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erik2282 05-12-2017 12:07 AM

getting data off an SSD
My OS: Debian Jessie amd64

I have an SSD (call it sdb) that I used to backup files. I backed up by using Dolphin to just copy folders over that I needed, Documents, Videos, etc. After installing Debian to the original SSD (call it sda), I connected sdb to my machine to restore the data but it did not show up in Dolphin. So I ran fdisk and got this:


root@server:~# fdisk -l

Disk /dev/sda: 238.5 GiB, 256060514304 bytes, 500118192 sectors
Units: sectors of 1 * 512 = 512 bytes
Sector size (logical/physical): 512 bytes / 512 bytes
I/O size (minimum/optimal): 512 bytes / 512 bytes
Disklabel type: gpt
Disk identifier: 452F960F-6B37-420C-9B0F-53650A3565D5

Device        Start      End  Sectors  Size Type
/dev/sda1      2048  1050623  1048576  512M EFI System
/dev/sda2    1050624 466704383 465653760  222G Linux filesystem
/dev/sda3  466704384 500117503  33413120  16G Linux swap

Disk /dev/sdb: 119.2 GiB, 128035676160 bytes, 250069680 sectors
Units: sectors of 1 * 512 = 512 bytes
Sector size (logical/physical): 512 bytes / 512 bytes
I/O size (minimum/optimal): 512 bytes / 512 bytes
Disklabel type: dos
Disk identifier: 0x29689d0f

Device    Boot Start      End  Sectors  Size Id Type
/dev/sdb1        2048 250069675 250067628 119.2G  7 HPFS/NTFS/exFAT

I tried mounting sdb1 but get the error below, as you can see I tried different ways:


root@server:~# mount /dev/sdb1 /media/newhd
mount: wrong fs type, bad option, bad superblock on /dev/sdb1,
      missing codepage or helper program, or other error

      In some cases useful info is found in syslog - try
      dmesg | tail or so.

root@server:/dev# mount -t ntfs /dev/sdb1 /media/newhd
NTFS signature is missing.
Failed to mount '/dev/sdb1': Invalid argument
The device '/dev/sdb1' doesn't seem to have a valid NTFS.
Maybe the wrong device is used? Or the whole disk instead of a
partition (e.g. /dev/sda, not /dev/sda1)? Or the other way around?

root@server:/dev# mount -t ntfs /dev/sdb /media/newhd
NTFS signature is missing.
Failed to mount '/dev/sdb': Invalid argument
The device '/dev/sdb' doesn't seem to have a valid NTFS.
Maybe the wrong device is used? Or the whole disk instead of a
partition (e.g. /dev/sda, not /dev/sda1)? Or the other way around?

root@server:/dev# mount -t ntfs-3g /dev/sdb1 /media/newhd
NTFS signature is missing.
Failed to mount '/dev/sdb1': Invalid argument
The device '/dev/sdb1' doesn't seem to have a valid NTFS.
Maybe the wrong device is used? Or the whole disk instead of a
partition (e.g. /dev/sda, not /dev/sda1)? Or the other way around?

root@server:/dev# mount -t ntfs-3g /dev/sdb /media/newhd
NTFS signature is missing.
Failed to mount '/dev/sdb': Invalid argument
The device '/dev/sdb' doesn't seem to have a valid NTFS.
Maybe the wrong device is used? Or the whole disk instead of a
partition (e.g. /dev/sda, not /dev/sda1)? Or the other way around?

What can I do to get my data back?

syg00 05-12-2017 01:09 AM

Do you have an appropriate NTFS helper installed ?. ntfs-3g p'raps, but I don't use Debian.
Was it unmounted properly before extraction ?.

erik2282 05-12-2017 06:26 AM

Yes, ntfs-3g comes with Debian Jessie by default. Im pretty sure I did the safe remove thing, not %100, but pretty sure...

syg00 05-12-2017 06:46 AM

Erk. Stick it in a Windoze box and see if it needs a chkdsk. Although 3g should tell you that if it could recognise the f/s.

fatmac 05-12-2017 06:56 AM

Suggest you do a 'dd' disk dump of it to a file to work on, always dodgy to work on ones only back up, I'm assuming it contains important data.

Likely it hadn't finished writing to disk when it was removed, try mounting your new 'image' to run a filesystem check on it.

erik2282 05-12-2017 08:40 AM

Thanks syg00, I'll try that.

fatmac, good idea. I'll dd it before doing anything else.

scheidel21 05-12-2017 02:25 PM

YOu could also try using ntfsfix /dev/sdb1 although it might be corrupt beyond a chkdsk.

jefro 05-12-2017 02:55 PM

What that disk dynamic instead of basic?

AwesomeMachine 05-12-2017 10:34 PM

How did you format the disk? Dynamic, basic. ntfs-3g won't mount dynamic disks. You have to convert it to a basic disk. See this:

syg00 05-12-2017 10:56 PM

The OP stated s?he was using Dolphin for backups prior to this issue.

erik2282 05-12-2017 11:33 PM


Originally Posted by jefro (Post 5709740)
What that disk dynamic instead of basic?

I'm not sure.

erik2282 05-12-2017 11:36 PM


Originally Posted by AwesomeMachine (Post 5709904)
How did you format the disk? Dynamic, basic. ntfs-3g won't mount dynamic disks. You have to convert it to a basic disk. See this:

Not sure, I thought it was NTFS, but not sure what is meant by dynamic and basic in this case. Thanks for the link, I'll look into it.

erik2282 05-12-2017 11:37 PM


Originally Posted by syg00 (Post 5709913)
The OP stated s?he was using Dolphin for backups prior to this issue.

Yes sir, thats correct. I just manually drag and drop in Dolphin gui.

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