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jothi_bass2000 03-14-2006 06:59 AM

Hai all,
I ve removed the entry n this.

Penguin of Wonder 03-14-2006 08:16 AM


Originally Posted by jothi_bass2000
Hai all,
I want to login as a superuser without knowing the password of it

Uhh, i'm pretty sure you can't do that. If you don't know your root password, your going to have to go in the hardway and change it.

jothi_bass2000 03-14-2006 11:32 PM


Originally Posted by Penguin of Wonder
Uhh, i'm pretty sure you can't do that. If you don't know your root password, your going to have to go in the hardway and change it.

i ve removed this entry.

jothi_bass2000 03-15-2006 12:18 AM

Hai all,
I got a problem, i.e. when I unzip a zip file it is unzipped two files only, but it contains 10 files then it it showing like this ide0(3,3): write failed, user block limit reached.

filename: write error (disk full?). Continue? (y/n/^C)

Penguin of Wonder 03-15-2006 05:05 PM


Originally Posted by jothi_bass2000
Hai all,
I got a problem, i.e. when I unzip a zip file it is unzipped two files only, but it contains 10 files then it it showing like this ide0(3,3): write failed, user block limit reached.

filename: write error (disk full?). Continue? (y/n/^C)

The error is telling you that the partition your trying to unzip the archive onto is full. Hence it only unzips two of ten files because it only has room to extract those two and nothing else. Clean up your partition or unzip it onto another.

XavierP 03-15-2006 05:17 PM

Moved: This thread is more suitable in Linux-Newbie and has been moved accordingly to help your thread/question get the exposure it deserves.

chrism01 03-15-2006 05:30 PM

To temporarily become root without root passwd, you need an entry in the sudo file that gives you
su -

Note the diff:
logs you in as root, but with your orig user's env, so root only cmds will not be avail.
su -
(note the space between su & '-') logs you in as root WITH root's environment.

jothi_bass2000 04-20-2006 03:55 AM

Where the sudo will be available and what changes I 've to do
in that file.plse reply.

chrism01 04-20-2006 11:52 PM

Using sudo util, you login to root acct as expalined, but using your persoanl non-root passwd.
For full details see
man sudo
the file is /etc/sudoers

jothi_bass2000 04-21-2006 11:21 PM

Hello, the file /etc/sudoers has a read permission for root only, so I cant view it.

jothi_bass2000 06-01-2006 12:22 AM

Hai all,
I want to install a patch in my Linux server, so what should I do. I dont have admin account and install account.


jothi_bass2000 06-01-2006 03:46 AM

In sudoers file below shown available where I ve to do the changes as root. I ve taken this file from another server in which I 've root permission but i asked for the another server which I dont know the root password. Plse tell
me what changes should i do from the below sudoers file content.

root ALL=(ALL) ALL
corview,sysadm ALL=NOPASSWD: /usr/bin/klpq, /usr/bin/printconf-gui, /sbin/netco
nf, /usr/bin/dateconfig, /usr/X11R6/bin/Xconfigurator, /usr/bin/killall, /home/c
orview/ricEMS/CMD/conf/, /sbin/route , /usr/local/bin/, /
usr/local/bin/tciconf, /usr/local/bin/sttysettings, /usr/local/bin/updatemailcon
f, /usr/local/bin/, /usr/local/bin/, /usr/local/bin/NMSco
nfig-services, /usr/local/bin/CheckBadBlocks
remotebkp ALL=NOPASSWD: /usr/bin/cdrecord, /usr/bin/mkisofs, /usr/bin/eject
admin ALL=NOPASSWD: /usr/local/bin/
admin ALL=NOPASSWD: /usr/local/bin/runcorpat

jothi_bass2000 06-12-2006 08:10 AM

Hai all,
I got a problem while logging in "/bin/login : error while
loading shared open shared object file : Error 23" . And also a error while switching between database The error is shown below
"connectDBStart() -- socket() failed: errno=23
Too many open files in system
Previous connection kept"

Thanks & regards,

timmeke 06-12-2006 09:02 AM

You won't have access to /etc/sudoers unless you're root. Only root is of course allowed to make other users "temporarily" root (using sudo) for the users he/she wants and only for certain commands.
This is logical: if it was not the case, anyone could change the sudoers file and give himself root access (security hazard). I remind you also of the fact that root access is something to be handled with extreme care.

