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Sotoprior 07-19-2018 01:14 PM

What modifications can I do to my Phone to have a stronger signal reciprocation?
About a week or so from this post on a Wednesday afternoon, I had my Samsung phone of about three long good years stolen from me after all this time from the facility where I worked and volunteered my time in, along with all the vital information it had with it; (A one-last Punch to the groin before my inevitable departure, it would seem.) Well several dead-end complaints and reports later, I eventually found myself in front of one of my many local grocery outlets, filling out registration forms and receiving my Tax funded Obama-phone from this company associate called "Truconnect". Equipped with ear-shredding startup sound, unwanted pre-installed irrevocable apps, spam notifications and all.

Now as easily fixable the apps and settings can be, as it is an Android based phone, the reception on it for local area connections in open to even my own home network WiFi, is absolutely terrible, even when close to a direct access point, will it still randomly decide to disconnect the WiFi unbeknownst to my knowledge or control at times. And it will even have the galls to tell me sometimes that even when I have it connected, (after about a minute or two waiting for it to "approve" connecting to the wireless network,) that despite being connected, that the network provides no internet. Now I will disclaim here, that this is absolutely not a network firewall, or authentication server issue, as both my home, and open network at work that I connect to are both equally accepting of new devices, (granted the authentication password is put in,) with standard security. So it is nothing of those equipment involved that are to blame. It's simply the receiver on my phone, (as I would guess,) seeming to have an incredibly short signal range, no better than little toy radios they sell to kids.

Before my phone had been hijacked from me, I remember never having to struggle receiving internet access from the comfort of my own bed with my old 2015 Samsung Galaxy Advant. Now I have to constantly have to practically pray it stays connected long enough to watch a 5 min video podcast from YouTube. This "Truconnect" Phone, (as I'm basically kind of forced to call it as it is seemingly unbranded otherwise,) may possibly have a slight issue with its Wireless NIC card, but I'm more concerned about replacing it entirely with something more a kin to receiving AC connectivity, assuming it is even possible. I know I really shouldn't be expecting much otherwise, but I'd appreciate any advice for what I should do, as cash is tight, and I wish to fix what I have, necessarily. But yeah, any information to what I can do would be appreciated thanks.

mralk3 07-19-2018 01:36 PM

I don't think it's possible to boost the receiving signal of such a phone without breaking it. What you can do is boost the signal of your wireless access point for your home. Some wireless routers come with antennae that can be replaced with bigger ones. Some models of routers are supported by custom firmware like DD-WRT, Tomato, Open-WRT etc. To use custom firmware you have to flash your router with whatever file is provided by whichever project you choose. Custom firmware often allows the user to "over charge" the wireless signal by increasing the electricity output into the antennae . The easiest thing to do regarding your router is just replace your wireless router with one that has a stronger signal. If you do not have the cash to replace your router, you can also buy drop in WiFi repeaters for your home that will boost the wireless signal in designated areas.

You have a few options. Remember that the phone you have is very cheap and it is possible that none of my suggestions will work.

jlinkels 07-19-2018 01:44 PM

It seems to me it is a hardware defect or if not, a design error. If it does not connect even when you close to an access point it cannot be correct.

Both solving the hardware error and any design error is beyond the skills of a user. It is not a 1930 AM radio.

If even close to an access point the connection is not reliable any tricks to increase signal levels is useless.


scasey 07-19-2018 03:05 PM

New phone? Return it for refund or exchange...

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