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/bin/bash 01-17-2008 05:55 AM

Freespire vs. Vista
This is the first time I've see two computers for sale in witch one has Vista and the other has a Linux Distro. Wall-Mart did something similar to this a few weeks ago but the specs were different and the Windows version had more memory and a keyboard.

As far as I can tell these two computers are nearly identical though slightly different model no's. But the model no could be because of the OS.

Freespire Version
Vista Version

Note both computers even come with a $100.00 mail-in rebate.

So Vista Basic adds $114.00 to the cost of a computer?
After the mail-in rebate Vista Basic accounts for 38% of that computers total cost!
With only 1G of memory and 1.6G celeron will that computer even boot into Vista?

DragonSlayer48DX 01-17-2008 11:53 AM

Actually yes, that machine will boot into Vista BASIC, as it does not have the resource-hungry features of Premium or Ultimate.

You can go here to compare the features of the different editions.


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