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shadow24 07-07-2017 08:23 PM


I am new to linux and apologize in advance for the lack of information that is to come, but I hope someone will be able to walk me through a troubleshoot and just tell me what information is needed to help me. I recently set up Kali Linux 2017.1-amd64.iso in a virtual machine. Although I have no problems pinging my own IP address I cannot ping any other IP addresses or domain names. I am definitely connected to the wifi because I can browse the internet perfectly fine on my host OS.
ifconfig eth0
eth0: flags=4163<UP,BROADCAST,RUNNING,MULTICAST> mtu 1500
inet netmask broadcast
inet6 fe80::a00:27ff:fee4:ae8b prefixlen 64 scopeid 0x20<link>
ether 46:eb:c7:ba:78:4b txqueuelen 1000 (Ethernet)
RX packets 23 bytes 3050 (2.9 KiB)
RX errors 0 dropped 0 overruns 0 frame 0
TX packets 863 bytes 78300 (76.4 KiB)
TX errors 0 dropped 0 overruns 0 carrier 0 collisions 0

cat /etc/resolv.conf
# Generated by NetworkManager
search fios-router.home

ping: Name or service not known

route -n
Kernel IP routing table
Destination Gateway Genmask Flags Metric Ref Use Iface
(Don't know why this turned up empty)



frankbell 07-07-2017 08:52 PM

This might help.

Kali is not a distro for persons new to Linux. It is highly specialized and designed specifically for penetration testing. I would suggest starting with a different distro, perhaps Slackware (which is a darn good teacher--it taught me to understand Linux) or Debian, then testing Kali when you've got your Linux feet wet.

If you must persist with Kali, this tutorial would be a good place to start.

Oh, and welcome to LQ.

Mill J 07-07-2017 10:26 PM

Sounds like you need to configure VBox for internet.

I agree Kali is cool but it is advanced and unless you know your way around in Linux it won't do you much good. If you've never used Linux before I'd suggest Mint. But hey it's Linux do what you want and most of all have fun:)

AwesomeMachine 07-08-2017 01:56 PM

Kali has networking disabled by default.

Habitual 07-08-2017 04:07 PM


Originally Posted by shadow24 (Post 5732233)
I am new to linux...kali

Try another OS. One that doesn't "suggest" intermediate to advanced skills to use.
You're in over your head.

shadow24 07-08-2017 10:00 PM

Thanks for the responses. I will definitely take a look at that tutorial for additional guidance.

yancek 07-08-2017 10:07 PM

Setting the Network in VBox to bridge would probably help.

frankbell 07-08-2017 10:35 PM


Setting the Network in VBox to bridge would probably help.
The tutorial I linked to suggests setting up Kali and Metasploit in VMs in "Host Only" mode, so that they can see each other, but cannot access the Big Wide World.

If you have Kali accessing the Big Wide World and start using its tools against other persons, you may--and should--attract attention from persons whose attention you would rather not attract.

!!! 07-08-2017 11:00 PM

Welcome to Linux, BUT think of: someone who hasn't seen/driven a car, taking a *huge missile launcher* for a test-drive, and asking the nearest official: "How do I shoot?" !!!

Take some time to 'Search' the wealth of LQ advice on kali: under where you enter Keyword kali, pull-down 'Search Titles only' (to optimize search results; also, at bottom, 'Show Results as Threads', instead of Posts).

Bottom line: on most forums (including sites other than LQ), it's best not to be a kali 'n00b' :eek:
Sorry, that's just how the www is :(

Best wishes on learning 'lots' of Linux first;)

p.s. ping -c 3 ; this ?should? be your Vbox NAT gateway (Is your host's gateway/router? Idk how kali got this instead of! Only IF you can figure this out, and write an essay on why eth0 per #1 can absolutely-only-ever 'arp' 10.0.2.*, will I:D allow you to continue using kali:D) ip is 'new' cmd (old, prior version tho)

p.p.s. What's the LQpunishment for flat-out lying and *saying* only Debian (when it's really kali)? :tisk:

Note WELL #8, and same warnings in tutorial magazine link! I had exact same problem, and the very second I fixed it, InterPol shot down my front door; my ISP was too late to save me, when they terminated my account for egregious ToS violation, one additional second later. J/K, but ...

Turbocapitalist 07-08-2017 11:14 PM


Originally Posted by !!! (Post 5732664)
Best wishes on learning 'lots' of Linux first;)


All of the tools in Kali can be made available in Linux Mint, which is far easier to get started with. I'd recommend installing Linux Mint and learning the utilities you are interested in one at a time on it instead. When you've gotten comfortable with them there, and are also comfortable with a little system adminsitration yourself, then you can make the leap to Kali if the perceived need is still there.

273 07-09-2017 06:14 AM


Originally Posted by !!! (Post 5732664)
p.p.s. What's the LQpunishment for flat-out lying and *saying* only Debian (when it's really kali)? :tisk:

The punishment is having nothing work as the guidance given by members doesn't work due to Kali being configured differently and having different software versions. ;)

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