A sudoers file from another machine may be helpful as an example, but can't be used on your machine because you'll still need root access to overwrite the /etc/sudoers file.
In other words

cp /other/machines/sudoers /etc/sudoers #or mv
won't work, unless you have root access.

Possible solutions:
* Ask for root access on the machine to a "network administrator". If you're not allowed to have it, we'll need to look at alternatives to fix your problems without reverting to root access.
* If there is no "administrator" of the machine who knows the root password, you can forcibly change it, providing you have physical access to the machine. This implies a system reboot, which may not be allowed for a critical production system and/or if other people are working on the same machine.


Too many open files in system
There is a limitation on the number of open files any user can have on a machine (at the same time).
So, close some files. "lsof" (list of open files) can help you track down any open files.

You said you wanted to install a patch. Software installation is also left up to root in many cases (especially if it involves installing programs into directories only writable by root, like /bin).

It's likely that allocating sockets, ie for your DB, is also allowed only by root, because sockets can be used for network communication. Opening up your machine to the network, can leave it open to outside attack and thus must be "handled with care" (in other words: can be done by root only).

jothi_bass2000 06-12-2006 11:11 PM

The problem "Too many open files in system" is observed when swiching from one database to other. While logging in I got a problem
"/bin/login : error while
loading shared open shared object file : Error 23"
After this msge the terminal got hanged, Cant do anything and I manually closed it.

Thanks & regards,

jothi_bass2000 06-12-2006 11:13 PM

Regarding installing a patch.
I ve root permission, how to install a patch in my PC.

In vi editor how I can select a column and delete it.
Plse give the command.

Thanks & regards,

jothi_bass2000 06-12-2006 11:50 PM

I got the below message when do ssh to a server. If I remove the .ssh file in home directory and then ty then its ok. Can you tell me about this and also the contents in .ssh file.

Someone could be eavesdropping on you right now (man-in-the-middle attack)!
It is also possible that the RSA host key has just been changed.
The fingerprint for the RSA key sent by the remote host is
Please contact your system administrator.
Add correct host key in /home/admin/.ssh/known_hosts2 to get rid of this message.
Offending key in /home/admin/.ssh/known_hosts2:4
RSA host key for has changed and you have requested strict checking."
here "" is the host Ip address.
Thanks & regards,

jothi_bass2000 06-13-2006 01:53 AM

For the I need reply immediately bcze I want to know that & to solve that. I ve some more questions to u.

Thanks & regards,

timmeke 06-15-2006 02:39 AM

Can you login using some other method, like telnet, ssh, etc? I'm not sure if this will avoid the standard "/bin/login", but it may give you sufficient access.

If you do get on the machine, you could try looking for the file (use "whereis" or "slocate" commands for instance).

But then again, all these problems may be interrelated. For instance, let's assume your disk is completely full, then you can't create or open any files and you can get all sorts of errors...

Hence, I recommend sticking to one problem at a time, starting by fixing the disk space issue first. We'll deal with sudo/su access and your DB connection issue later.

jothi_bass2000 06-15-2006 05:51 AM

ok u can tell me regarding sudo/su and also I want to know about .bashrc file. Because
I have moved this file to some other place and when I login the prompt is different.
Before I move the prompt looks like "[corems:admin]~ >"
After I moved the or removed the prompt looks like "bash-2.05$"
So I ve found that the .bashrc file is created again.

Thanks & regards,

jothi_bass2000 06-15-2006 05:56 AM

For login problem u ve told that to see "". The file is not found in my server.

timmeke 06-15-2006 06:30 AM

In what ways did you try to find it? Please post your commands and their results, if possible.
If "whereis" and "slocate" didn't find the lib file, then it's not in your $PATH.
Please post the result of

echo $PATH
A quick search however turned up no results for a file called (ie a place to download it, etc).

Can you please post the contents of your .bashrc file (the original one)?

