike anything today.. and I'm trying to figure them out too.. I'm really trying to understand this Linux critter too.. I love Linux.. It's the best I've got for a computer operating system.. I chose Scientific Linux, because it's the only one that's reasonably secure, totally honest, runs smooth, is clean, and it's very customizable..
I tried most of the Linux OS's and distro's..

I'm running 32 bit in all 3 notebooks, and 64 bit in the 4 desktops.. Should I change all the notebooks to 64 bit..? Is 64 bit any more secure and functional than 32 bit..? What's the actual value of 64 over 32..? Sometimes it seems 64 is more troublesome than 32..

I have had a lot of experience foolishly mixing incompatible repo's, ending up killing a lot of Linux OS's.. I'm a lot more cautious now..
Re: your updating suggestions.. I'm supposing the best option is to install all the suggested updates exclusively in the Sourceforge website..?

I tried to work SCL without having to learn the whole insides of it, but it seems there's no other option but to dive right into it, and Unix, and learn the whole thing from the bottom up, by shoving all the new science into the closet, and getting right into RedHat and Unix basics, like I'm back in school.. I'm trying to run on all your suggestions, one at a time...

All I really want is an OS that works right out of the box like it says on the label, one that I didn't need to learn all its insides to run it, but I'm finding the hard way, that isn't an option...

Till I gets it right, all I've got is to keep the DBAN CD close by.. and run on an external hd, all ways leaving the OS void of files, so the moment the OS gets attacked, in goes the DBAN CD, and I switch notebooks while the dirty one is formatting and installing.. The basic SCL ISO installs quite fast, which is a plus.. And now it comes updated with media working as it should.. One little consolation in all this mess, is it's pleasurable seeing all 3 notebooks all at once up and running fresh SCL OS's...

lindav 12-12-2013 01:24 PM

One final "rant", and a request.. please don't be angry...
While I'm striving to upgrade this SCL 6.4 to be as secure as I can get it, it would be sweet if I had a "live install DVD ISO" of the clean install as I've have it.. What's the very best instruction page on how to make this live DVD..? Then the moment the OS shows signs of a hack, in goes the DBAN CD, then the live DVD, and it's all done in a couple hours, without needing to Net-connect, except for the latest few updates...

This latest "new" notebook is a little Dell Latitude D510.. Got it from my friend at the used computer store for 20-bucks, with a free "logitech marble mouse rat".. It's just like new, and the little bugger is fast and snappy, and runs cold and quiet.. He says it was made for Linux.. and when I kicks up the ram x4, it should be even snappier, like a real computer.. and the big plus of it is that the battery is 100% perfect condition.. Me thinks Dell did-up a very good machine when they made this cutie little one.. though I still believe ASUS is the best of the best.. I had a little chat with the owner of ASUS.. He says he will build you a computer to your specs and requirements.. It don't get any better than a custom made ASUS running RedHat in a Steampunk box.. The sweetest notebook I ever saw is: The day I win a lotto, is the day I order five of these, and the day I puts my order in at RedHat for a custom made OS, with some of my new futuristic ideas on OS's and hardware.. Everything I've asked for new in Linux, in the past ten years, has been built by the Brothers & Sisters in Linux world, except the animated dragons desktop handler.. The amazing workmanship that went into this notebook, there aren't yet the words to accurately describe it, except "It's a piece of heaven here in hell"...

Enough of that.. I really really needs to make this live CD...

The attacks have fallen-off for now after my posting here about "the power browser" and "FireFox extreme passwording".. How it works is, they attack me, and I in turn offer viable solutions to block them.. They are really only big-time hurting themselves in many ways in their trying to hurt me for fun, sport, and their insanity and delusions.. Maybe soon they'll just opt for a nice pleasant suicide, I hopes.. then it would be a better world for me, you, us, and their and our families.. but that's just one of my silly "pipe-dreams".. Everything NSA'ish his majesty emperor Obama should uninstall, globally, so there can be love in humanity again...

How do I easiest make this live DVD..? I'm just an innocent dolty uneducated unrefined farm-boy bush-man simpleton, who accidentally conquered the universes while alive.. be nice...


The greedy piggy loveless parasites who believe they can steal this science data from my head, attack persistently like "vampires feeding", but only once.. They didn't know that the moment an attacker touches my defense perimeter it gets branded as hell-fodder.. but now they do...

John VV 12-12-2013 07:32 PM

you do realize that the malware in MOST third party firefox plugins will ALSO run on linux and are NOT microsoft windows ONLY

i am betting that "the power browser" is a virus and the same for "FireFox extreme passwording"
if YOU install the virus/trojan/malweare/TRACKER/keyloger it WILL run on a linux os

if you get a ff plugin from a Chinese server
well -- do not trust it
or from a "friend" on facebook
that firefox plugin is likely to be infected

lindav 12-12-2013 10:12 PM

1 Attachment(s)
Agreed, Guru..

But "power browser" hasn't been invented yet..

And "FireFox extreme passwording" was thought-of only today.. But if it really poses a threat to you, then given that it makes good safer browsing for the innocent masses, and you are seeing it as a threat and an "evil".. you therefore must be a blackhatter who has fun getting through people's defenses, doing bad stuff to their computers for your own strange reasons, or for the weird reasons of your boss(es).. or You just happen to look to the threat in something, so to determine a solution... If it is the later, you might consider completing the post before you post your genius...

And in my present thing, I have a screen shot to show you..

We really don't know who is messing with what, if we blindly follow orders...

Why doen't my password work..? Detail something.. We live here too!..

Quoting: "if you get a ff plugin from a Chinese server
well -- do not trust it
or from a "friend" on facebook
that firefox plugin is likely to be infected"

What's needed is a program that can show you every link in your OS that's transmitting your stuff over the Net.. like a conky window on the side of the screen, showing what's transpiring in real-time.. to show you what's invading you from hell's toilet...
Point is: How do we know a plugin is clean or not..? Is there a program that can tell us..?

In topic "distrusting the Chinese".. It's all up to them.. If they mess with us they lose us.. They don't want to lose these markets in America.. They won't mess with us unless they're running "capitalistic-suicide"... Time will tell, if they are treating us like shid, or as brothers.. And we will reciprocate.. end of story.. and the beginning... The thing is, it's China's time to shine.. America had hers, and blew it... Every nation gets their turn...

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