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arijspieter 11-07-2012 10:00 AM

WLAN (Wifi) very unstable
i am trying to make a good Debian Wheezy install only using CLI but my WLAN won't work properly.
when i ping response times are ~20ms
when i use apt-get install and download a package, the speed will vary 20kbps ~ 1Mbps (it will be going up and down constantly and average will be aprox 150kbps)
in windows i have a constant download speed of ~1.5Mbps

i'm using the recommended "roaming" config because i like to instruct my computer to connect to wifi manual (instead of this happening automatically at boot)
wpa_supplicant is installed


# The loopback network interface
auto lo
iface lo inet loopback

# The primary network interface
allow-hotplug wlan0
iface default inet dhcp
iface home inet dhcp
iface wlan0 inet manual
        wpa-roam /etc/wpa_supplicant/wpa_roam.conf


ctrl_interface=DIR=/var/run/wpa_supplicant GROUP=netdev



resolv.conf (using OpenDNS)


i've been experimenting with debian a lot the past week and before i reinstalled last time, i used wicd which worked perfectly. now i'm trying everything manual cause i want to learn something :D

anybody here who can help me out?

arijspieter 11-07-2012 10:37 AM

the problem has changed a little (i didn't change anything! :confused:)
now when i ping after putting the interface (wlan0) up, the answer is "host unknown" and the internet on my home network doesn't work anymore
however, when connecting to the neighbors network (which is unsecured and i do have good signal quality), i have the same problem as described in my first post

btw my wlan adapter is using the rt2870 driver which is included in firmware-ralink

frankbell 11-07-2012 08:09 PM

Have you tested with a wired connection?

The first thing to do is rule out hardware, for two reasons:

1. If it's hardware, no amount of software troubleshooting will fix it, and

2. Ruling out hardware is easy from a technical standpoint.

Your computer's wireless card seems okay, since it can maintain a connection, so it is likely something in your home network equipment.

The key to testing something like this is to rule out each component by replacing it with a known-good component or circumventing it until you narrow the list down to one and only one suspect.

I had a problem about a year ago which eventually turned out to be that the foot-long ethernet cable between the cable modem and the router had gone bad. I started by connecting a computer directly to the modem with an ethernet cable and working my way back out.

arijspieter 11-08-2012 09:50 AM

i discovered that it was a very stupid mistake of me: i was testing my connection by apt-get installing packages and watching the download speed while my sources.list had the Australian servers instead of the Belgian (i'm Belgian)... :doh:

i'm sorry to have bothered you guys with this

frankbell 11-08-2012 08:03 PM

Just glad you figured it out.

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