It's normal that your prompt changes. In your old .bashrc, the prompt was probably altered by setting the $PS1 and/or $PS2 environment variables. When you changed the .bashrc file, the prompt probably reverted to the default (or to the setting in /etc/bashrc).

jothi_bass2000 06-16-2006 07:51 AM

This is the reply for the question "Installation of patch"
"You said you wanted to install a patch. Software installation is also left up to root in many cases (especially if it involves installing programs into directories only writable by root, like /bin)."
I ve root permission then how to install a patch?

In vi editor how to select a column and deleting it?

timmeke 06-16-2006 09:50 AM

What "patch" are you talking about? A kernel patch? An upgrade of a software package?
Did you try your package manager?

For vim, you can find almost any command's help by typing ":help".
":set mouse=a" makes vim listen better to the mouse actions.
What you requested, can be done by:
-left clicking and holding on upperleft character;
-pressing (just once, not holding it) Ctrl-V (for Visual Block mode)
-dragging your mouse to the lowerright character.
This should select a vertical block ranging between the upperleft and lowerright character. At least, it did so on my box.

Basic vi is much more simple then vim and supports less options, so I can't help you with that.
Most modern Linux systems should provide vim instead of vi though. Start vi by typing simply "vi" and see
if that tells you if it's "vi" or "vim".

jothi_bass2000 06-19-2006 02:34 AM


I m asking the command to select a column in vi or vim. By visual mode I can select a line, block etc. But if I want to copy a column or to delete which command I could use? plse tell me.

timmeke 06-19-2006 06:29 AM

I'm not referring to Visual mode, but to Visual Block mode.
By following what I told you, I was able to select a column.

Deletion, copying, etc probably uses the standard commands (ie yy for copy, dd for delete, etc).

See the help (type ":help"). The list of commands is just too long to cover here.

jothi_bass2000 06-21-2006 12:55 AM

Problem in Execution of scripts in bin
ok thanx,
I cant execute a script by placing it in bin. Previously I ve done by placing it in bin.
Can u tell what is the problem ? I cant excute anything which is placed in bin from other directory.

Thanks & regards,

timmeke 06-21-2006 01:47 AM

Can you be a little more specific? What are you trying to run in /bin? What are the file permissions on this file? What are the mount options of the disk /bin is part of?

jothi_bass2000 06-30-2006 04:38 AM

Regarding /bin
The files in /bin has all r,w,e permissions. Previously I ve executed that, I think now
some problem has occured. The files are the script generated by myself.

Thanks & regards,

timmeke 06-30-2006 06:28 AM

So, your script can't run some tools in bin, that do exist and are executable, right?
Can you tell me how your scripts call the tools in /bin?
ie if you call "mv", your $PATH plays a role. If you call it as "/bin/mv", then your $PATH isn't involved at all.

jothi_bass2000 07-04-2006 04:47 AM

regarding utilities in bin
this is my server's $PATH o/p
I cant get what u mean...
Previouly the utilities placed by others and by me in bin are executed from any place but now it is not possible.

jothi_bass2000 07-04-2006 04:58 AM

I got it, bcze the .bash_profile has been removed by

jothi_bass2000 07-25-2006 02:38 AM

This has been Removed

timmeke 07-31-2006 02:19 AM

"links" is a text browser for the internet.
You must install it (if there's a suitable version for your platform) before you can use it.

jothi_bass2000 08-04-2006 05:29 AM

sorry its deleted

jothi_bass2000 08-11-2006 04:55 AM

Thanks & regards,

jothi_bass2000 09-14-2006 01:00 AM

This message has been removed

timmeke 09-14-2006 01:46 AM

Yeah, "man bash" would. % in this case is the "remainder" operator.
So $((($RANDOM % 15) + 4)) is the same as: get the remainder of the division of $RANDOM by 15, then add 4 to this remainder and echo whatever the result is.

jothi_bass2000 09-15-2006 01:17 AM


jothi_bass2000 09-26-2006 07:24 AM


Message deletd

timmeke 09-27-2006 03:41 AM

I'm no expert in encryption, but maybe you can start with reading up on PGP/GPG, for instance on
Also, check out the security forum here on LQ and look up (Google) details on RSA and/or encryption algorithms.

jothi_bass2000 12-07-2006 12:17 AM

Error mount & umount
.........This has been removed

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