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jevans001 08-22-2009 07:11 PM

I am a newbie and am very excited to be here. My husband (soon to be ex) is a little script kitty, who easily destroyed the laptop's Vista before returning the computer. I installed Linux! This idea was suggested to me by a professor, whom I respect/admire. I did not realise how much I "disliked" Windows, until I found something better. Since I am a newbie, I am not sure about where to start, to learn as efficiently as possible. I have borrowed a few books from the library: "Linux server hacks," Beginning Ubuntu Linux," "Practical Unix & Internet Security," and "Securing Linux." I love Linux, since I see the opportunity to understand 'the magic box phenomenon.' Any benign advice that will assist me in these goals, or help direct me is very much valued.

GrapefruiTgirl 08-22-2009 07:18 PM


We are very happy to have you here. Looks like you've really dove ( dived? doven?? :p ) right in, and are off to a very good start; definitely motivated in the right direction, what with those library books-- good choices! Bye Vista!

Welcome to LQ, J,


GrapefruiTgirl 08-22-2009 07:19 PM

Oh! Another duplicate of my own post :mad:

Grr.. :)

chrism01 08-23-2009 08:13 PM

As a Mod you should be able to fix that no?

Anyway, to OP; Welcome to LQ and here are some very good links to start - nice comparison of the different approaches/mindset reqd for MS vs Linux - good tutorial for Linux at the cli - how to write stuff in bash (the cmd line prog lang, also the cmds used used to change dir etc.) - massive free online library - The Linux Documentation Project


GrapefruiTgirl 08-23-2009 09:14 PM


Originally Posted by chrism01 (Post 3654936)
As a Mod you should be able to fix that no?

*Erhmm* I'm actively trying to diagnose exactly why it happens to me, but as for 'fixing' it, I don't have 'delete' powers in this forum area :) so the best I can do here is edit it > "dupe.. Arg"


windtalker10 08-23-2009 10:25 PM

Welcome Jevans.

The hardest things to learn for those new to Linux but used to Windows is:

1.] This is Linux, not Windows. They aren't the same thing. They just look similar on the surface.
2.] You have to unlearn Windows. You don't point and click to install things in Linux.
3.] You don't have to worry to much about hackers, viruses, trojans or spyware anymore.

It doesn't look like you're to opposed to learning which is an extremely good sign.

I'm just sitting here with a mental image of a windows script kiddy pounding away on the keyboard of a Linux box trying to do harm with code and scratching his head.
Actually I'm about to bust a rib laffing about it.:D

bjrn64 09-02-2009 12:59 AM

hi firstly welcome to LQ

charity shops are a good source of cheap linux books many of them fairly new
but you dont really need to spend any money at all

check out http:///

thats the defacto certification distro independent stuff and even if you dont want qualifacations following their route will give you good guidance.

the hacking/security stuff is a massive field but if you look into wifi networking try here

download there wifu syllabus pdf its only 20 pages but i promise you if security interests you thats an outstanding place to start your learning curve

bookmark LQ and just browse the site tutorials and the posts you can learn an awful lot by reading both the questions and the replies

and dont forget you have a blog on here its a good place to record your progress

but most of all enjoy :)

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