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Tinkster 10-25-2007 02:28 PM

I merged your two threads on the same topic ... :}


kryptobs2000 10-25-2007 08:32 PM


Originally Posted by megha6788 (Post 2936679)
i see a 32 bit true color 800x600 resolution on my windows xp
this means 32 bit resolution must work wid my pc
when in case of fedora doing
system-config-display --reconfig --set-depth=32 --set-resolution=800x600 --set-driver=i810
i get this error
wats tat I830, how it has come into driver is i810 then???
does this means i should stop dreaming bout 32-bit?? and work with 8bit 1280x1024.....thats what m currently working at!!!

Windows 32bit color != Linux or Everything else.

32bit color means 24bit color with an 8 bit (alpha?) mask.

so 32bit color in windows = 24bit color in the real world.

I'm not sure what i830 is, but I wouldn't worry about it. Maybe it's the controller for the adaptor or something? If someone woudln't mind commenting on this, I'd like to know just out of curiousity.

none the less, use 24 bit color

Lenard 10-25-2007 09:58 PM

Or 16-bit color;

system-config-display --reconfig --set-depth=XX --set-resolution=1280x1024 --set-driver=i810

megha6788 10-27-2007 01:13 PM*&lang=eng

hmmmmm.. i can see my fedora desktop ....tats one of the beeeg achievements i've managed....but the thing is as i said i can run only 8 bit and 16 bit resolutions...24 bit and 32bit don't just work(meaning startx)fails wid add to this there's a new prob that CAIRO does not supports 8-bit resolution so network-configuration keeps on crashing if i select that depth...
so m left with only 1 choice... THE 16 BIT RESOLUTION
16 bit resolutions i tried all were miserable.....doing xvidtune cud'nt even shift my screen to left a bit it gave an error " this mode is not supported by your hardware configuration" so actually xvidtune went useless it cud'nt just edit ny damn thing on my screen!!!
A new thing i read gave sum hope about installing i810 82845G driver provided for i downloaded .tar.gz file from*&lang=eng
xtracted that n tried installing using bash
( was n executable code included in that file)
i got 2 options to install driver or to remove
i did install driver and got an error while(it was gathering os information) == operator expected...failed to compile no compiler found
installation aborted...........m left blank now!!!......things don't really work with 82845G
ALL PPL OUT HERE MADE TREMENDOUS EFFORTS........really admire em......but if sum patience still left to sort the unsolved???????

kryptobs2000 10-27-2007 03:12 PM

I think you need gcc (for C) or g++(for C++). That will fix the complaint about failing to find a compiler. Then try and reinstall those drivers.

nikhil010586 10-28-2007 11:00 AM

I c there's some problem wit ur kernel modules....coz i got an error wit the kernel modules on FC7!(i dont have an 82845 display adapter but the install process aborted even before detecting the card...!)

the error details have been saved in dri.log file of the same directory..!
it will be helpful for the linux gurus and senior members over here if u could just paste the contents of ur log file!
p.s: do not note the entire thing down on paper as u have been doing until now...a wiser thing would be to mount ur windows drive automatically during startup by editting the /etc/fstab.conf file and then copying the log file to your windows drive so that it is acessible on windows!tell me if u got problems with editting the fstab.conf file....

kryptobs2000 10-28-2007 11:27 AM

echo '/dev/windrive /mnt/windows ntfs ro 1 0' >> /etc/fstab

replace /dev/windrive with wherever your windows drive is located at. /mnt/windows can be any directory this is just where the drive will be mounted at. Be sure to make this directory if it does not already exist though.

If your not sure how to find out where your windows drive is located at, it'll either be /dev/hdXX if it's an ide drive or sdXX if it's an sata drive. the first X is the drive number and the second X is the partition number on that drive. I don't know if there's a better way but I always just run cfdisk /dev/hdX (no need for a partition number) and just try different combinations of what you think it might be.

