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jeremy 08-23-2011 12:15 PM

It's possible we'll consider a keyboard shortcut as a future enhancement, but it's not something that's available at this time. FWIW, your selection is remembered across sessions so it's not something you'll need to continually collapse.


Randicus Draco Albus 08-27-2011 01:28 AM

It is good that the colour scheme is not changing, and it has nothing to do with with aesthetics. The conservative colour scheme suits the forum, because simple looks serious and professional (in my opinion at any rate).

theNbomr made some very good suggestions, especially collecting answers to commonly asked question and making a tutorial. It would be easier to create than many people would believe, because it would not need to be exhaustive. Basic answers to the most frequent questions that Linux new-comers have. I believe the key would be adding it to the forum's main page where it would be the first thing a new-comer would see.

phoyt's suggestion of a glossary of Linux terms would be useful. It could even be included in theNbomr's wikitorial. Kill two birds with one stone.

As for comments and suggestion made by a couple other people concerning newbies having neither knowledge nor time, the two points I just made reference to should be the only changes considered for making the lives of newbies easier. I am a newbie. And I do not have twelve hours spare time every day to research Linux. However, learning is necessary. The people here offer great advice and help, but newbies should, and need, to be encouraged to do a little work. Is it possible to force first-time posters to read the What You Should Do Before Posting stickies?

As for complaints about the search function not recognising spelling errors; If a person cannot take one or two seconds to check spelling before clicking the Search button, they should not be here wasting other people's time.
In a related matter, I think the notices encouraging people to make concise posts, both title and content, should be very prominent. Vague and ambiguous post titles make it next to impossible to find problems when doing a search. It is a problem on all fora.

Other than that, not much should be done. There are plenty of useful sub-fora, which make finding solutions to problems a little easier. Forum users are polite. The slowness of the site is probably due to the large number of people using it, which is an indication of the forum's quality.

Sorry for the long post, but I am opinionated, and you asked.

Wayne Sallee 08-29-2011 12:30 PM

Another improvement I'd like to see is when I send a user an e-mail, that I get a copy sent to my e-mail address.

Wayne Sallee

permazorch 08-31-2011 04:35 PM

I found the spam vs. human check to be quite painful, and quite off-putting. Otherwise, fine.

But, the 'play' and wait. DISLIKE.

jeremy 08-31-2011 04:37 PM


Originally Posted by permazorch (Post 4458298)
I found the spam vs. human check to be quite painful, and quite off-putting. Otherwise, fine.

I'm not quite sure what you're referring to.


Wayne Sallee 09-01-2011 05:45 PM


Originally Posted by permazorch (Post 4458298)
I found the spam vs. human check to be quite painful, and quite off-putting. Otherwise, fine.

But, the 'play' and wait. DISLIKE.

The best way to keep spambots from registering is to use an IQ test for every registration. I did that on a forum and have never had a spambot get through.

Wayne Sallee

asokaddd 09-04-2011 07:56 AM

Opening Up BlogSpot for Members
I am a new member.
I have to thank you for sending me an email stating that I can make blog entries at your site.
I use as my main blog site where it is very easy for me to organize what I /(one) write/s with tags and beautiful themes.

I use Google's blogspot for general blogging which includes bit of constructive politics too.
My current endeavor is to promote Linux worldwide and get it lifted from its 1% stake to 10%.

With that in mind I have tested over 100 Linux (much more) and posted a mini-comment on each one of them.
I am currently trying to investigate the penetration level of Linux and the why there is low penetration?
That is where I came across your organization and posted a question there in a similar tone.

Now I realize that in Ceylon (Sri-Lanka-20 million people) only 133 machines are registered with and India only 2160 odd (1200 millions) machines with Linux.

I like using coloured fonts (but it is something one should avoid if the material is for publishing) even though I am colour blind in the range of pink and orange.
I use blue because it is pleasing to the eye.
I use colour fonts to highlight a point.
Just recently wordpress has introduced proofreading which is something I love.
In my old age with eyesight failing little bit of audio (I promote Vinux for this feature) help is handy.
Just like aol's, you got a message type but nothing extravagant.
I keep in my mind that there are lot of visually handicapped guys/girls using computers now.
Steve wonder is my hero!
This is just the beginning and I will be with you through thick and thin.
This is wonderful work at a time of debt and credit crisis and lot of people are just barely surviving.

permazorch 09-05-2011 12:22 PM

spambot/human test
During registration, one has to, 'Click play to reveal the security code:', and it wasn't functioning properly for me.

I tried it again, today, and function was seamless. Figure it just depends on how nicely one's internet/home box are playing together.

replica9000 09-05-2011 10:23 PM

Not really a big deal, but a multi-quote option would be nice...

jeremy 09-06-2011 10:34 AM


Originally Posted by replica9000 (Post 4462491)
Not really a big deal, but a multi-quote option would be nice...

AQ actually does have multi-quote.


jeremy 09-06-2011 10:36 AM


Originally Posted by permazorch (Post 4462162)
During registration, one has to, 'Click play to reveal the security code:', and it wasn't functioning properly for me.

I tried it again, today, and function was seamless. Figure it just depends on how nicely one's internet/home box are playing together.

AQ is no different than LQ in this regard. We do disable the captcha and test alternatives at times, but it's really a constant struggle between making it as easy as possible to register while keeping out as many spammers as possible.


sureeM 09-14-2011 01:22 AM

dnt know
i dnt know if any know tell me please

replica9000 09-14-2011 12:25 PM

Better search functionality:

The other day I was looking for the thread "Learn the DD command". I couldn't remember the category it was in so I decided to search for it. When I searched for "Learn the DD command", it was showing "The following words are either very common, too long, or too short and were not included in your search: the, DD" Even though I had the exact title of the thread, none of the results on the first few pages listed the thread I was looking for.

In this case, I realize I can do an advanced search and choose search thread titles, but if what I was looking for wasn't a thread title? My only options are "Search Entire Post" or "Search Titles Only" Maybe a way to "Search for Phrase" could be added?

jeremy 09-14-2011 12:51 PM


Originally Posted by replica9000 (Post 4471637)
Better search functionality:

The other day I was looking for the thread "Learn the DD command". I couldn't remember the category it was in so I decided to search for it. When I searched for "Learn the DD command", it was showing "The following words are either very common, too long, or too short and were not included in your search: the, DD" Even though I had the exact title of the thread, none of the results on the first few pages listed the thread I was looking for.

In this case, I realize I can do an advanced search and choose search thread titles, but if what I was looking for wasn't a thread title? My only options are "Search Entire Post" or "Search Titles Only" Maybe a way to "Search for Phrase" could be added?

FWIW, a much improved search is one of the items we explicitly stated would be part of the upcoming code update. That being said, the current search can handle the above use case by using "Learn the DD command" (with the quotes) as the search phrase. Thanks for the feedback.


TobiSGD 09-14-2011 02:21 PM

If it is possible I would like a customizable time out for the "New posts" link on the start page.
My routine when visiting LQ is:
1. Click my LQ bookmark which leads me to the start page. It is showing (put any number here, for example 637) new posts.
2. I click on the "Subscribed Threads" link to see the posts that may be replies ton an active thread I am participating in.
3. After looking at all those threads, which may take some time, when I click on the "New Posts" link it shows for, for example, only 16 threads with new posts, so I obviously took to much time to answer to those active threads.

I would like to have the option to either customize the time at which posts where marked as old or to disable that feature at whole (of course with an option to mark all new posts as old manually, which is at least partially already given with the mark as read option).

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