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llnarayan 02-06-2011 10:58 PM

Determining CPU utilization using Glance
I have the following details which i got for a particular PID from Glance. I was running a Load Test and determing the CPU utilization for that particular PID.

Glance Started/Reset: 02/06/2011 15:13:56
^LB0000A Glance C.04.70.000 23:19:51 indlin03 x86_64 Current Avg High
CPU Util | 0% 35% 99%
DiskUtil | 0% 5% 88%
Mem Util UB | 7% 17% 52%
Swap Util U | 1% 1% 1%
Resources PID: 5373, java PPID: 5331 euid: 500 User:crmnft
CPU Usage (util): 0.00 Total RSS : 3.73gb
User CPU : 0.00 Text VSS : 40kb
System CPU : 0.00 Data VSS : 3.91gb
Priority : 23 Stack VSS : 96kb
Nice Value : 0 Total VSS : 3.98gb
Blocked On : died
Major Faults : 0
Minor Faults : 191
Processor : 2
C - cum/interval toggle % - pct/absolute toggle

Argv1: weblogic.Server

Here i was observing the CPU utilization.
Can anyone help to uderstand the significance of the fields under Total RSS, Text VSS, Data VSS, Stack VSS, Total VSS.


prodev05 02-08-2011 03:35 AM

The Glance output itself very handy. For more information see "man glance"

llnarayan 02-09-2011 03:56 AM

No manual entry for glance. Please share the info if it posts.


prodev05 02-09-2011 04:09 AM

browse for man page. Other than it should have built it pdf for the glance. But I'm not sure about the path, I worked 2.5 yrs ago. I forgot :)

prodev05 02-09-2011 04:10 AM

Here is the one I got from Google glance

llnarayan 02-16-2011 07:00 AM

Hi Arun,
Thanks for the reply. But i cannot find anything related to my query in the link provided.
I wanted to know the significance of the fields under Total RSS, Text VSS, Data VSS, Stack VSS, Total VSS.

The data is displayed when monitoring using glance.


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