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web4web 04-14-2021 12:44 PM

Having trouble installing Steam games to a secondary drive in a Ubuntu flavor ...
I installed a Ubuntu (UALinux's gamer flavor) to this computer I'm typing on now. Hardware wise it's a great computer for games released in 2008 or before, and I still love a lot of those games. I've used different flavors of Linux for a number of years on various older PCs but have never learned much of anything beyond what I can do with a given flavor's GUI. I've used the terminal now-and-then but only when I had a step by step outline to follow.

-This computer has an 80gb assigned as primary and a 320gb as extended or whatnot. I installed Linux to the 80gb, I regret that now but don't really want to reformat, reinstall, and re-setup. This distro comes with Steam pr-packaged which I wanted. The system installed Steam to the 80. (sorry, since I still have some Windows logic in my head I thought it would be easy to select which drive things are installed to) So yes, when I went to install some games, there wasn't room for a couple of the big ones on the 80gb. So I mounted the 320 and had Steam install them there. That looked like a solution. But......
-Problem is that Steam can't find those games now, after a reboot. So I remounted the 320 and then Steam found it, but not in a functional way. See, the game's button in Steam changed to "Play" but when you'd click play, it would (mouse cursor) spins and spins, screen flickers a bit, then it stops. Really it closes without fully opening.
- I uninstalled Steam figuring I messed it up. I'll reinstall it. But the question is, how in the heck to I get this to work, I would think there's a way to get this to work, but I'm in over my head.
[I got one suggestion to add the second drive to mount upon boot, if that is a good idea, how do I do that? And if it's not a good idea, any other suggestions?]

uteck 04-14-2021 01:46 PM

It sounds like your /home is on the 80Gb drive, and Steam installs games in your /home/.steam folder. So you could move that folder to the larger drive, then make a symlink to it. So you will have to mount during boot, this link should help:
Once that is done, you can move your .stem folder to the larger disk:

mv .steam /path/to/large/disk/Steam
ln -s /path/to/large/disk/Steam /home/$USER/.steam

web4web 04-15-2021 04:22 PM

Thank you Uteck
Mounting the 380gb drive fixed Steam's problem with finding games that were installed there. Thank you very much.

I have a couple of new problems but I will post on new thread. Thanks again.

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