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SarahGurung 11-24-2015 01:04 AM

Changing runlevels for particular service in Debian

I am new with debian. I wanted to know the commands in debian to see the list of running services and their runlevels.

In CentOs we can do it by using chkconfig. I want to do the same in Debian but unable to do so. Moreover i am running postfix in Debian and whenever i restart the server, the changes made in postfix go backs to the default one. How can i rectify that.

Your help would be highly appreciated.


LanceTaylor 11-24-2015 01:29 PM

Debian does not give any special meaning to runlevels 2-5 by default. You can see which services are running with:

service --status-all
If you want to modify the runlevels you can do so with update-rc.d to add/remove symlinks in the /etc/rc?.d dirs.

SarahGurung 11-24-2015 11:50 PM


Thank You for the reply.

I went through the directories you ave mentioned and there are many rc... directories and inside every directory there is postfix. SO what should i do to make the changes in the postfix config file a permanent one because whenever i restart the server, the postfix config goes back to default. I even installed chkconfig and checked the runlevel of postfix, looks fine.

How can that be prevented?I want the changes to be there..

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