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Dominique1956 10-01-2009 01:03 PM

Copy files from machine1 to machine2

I am trying to copy files from a machine1 to a machine2. I was looking at a thread of 2006 they were using nc but so far i could not find this command.

Any new command or other way to do the copy?


lazlow 10-01-2009 01:10 PM

How are the two machines connected? NFS, Cifs, etc.

mirjeddi 10-01-2009 01:12 PM


Yes you can use scp,rsync commands to copy files from a machine1 to a machine2.

sploot 10-01-2009 01:15 PM

they are connected by a router, yes?

turn sshd on for both the remote computer.


rsync -rvP user@remoteComputerIP:/where/your/file/is /where/you/want/it/to/go/
This should do it. :)

Or you could try scp, but scp won't recover from errors like rsync will, so I suggest rsync.

Also, read the man pages on rsync to get more info on options.

Good luck!

ptrivino 10-01-2009 01:18 PM

rsync is good for copying files
I have to copy files between servers all the time. If you need a bunch copied, use rsync:

rsync -avP --exclude="/proc" root@<server>:/ .

The above will copy all files from <server> to the current directory (the dot), excluding the /proc directory. Look at the man page for rsync to see what the "-avP" options do.

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