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vuthachh 07-05-2004 10:38 PM

Xwindows problem with RH 7.2
Hi, all of you on the forum,
yes, now I have one problem, on saturday, I tried to install RH7.2 on my PC. For the installing has no problem, it can start to Xwindows, but now it can't start in Xwindows more.

Before is no problem but when I used command # setup ==> chossed system services ===> Run Tool and I changed something like this:[*] xfs to [] xfs[*] wine to [] wine[*] crond to [] crond

because when turned of PC it always starting on xfs and crond take a few minutes , therefor I changed as abow.
Then reboot PC, but after I can't start Xwindows again, it can only staring on dosprompt, and if I pressed on Ctrl+Alt+ F1 key button I saw some thing like below:

Red Hat Linux release 7.2 (Enigma)
Kernel 2.4.7-10 on an i686
INIT : Switching to runlevel :3
INIT : Sending processes the TERM Signail
Starting ntpd :
Starting automount : No mountpoints Defined [OK]
Starting Identd : [OK]
Starting Snmpd : [OK]
Starting routed (RIP) services : [OK]
Starting lpd : No printer Defined [OK]
Starting NFS Services : [OK]
Starting NFS quotas : [OK]
Starting NFS mountd : [OK]
Starting daemon : [OK]
Starting rstat services : [OK]
Starting MYSQL : [OK]
Starting Sttpd : [OK]
Starting Crond : [OK]
Starting xfs : [OK]
Please run makehistory and/or makedbz before Starting Innd.
Starting wine [FAILED]

So I dind't know if problem of I changed as below or not, then I pressed on Ctrl + Alt+ F2 and login as root and run the command setup again but every thing which I changed before reboot PC is the same it didn't change.

And now I did't understand why it was happen like this, so I would like all of you who have alot experience please help me more or give some advice how can I resolv this problem?

thanks for all of your kinds,


ppuru 07-05-2004 11:24 PM

xfs is the font service daemon. For X to come up successfully, xfs service should be running.

vuthachh 07-06-2004 02:25 AM

Thanks, for your reply but now i check it on command setup again and xfs is not changed. So I need to use /etc/rc.d/init.d/xfs/restart ? but normaly if we did't use like this when we rebbot pc it is the same or not?
But for xfs is OK when it start, it has problem only wine it starting [FAILED].


ppuru 07-06-2004 02:53 AM

From the console Ctrl-Alt-F1 or F2 or ...

/sbin/chkconfig --level 2345 xfs on

/sbin/service xfs start

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