If anyone knows a better way to find this out please say as I'd like to know myself. I'm sure there's probably a way to just list them or something.

megha6788 10-28-2007 03:18 PM

make -C /lib/modules/2.6.20-2925.9.fc7xen/build SUBDIRS=/root/dripkg/agpgart-2.0 modules
make: *** /lib/modules/2.6.20-2925.9.fc7xen/build: No such file or directory. Stop.
make: *** [default] Error 2
Makefile.linux:151: *** Cannot find a kernel config file. Stop.

tats my log file wen i install drivers!!!!!!!
plzz see the prob ......
i get an error like need new kernel modules to compile
now how do i get those new kernel modules?????
does anyone know how to interpret that log file????? i don't have any idea as how to rectify this new prob!!!!
u c m a if any one cud wud be great!!!!

martinr 10-29-2007 05:08 PM

The monitor section is missing in fedora 7
I have the exact same problem. I have a monitor which is not recognized by redhat or fedora. On earlier releases of fedora I solved the problem as pointed out above, by manually editing the frequencies. On fedora 7, there simply is no monitor section.

Graphics still work though, if you first boot into runlevel 3, logging in as root and then writing "init 5". If I however start with runlevel 5, by for example editing /boot/grub/grub.conf or /etc/inittab the monitor fails due to wrong frequencies.

Any idears?

kryptobs2000 10-29-2007 09:52 PM


Originally Posted by martinr (Post 2941448)
I have the exact same problem. I have a monitor which is not recognized by redhat or fedora. On earlier releases of fedora I solved the problem as pointed out above, by manually editing the frequencies. On fedora 7, there simply is no monitor section.

Graphics still work though, if you first boot into runlevel 3, logging in as root and then writing "init 5". If I however start with runlevel 5, by for example editing /boot/grub/grub.conf or /etc/inittab the monitor fails due to wrong frequencies.

Any idears?

just make a monitor section and add in the necessary information

megha6788 10-30-2007 03:24 AM

even i've tried editing did'nt have a monitor section so i'v added a monitor section to section screen
n then made a seprate monitor section
identifier "monitor0"
horizsync 30.0-55.0
vertrefresh 50.0-120.0
also i've added modes like 800x600 1024x768 1152x864 in display section
edited the depth to 16

saved it all as xorg.conf n did startx but no use i get bad resolution besides when i go to display and check the screen resolution it shows 640x480.....means nothing has changed editing xorg.conf....whatever resolution i make doing system-config commands at 16 depth i get the same display n m unable to get rid off 640x480...there r no other resolution options in display setteings other than this!!!!
i could have found a way out had my network been configured ....i hv an adsl broadband connection (xdsl).....everytime i try and activate it i get an error /usr/sbin/adsl -start line 217:3424 terminated $ connect "$@" >/dev/null
my ethernet device is globespanvirata smartAX mt882........can ny one interpret what the error means bcoz i guess if i'm able to configure network then i have solutions to this resolution problem!

martinr 10-30-2007 04:26 AM

weird xorg
Here's the deal. It seems like the nvidia driver for fedora (livna respo) which is fairly awesome btw correctly detects both card and screen and can do all kind so nice things... It can also be used to rewrite the xorg.conf file with correct information such as a monitor section. I tried both this and before it manually adding a monitor section.

Still, it almost seems like what is written in the xorg.conf doesn't matters... or it matters, but not as much as it used to in eralier versions. If there is some typo startup complains. But whether I have a monitor section (with correct values) or not doesn't seem to matter. I still need to boot to runlevel 3 and then start runlevel 5 for things to work. If I try to initiate 5 from the beginning the screen complains about frequencies and then it frezees (A few times it has actually continued booting and after a few minutes worked as it should)

Anyone a clue?

megha6788 10-31-2007 01:56 AM

xdsl activation required
seems...........nobody uses a broadband connection!!!!
i really needed to activate my xdsl connection...... to getsome solution to the driver installation prob....but just can't get rid of the error......ny suggestions?????????
nobody's got n idea bout tat or wat???

nikhil010586 11-03-2007 10:39 AM

Always on settings didnt work on ur distro....
that may be probably due to a bad DNS address or also coz of an improper USB driver!
Im trying to search the USB driver for ur router i.e SmartAX MT882 so that u get ur connection right and then go for a straight yum install...!

megha6788 11-04-2007 01:14 AM


Originally Posted by nikhil010586 (Post 2946862)
Always on settings didnt work on ur distro....
that may be probably due to a bad DNS address or also coz of an improper USB driver!
Im trying to search the USB driver for ur router i.e SmartAX MT882 so that u get ur connection right and then go for a straight yum install...!

hmmm.......hope there's a USB driver for free download.....
i found that difficult googling!!
not interested in a free graphic card till i get my fedora screen working good with 82845G!!!!:rolleyes:

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