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Louwrens 08-27-2005 12:55 PM

Xorg log: "X: client rejected ..."

Im not too sure whether this thread should be placed in the network forum, but here goes:

When running an X server on

X :1
And trying to connect an xterm to it from

$ xterm -display
Xlib: connection to "" refused by server
Xlib: No protocol specified

It fails because it is rejected by the X server. Xserver log:

AUDIT: Sat Aug 27 17:34:45 2005: 3681 X: client 1 rejected from IP
How can this be? And what file should I edit to get it to work?

BTW: All this might be caused by the fact that I was fiddling around endlessly trying to get xdm+xdmcp working. It still isn't, I can't even login from localhost via xdm!
I think the above problem should be fixed before attampting to fix xdm, is this true?

btmiller 08-27-2005 05:59 PM

Look at the xhost command (read man xhost), which allows you to set connection permissions to the X server.

Louwrens 08-28-2005 11:39 AM

I've tried xhost before but without success. After another try it seems it only alters the permissions when there is atleast one client attached to the server (such as xterm). When there is nothing attached to the X server, I can run xhost, but the screen flickers and the permissions are back to default. Am I correct? and why isnt this in the manual if I am?

timsoft 09-29-2005 03:12 AM

Assuming you have telnet or ssh'ed to
1. type export DISPLAY=
this tells any xwindows programs you run in this session to redirect output to your xwindows server.

2. Back on the xwindows server ( ,make sure xwindows is running. edit /etc/X11/xdm/Xaccess and uncomment the line
#* #any host can get a login windows
(save the file) then type
this will set some security (not much) and let the xserver accept program
output from . It has to talk to a running xserver, and the settings are lost when the session is over.

3. now back on in your session where you just typed the export statement, try running somthing eg
startkde &
it should work now.
(it works for me running an xserver via cygwin on a windows pc, running the xprograms on a linux pc.)

Regards, Tim

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