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tnma 12-10-2009 01:33 AM

vim color schemes only work with sudo
Hi, I'm having problems with vim on gnome-terminal (xterm-256color, zsh).
Running $vim file.c, then :colorscheme <something> doesn't work. But with $sudo vim file.c, color schemes work just fine
Putting set t_Co=256, colorscheme <something> in ~/.vimrc doesn't help either. Any ideas?


SkyEye 12-10-2009 10:13 AM

Make sure your colorscheme is available for the user you are trying to run vim as. It appears, you might have placed the colorscheme file for root (i.e.: usually /root/.vim/colors). If this is the case you can,

1. either copy the colorscheme to ~/.vim/colors/ (i.e.: /home/yourusername/.vim/colors) or
2. copy the colorscheme file to the colors dir where the system wide config files are (Eg: in Fedoras case it's /usr/share/vim/vim72/colors/)

Then set the colorscheme as usual using config files.

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