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andrewdodsworth 06-08-2004 02:43 AM

Fantastic - I've been following this post waiting for an answer - I'd upgraded from SuSE 9.0 to 9.1 - thought Samba server was broken not client and had to backtrack in a hurry. Guess I should have waited a bit longer to upgrade!

sipherix 10-27-2004 02:48 PM

Im having the Username/access problems too on my machine. so any headway on this topic or a answer that would fix this plz post....

rhnstn 11-12-2004 02:34 PM

Ditto (almost)
I have suse 9.1 in a network with windows 98 and Unixware 2.0.
There are two shares on windows and two on Unix.
The windows shares are C: and D:.
The two on unix are public (root) and homes (/home/username).
Permissions are wide open on both unix shares.
The problem occurs on three of the four shares.
It also occurs on certain folders within the shares.
Public on unix is ok as long as you browse away from /home.
If you try to go to /home, the problem occurs.
/home is where the problem is, because if you click the homes
folder in Konqueror, it hangs on /home, not /home/username.
On windows, it happens browsing to C; or D:

I found out how to get it to kinda work, at least on my setup.
If I click on the address bar, delete the @username, and press enter, it works ok.
The problem then occurs when backing up off the share.
You can go hack up the address bar again to get going,
but the easiest way is to hit back again.

Here's the wild part -
From what I've seen so far, once you complete this procedure with any share
or subfolder, the problem for that share or subfolder goes away.

Hope this helps.

rimcrazy 11-12-2004 04:13 PM

A couple of hacks that both work.

Go into the Konqueror address bar and type:


Be sure to put the ending slash. Hit return and you samba shares should come up. Also, if you book
mark this and show the bookmark bar, then it is a non issue.

I've gone to mounting the samba shares I need the most. In particular, my tunes are on another
server and you MUST mount that directory if you want it to work in xmms.

whaase 11-15-2004 04:27 PM

This may point some people in the right direction. Samba3 has changed the way it passes information.


jvbryne 11-18-2004 06:38 AM

Hint: How to stop SMB from dying unexpectedly
I just did a clean install of 9.1 from Linux Mag cover-dvd and ran into the issue of smb dying unexpectedly when accessing SMB-shares.

Open the Control Center - Select YaST2 modules - Select Network Services - Select Samba Client

At this stage YaST is complaining that this service can't be administered because the smbwinbind-package (i think its the samba-winbind-package) is missing and it demands another look at my DVD ;) After installing this package SMB-browsing from Konqueror works as one should expect :)

Hope this works for you :)

cat-21 11-30-2004 09:07 PM

To Correct Network Browsing: Follow steps

1. Install popt-1.7-176.3.i586.patch.rpm

2. Upgrade Samba from 3.02 to Samba 3.04

1 ldapsmb-1.31-0.4.i58..> 14-May-2004 19:37 40k
2 libsmbclient-3.0.4-1..> 14-May-2004 19:37 526k
3 libsmbclient-devel-3..> 14-May-2004 19:37 572k
4 samba-3.0.4-1.2.i586..> 14-May-2004 19:37 6.9M
5 samba-client-3.0.4-1..> 14-May-2004 19:37 5.6M
6 samba-doc-3.0.4-1.2...> 14-May-2004 19:37 10.8M
7 samba-pdb-3.0.4-1.2...> 14-May-2004 19:37 49k
8 samba-python-3.0.4-1..> 14-May-2004 19:37 4.4M
9 samba-winbind-3.0.4-..> 14-May-2004 19:37 1.3M

Should be golden after this. smb4k is also a good alternative as well........

asmirnov 12-29-2004 04:59 PM


Originally posted by pirisisi
I installed the SMB Share Browser program Smb4K from
and it connects to my Windows machines without any problems.

You may want to install the latest and greatest 0.4.0 from sources. However, the ready-made 0.3.2 SuSE 9.0 rpm which can be found in the binaries download section installed without a hitch and works quite well with my 9.1. I just needed to suid root smbmnt and smbumount.

This is funny, because Smb4K opens the shares in konqueror and they work, even though trying to open the shares straight from konq doesn't.
I got a stupid question - how do you start the Smb4K program? I installed the rpm (4.1.0a) but do not know how to run it. "whereis" and "locate" do not return anything for smb4k or Smb4K other than the icon file. Sorry for the off-topic post.

