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Benmc 03-05-2021 06:28 PM


Originally Posted by eric cire (Post 6227736)
I did a research and even if I have a 32bit CP I can install a 64bit because they are compatible.

Hmm, yet Ubuntu did not install, and it made the system unbootable, yes?


Originally Posted by eric cire (Post 6227736)
Under Boot override I have
-Windows Boot Manager

can you select this entry and does the system then boot?
Do you want to keep Windows?


Originally Posted by eric cire (Post 6227736)
Under Boot override I have
-Launch EFI Shell from filesystem device

this does not work for me!

colorpurple21859 03-05-2021 07:06 PM


Fail Could not locate efi boot bootia32.efi:
This is a brief synopsis of how to fix, this is assuming the install was done in efi mode, not csm/legacy mode.
Either boot into you system from the live iso grub command line, or boot the live iso and chroot into your system, If using chroot, after chrooting into your system, mount the efi partition at /boot/efi if it isn't already mounted.

sudo apt install grub-efi-ia32
sudo grub-install --target=i386-efi
sudo update-grub

exit out of the chroot, unmount everything reboot.

To be able to give more detail instructions, go here and post the results

eric cire 03-05-2021 07:17 PM

Windows Boot manager always bring me back to Bitlocker recovery options missing window.
I will tried to install a 32bit to see what will happen and I don't want to keep Windows but I may have too. Who knows!

computersavvy 03-05-2021 08:18 PM

A 64 bit system is compatible with a 32 bit OS or a 64 bit OS.
A 32 bit system is compatible with a 32 bit OS but not compatible with a 64 bit OS.
The hardware determines what it will support.

Benmc 03-05-2021 08:50 PM

the hardware has a 64bit cpu, it will run a 64bit system, it is the 32bit efi that is the catch.

as the hardware has 32bit efi, you need to either find a .iso that has 32bit EFI support out of the box or you will have to modify a 64bit EFI supporting .iso, as suggested by colorpurple21859.
not all 32bit .isos support 32bit EFI, and not all 32bit EFI hardware will accept a 64bit EFI install, as you have found.

I know that the current Mageia .isos work on this hardware without modification, both i586 and x86_64 variants.
This T100TA currently running Mageia 8 i586 multi DE setup (Gnome, Plasma, Xfce, LXDE, Mate, Cinnamon, IceWM, openbox) on GDM Wayland, with X11 available, and with SDDM, LXDM, XDM and LightDM display managers also available, but, if you install Mageia, you can set up with just the one Desktop Environment / display manager.

Benmc 03-05-2021 09:29 PM


Originally Posted by eric cire (Post 6227743)
Windows Boot manager always bring me back to Bitlocker recovery options missing window.

have a read here =>

how did you shrink the windows partition to fit the Ubuntu system onto the eMMC drive?.
from within windows itself prior to the Ubuntu install attempt, or, by the Ubuntu installer or Gparted from the Live session?

eric cire 03-06-2021 10:41 AM

Thanks Computersavvy and Benmec for your help. I guess I never install the Ubuntu, because I put it on a USB formatted with Rufus 3.13 and tried to install it on Asus and it didn't install at all. But I have install Debian 32bit on Asus and I can configure it up to now, but I am stop in the configuration at the hardware configuration. Debian doesn't have the driver to recognize my ethernet! But Asus doesn't have ethernet! it says that I need brcm/brcmfmac4324lb4-sdio.bin. And I will have to pay for that. If I don't succeed to put a driver to configure my communication system, I will not be able to go forward because the rest of the configuration goes with internet!

eric cire 03-06-2021 11:02 AM

Hi Benmec,
I just went to this site:
And I see that even with a lot of good intention, there is things that will not work with Ubuntu but probably also with Debian 10. So, i think I will go back to windows!

Benmc 03-06-2021 01:21 PM


Originally Posted by eric cire (Post 6227944)
But Asus doesn't have ethernet! it says that I need brcm/brcmfmac4324lb4-sdio.bin.

The T100TA I have, as previously mentioned, works pretty well on Mageia with any modification.
Just boot to the USB and either run the Live and install, or install from the Live boot menu, or install from the Classical.iso boot menu

The .isos have the required driver built in, no need to connect to ethernet to get the driver, touch screen too, as well as virtual keyboard if you use Gnome.

I just use the T100TA for browsing the web and email, playing videos or music.
It is a low spec machine, so I dont use it for video creation.


Originally Posted by eric cire (Post 6227944)

that looks like a lot of work.

Any particular reason you want/need Ubuntu / Debian?

anyway, good luck

eric cire 03-06-2021 01:34 PM

No, I just wanted to install something else than Windows to get access to a word processor and an Excel type processor to do my accounting. I will try Mageia iso. I thought Mageia was just a boot loader!

eric cire 03-06-2021 02:11 PM

Hi Benmec, I downloaded Mageia and I tried to copy it to usb but there is torrent at the end and not iso. Do you have the step by step to install it without all the bla bla bla? Thanks

Benmc 03-06-2021 02:50 PM


Originally Posted by eric cire (Post 6228021)
I downloaded Mageia and I tried to copy it to usb but there is torrent at the end and not iso.

if the file is about 31kb, then it is a torrent (seed) and you will need to use it to start the download in a torrent client: qbitTorrent, deluge, uTorrent etc.

If you do not have one, then you can download direct from the Mageia site =>

choose the Live media, select which of the three desktops you want, then 32 or 64 bit. then "Direct Link"
the .isos are between 2.4Gb (Xfce 32) and 3.4Gb (Plasma 64) so you will need this empty space somewhere on your existing system.

then use Rufus to burn the .iso to usb (I read earlier that you have used this).

when you have booted into the Live, you can connect to the internet via Wifi - you will need to give the network password.
you may need run in a terminal

the Mageia Live. install lets you partition the eMMC drive as you want, all or part. if you really want to be dispose of windows on this machine, choose "erase and use entire disk". the installer will create the all required partitions in a useful layout: /boot/EFI, /, /swap, and a /home partition.
otherwise, use the "custom" option and create your own layout, but you will need to make the /boot/EFI partiton ~300MB yourself.
at the end of the install, it will ask for a bootloader password. INGORE this, click the next or finish button.
when you reboot, it will ask to setup wifi, ignore this too, then set up a root/administer password and a user name and password.
after this it will then present your Desktop login, enter your new user name and password,
wifi should be up, if not, just run in a terminal again

. this time you will need to enter your admin/root password to continue!

sorry for the terminal commands, there are 3 different desktops, and the internet connect GUI is located in different places and looks different too.

eric cire 03-06-2021 03:16 PM

Very good Benmec! I am doing a verification of Mageia 8 i586.iso with md5. it takes for ever!

jefro 03-06-2021 03:51 PM

To repeat. The Intel atom bios's have a goofy 32bit/64bit loader issue. Well published on internet.

eric cire 03-07-2021 07:59 AM

Thanks Jefro, I have taken note of this!

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