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laonei 06-27-2005 03:37 AM

fsck failed

I am newbye. Installed on the system is 2.4.25-1-386. When started the computer I have this error. Help please?

warning fsck.reiserfs for device /dev/hdc2 exited with signal 6


dinolinux 06-27-2005 04:17 AM


It would help if you posted some more of the things that happened before here. Do you have another kernel installed? Which distro are you using?

laonei 06-27-2005 04:27 AM

Thank you for getting back to me dinolinux.

This computer is serving as a proxy. And the network administrator can't be reached. People were unable to access to Internet so I reloaded it. And then had this error.

Can't tell you much about what he previously did.

Saw in this forum that editing /etc/fstab could work. I am now in the folder /etc but I don't know the command lines to editing in linux. Can you help for that too?

dinolinux 06-27-2005 04:50 AM


Some years of experience in Linux should be enough to help you edit the files you need :p

Don't forget to be root when editing /etc/fstab!
When you're in /etc you can choose an editor if you want a editor that beeps every second type:

vi /etc/fstab
If you want an easier version that beeps every five seconds type:

vim /etc/fstab
If you want another much easier version type:

nano /etc/fstab
And finally if you want an advanced, not too difficult, good looking editor type:

emacs /etc/fstab
Now the editing! I can tell you a lot about all the editors, but to make it easy, I'll only explain emacs and vim.
In vim, at once you have started it, type i and you can start editing your file. If your backspace key don't work, use the arrow keys to the beginning of the word/line to remove and press your delete key. When done editing, press esc and type : and you'll see a : on the last line, then type w and your file is saved. Then type :q to exit.
In emacs you can begin editing without pressing any keys. When you're done press F10, then f and then s. Your file is saved. To exit type Alt+X+C and you're done!

laonei 06-27-2005 05:14 AM

You're saving my life.

I tried all your suggestions vi, emacs and vim. All gave me back a command not found. What else can I do?

dinolinux 06-27-2005 05:27 AM


To get the list of editors type:

apropos editor
This should give you a list of editors. This is all editors on the system if you want text editors look into the right coulmn and look after text editor.

laonei 06-27-2005 05:29 AM

Thanks again dinolinux,

I'll try that.

laonei 06-27-2005 09:33 AM

Hi again,

Looks like it's a disk failure. I'll try to change it and reinstall the system.

Thanks a lot for your help, you really saved my life.


lnebrown 10-12-2005 09:12 AM

where's the boot message log?
I think I'm having the same error, but it's all flying by so fast that I can't get a good idea of what's going on. I'm assuming that all of these startup messages are saved in a log somewhere, but I can't seem to find the right one.

I have Suse 9.1, and right now my computer boots up to the point where I'm asked for root password and seem to be at a prompt where I can do the typical command line stuff. I tried running the Yast repiar function of the install disk, but it didn't fix anything when all said and done. The only things it asked me to fix where to remove a fstab entry (secondary hard drive that I disconnected to prevent problems after this all started last week. I cancelled this action) and it wanted to reinstall my grub setup, which i approved. All appears exactly the same after this.

So about that log, any advice?

dinolinux 10-12-2005 09:27 AM

/var/log has some nice stuff in it. You may want to look at /var/log/messages to get all the system messages :)

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