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nemy 08-26-2004 07:59 PM

Help with booting XP/FC2
Hello, complete newb here with Fedora Core. Laptop install, one drive. Had XP Home installed. Partition magic would not create a partition for me, kept erroring out. Sorry, I do not have the error code it gave. So, like an idiot, I went ahead and did the install. Linux installed easily enough. Now, however, I can not find WinXP at all. In all probabability I've lost it, and this I understand. However, is there a way to use Grub to find it or even to tell me if the old data still exists? When installing Fedora I believe it asked me if I wanted to keep existing partitions and I instructed it to use the space made available.

If you might be able to help keep in mind that I'm completely a Windows GUI type. DOS is not my thing, nor is use of Terminal. If you can help, please do so with exact command lines and what not. Any help will be appreciated.

Compaq Presario 2188cl, 2.8G Athlon, 512MB ram


strikeforce 08-26-2004 08:27 PM

fdisk -l

will give you a list of partitions that will show whether you have 1 parition or how many parttitions you have if there is 2-3 partitions you may very well have your data.

nemy 08-26-2004 08:40 PM

Thanks for responding. Where would I type that information? Do I need a disk with Fdisk utility on it (i have one) or can I type that in the terminal?

strikeforce 08-27-2004 05:56 AM

#fdisk -l

is the command

nemy 08-27-2004 08:18 PM

Starting over
Ok, I've decided to start over. I've got a brand new drive in my desktop (posting from laptop). It's 40 gig and nothing special. I want to install XP and FC2 and be able to boot to both of them. Installing XP is easy enough and I've been told that it's best to load XP first and a Linux disto second. Any links to a pretty straightfoward installation guide would be appreciated. I know it can't be as hard as I'm making it, I just need a little guidance.


masand 08-28-2004 03:32 AM

go for normal FC 2 install
use bootloader to be installed on /dev/hda(MBR)

and it will go fine


nemy 08-31-2004 08:00 PM

But honestly, I have no idea of how to make the bootloader (grub) work. Do I use the terminal found in system tools or do I hit F2 or somethingof that nature when grub comes up, or is that something that is set up during installation?? I'm telling ya, I am the Uber Noob.

masand 08-31-2004 10:27 PM


while installing FC2 ,after u haev setup ur partions then u get an option to install bootloader on??
there u choose to install it on the /dev/hda(the MBR)
and it well go fine
adding more to it,if u r a newbie then maybe u should geturself a tutorial or a book on this with pictorial representations

i will keep u posted on that when i get some on the internet


rakriege 08-31-2004 10:49 PM

Load Win XP first, leave a 6 GB portion of your Hard drive free (unformated). Now boot to the FC2 CDROM..options youll need to know are;
keep existing partitions, load linux on free space
keep Fedora Core as your default boot (check mark in box)
You can click on the one above, click edit and rename it WinXP, this way @ boot up youll see 2 options WinXP and Fedora Core
Its That easy

nemy 09-01-2004 02:25 PM

Thanks Rakriege, that's the kind of help I was needing. I'll give it a try tonight when I get home. As for getting a book for tutorial I did obtain a copy of O'Reillys "Linux in a Nutshell". However, it appears that this is more a quick reference guide for those already suitably experienced in Linux. I plan on finding another manual I have been referred to by the Linux in a Nutshell book but if anyone has any suggestions I'll gladly check into them, also. I honestly hate to bother other people with silly questions such as I have posted above.


strikeforce 09-02-2004 06:37 PM

It's called the linux documentation project. It has how-to's that take you step by step through the installation procedure for dual booting.

There is a how to that place is your friend memorize the address cause you will need it initially

nemy 09-02-2004 06:46 PM

Yah, This'll do fine
Thanks Strikeforce, that link is what I needed.

nemy 09-10-2004 06:11 AM

Up and Going
Thanks all for your help. It's up and running now, and I like it. Still learning it, but now that I can actually put it to use I'll understand it better. Again, thanks!!

strikeforce 09-11-2004 09:59 PM

You will learn a lot with linux like you would have done with windows initially just remember don't give up and read a lot these forums are one of the best to learn on.

Another one which is very popular is the following.

From there you will find links to fedora or something like that.

nemy 09-12-2004 08:27 AM

One last question........
It appears all is good with one exception. It doesn't like my NIC. The first time I installed it and it overwrote XP I could view my network and connect to the internet with Mozilla. I downloaded and installed Opera and was able to surf with that. However, now, no matter how I configure the NIC, either static or DHCP, it won't connect. Any suggestions? My router sees the connection, and I have a data light on the laptop that flashes. I'm reading to find out the answer but any quick hints would be appreciated ;)


rakriege 09-12-2004 07:56 PM

Make Sure your Browsers are not set the detect a Proxy

nemy 09-12-2004 08:17 PM

Currently, I have only the one browser, Mozilla, and I'm not familiar with it. I'll check to see if it's set to detect the proxy.

nemy 09-12-2004 08:20 PM

ACtually, during boot up i have it show details and while check for an IP it fails, so I don't believe it's the browsers proxie settings.

nemy 09-12-2004 08:22 PM

And also, if I try to activate eth0 it tries getting an IP and fails. I have it set to DHCP but even if I try static settings it fails. If I boot to XP there seems to be no issue, DHCP or static. I don't know what I did the first time differently than this install (other than wiping out my XP) but I must have missed something..........

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