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awww 06-29-2011 09:25 AM

i installed ffmpeg correctly when i run the php -m | grep ffmpeg i get a blank response why?

Snark1994 06-29-2011 09:28 AM

Because it's not compiled in (see 'man php'). Check your phpinfo() to see if the module is being correctly loaded dynamically

awww 06-29-2011 09:35 AM

im looking in my phpinfo and see ffmpeg install correctly ffmpeg
ffmpeg-php version 0.6.0-svn
ffmpeg-php built on Jun 29 2011 07:14:47
ffmpeg-php gd support enabled
ffmpeg libavcodec version Lavc52.72.2
ffmpeg libavformat version Lavf52.64.2
ffmpeg swscaler version SwS0.11.0
ffmpeg.allow_persistent 0 0
ffmpeg.show_warnings 0 0

Snark1994 06-29-2011 09:38 AM

So has your problem been solved? If so, can you mark it as [SOLVED] using the thread tools please.

awww 06-29-2011 09:39 AM

no its not solved because it still wont convert videos at all maybe its my script

Snark1994 06-29-2011 09:42 AM

In that case, could you make this thread as SOLVED (as you have managed to install ffmpeg-php), open a new thread in the programming forum called "ffmpeg-php won't convert videos", and post the link here? That way I will be able to continue to help you, and other people who might be more experienced with the package / problem will be able to help you as well :)


mount.nfs 02-27-2021 01:38 AM

Attachment 35730

simply download the debian .deb packages
unzip extract the debian file by dpkg-deb -x file.deb .
don't forget . and /

command example ./ffmpeg -i input.mp3 -aq 0.3 out.m4a

mount.nfs 12-18-2021 03:17 AM

I executable ./ffmpeg on 18.04.x

./ffmpeg -i file1.mp3 -i file2.mp3 output1.mp3

./ffmpeg -i file1.mp3,file2.mp3 output2.mp3

above commands error invalid.
Can join 2 or more mp3 sound file(s) ?

computersavvy 12-18-2021 11:12 AM

Please, PLEASE, open your own thread.

This one has been closed for more than ten years and it is not likely that you will get an answer that is specific to YOUR problem here.

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