Sabicas 12-30-2004 01:23 AM

Absolutely no offense intended to anyone who's posted but I've used samba and correctly configured it in every version of SuSE since 9.0. I don't believe this is a bug. I've also never used a workaround, that I know of anyway.

This is what I do. I use Yast, because it's simple. On the linux computer that you want to view from Windows you need to go to the Yast samba server side configuration (I'm doing this from memory), and enter in all of your network information. Ok next you need to setup a samba user (or password) with

smbpasswd -a username
, execute it from a terminal. I would not recommend using root for this due to security.

If your on XP I would run the network wizard from within internet connections in the control panel after executing this. Make sure your LAN address is in sync with your linux machines address, hostname, domain, workgroup, whatever.

After that it should work.

Sorry, if I left something out; like I said I'm doing all this from memory.:D

rockbar 01-07-2005 06:14 AM

rights smb
In my case I could fix the problem by updating smb client and server with the online patches.
Works great.
Now I can mount network folders and access them. I wrote commands in my fstab, as i was used to in Suse 9.0. Now on Suse 9.1 I have the problems that I can acess my folders but cannot write anymore. So there must a problem with the rights? As root I can write on this folders. So where is the problem?
Furthermore I can't acces my folders on this PC from another workstation. It doesn't prompt for password. It just opens and shows the print folder.


robertsimp 01-28-2005 07:01 AM

support for smbfs filesystem needed?
I'm quite new to Linux and have been trying to configure Samba to see Windows shares. I'm using SuSE Pro 9.1 and have now installed all the latest online updates. I hope this is not too much of a newbie question, but I was reading in an older textbook (Dec 2002) that support for the smbfs filesystem needs to be configured into the Kernel. When I look at the /proc/filesystems I noticed that it wasn't a supported filesystem with the original installation or after the updates.

Can anyone set me straight on this one? Do I need this compiled into the Kernel? Do other people on this thread have it listed in /proc/filesystems ?

I'm about to try all the different workarounds described here on the thread. Comforting to know that it wasn't just me who was having these troubles.

regards Rob

mfeoli 02-15-2005 04:30 PM


Has anyone found a solution for this problem, I am experiencing it under Suse 9.2 , will try the smb4k workarround but also need to authenticate into the domain, not sure smb4k can help on this


rimcrazy 02-16-2005 01:03 AM

A few things I've found since I made this original post.

1) First make SURE that your user ID and password on windows an in SuSE are exactly the same.
2) I've seen quirks where I don't believe your samba user ID is initialized correctly. Do the following:

phil@dilbert:~> su
dilbert:/home/phil # smbpasswd -a phil
New SMB password:
Retype new SMB password:
dilbert:/home/phil #

I added myself as a samba user and set my password the same as my windows account.

3) Open the KDE control center. Go into Network & Internet browsing. Enter in your user ID
password and Workgroup name.

4) Make sure you have shares set up on your windows machines and that they have been setup with the
same workgroup name. Fire up Konqueror and click on the network icon on the left side. If you don't see
the icon's on the left side hit F9. This is a toggle to see your services. Click on Local Network and
hopefully you should see at least two Icons, one labled All SLP Services and Windows Network. Click on
Windows Network and you should see your workgroup.

I've just switched my Window$ boxes from win2k to winxp. Now I understand why everbody is so pissed
off about SP2. There are some definite strange things going on in winxp that for the moment I haven't figured
out, but this is a Linux forum not a windoze forum so I'll just keep pluggin into what screwed up things Billy
Boy has done to me now.

A few comments on Konqueror. I'm amazed at all of the protocols that it does support. Windows Explorer is
a broken tricycle compared to this Ferrari. For grins open up Info Center (if you are using SuSE) and look under
the Protocols tab. That entire list are the different protocols you can use in Konqueror. I've used it for SSH
tunnels between my house and my son's. Works like a champ. Pretty slick tool.

mfeoli 02-21-2005 12:14 PM

Well Well,

I did the following and worked out... don't know which part of it did the trick

I installed all the 3.0.11 versions ( including LAPD )
still no browse

I went to the the YAST Control Center, Run Level Editor
I then disabled the firewall
and then disabled the SMBFS (to start it again which by the way I couldn't do)

I went back and enabled the firewall

Browsing started to work, ?!

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